I will never understand the rightwing's uncompromising trust of Big Business

Ok , good for you.

Unlike you tards, I can always back up my claims.

Now give us the link between the 2008 market crash and Dodd/Frank causing the housing mess.

Hey, dumbshit. The Dodd-Frank bill was passed AFTER the crash. Has this not sank in with you, yet?

They are not the same thing. Admit that and lets move on.

They are the same thing. Jesus, we are looking at seven pounds of brain damage here, folks.
Rightwingers go on and on about their disdain and lack of trust of the federal government yet these feelings are not shared of Big Business.

Doesn't it bother you that corporate crime prosecution is so low?

Doesn't it bother you that often times their only punishment is paying petty fines?

Doesn't it bother you just how evil Monsanto is? Nothing oppresses farmers like that corporation does.

Anyone care to explain? I trust government over some big corporations any day of the week (yes, I understand many corporations aren't evil).

Ken Lay is dead, Madoff is in jail, GE was fined, Crooked CEOs get their due. Do you trust the IRS? How about CDC? TSA? HHS? DOD? the FED? Fannie and Freddie? the VA?

Corporations are not inherently bad or good. They reflect the goodness or badness of their boards and officers.

Government is not inherently bad or good. It reflects the goodness or badness of the people we elect.

Government is inherently bad. Everything it does is based on force. Saying it depends on the goodness or badness of the people we elect is like saying the goodness of the Mafia depends on the goodness of the dons who murder their way to power.

You'd probably force your retired parents to work if you could. Not with a gun of course but by saying 'hey mom and dad, if you want to eat, better get a job'. Ah yes, anarchist generosity.

We all know that liberals are the ones who wouldn't take care of their parents if Social Security didn't exist. They have said many times how they believe old people would all starve without Social Security.
Rightwingers go on and on about their disdain and lack of trust of the federal government yet these feelings are not shared of Big Business.

Doesn't it bother you that corporate crime prosecution is so low?

Doesn't it bother you that often times their only punishment is paying petty fines?

Doesn't it bother you just how evil Monsanto is? Nothing oppresses farmers like that corporation does.

Anyone care to explain? I trust government over some big corporations any day of the week (yes, I understand many corporations aren't evil).

Ken Lay is dead, Madoff is in jail, GE was fined, Crooked CEOs get their due. Do you trust the IRS? How about CDC? TSA? HHS? DOD? the FED? Fannie and Freddie? the VA?

Corporations are not inherently bad or good. They reflect the goodness or badness of their boards and officers.

Government is not inherently bad or good. It reflects the goodness or badness of the people we elect.

Government is inherently bad. Everything it does is based on force. Saying it depends on the goodness or badness of the people we elect is like saying the goodness of the Mafia depends on the goodness of the dons who murder their way to power.

You'd probably force your retired parents to work if you could. Not with a gun of course but by saying 'hey mom and dad, if you want to eat, better get a job'. Ah yes, anarchist generosity.

We all know that liberals are the ones who wouldn't take care of their parents if Social Security didn't exist. They have said many times how they believe old people would all starve without Social Security.

Before SS, they did.
Rightwingers go on and on about their disdain and lack of trust of the federal government yet these feelings are not shared of Big Business.

Doesn't it bother you that corporate crime prosecution is so low?

Doesn't it bother you that often times their only punishment is paying petty fines?

Doesn't it bother you just how evil Monsanto is? Nothing oppresses farmers like that corporation does.

Anyone care to explain? I trust government over some big corporations any day of the week (yes, I understand many corporations aren't evil).

Ken Lay is dead, Madoff is in jail, GE was fined, Crooked CEOs get their due. Do you trust the IRS? How about CDC? TSA? HHS? DOD? the FED? Fannie and Freddie? the VA?

Corporations are not inherently bad or good. They reflect the goodness or badness of their boards and officers.

Government is not inherently bad or good. It reflects the goodness or badness of the people we elect.

Government is inherently bad. Everything it does is based on force. Saying it depends on the goodness or badness of the people we elect is like saying the goodness of the Mafia depends on the goodness of the dons who murder their way to power.

You'd probably force your retired parents to work if you could. Not with a gun of course but by saying 'hey mom and dad, if you want to eat, better get a job'. Ah yes, anarchist generosity.

So your just saying he's a Republican right?
Ken Lay is dead, Madoff is in jail, GE was fined, Crooked CEOs get their due. Do you trust the IRS? How about CDC? TSA? HHS? DOD? the FED? Fannie and Freddie? the VA?

Corporations are not inherently bad or good. They reflect the goodness or badness of their boards and officers.

Government is not inherently bad or good. It reflects the goodness or badness of the people we elect.
Not one of the perpetrators of the widespread securities fraud which contributed to the economic meltdown has spent an hour in jail.

They paid fines which add up to less than the profits they made from their scams. And that money for the fines came out of the stockholders' pockets.

Not one of the perpetrators of the ongoing widespread securities fraud which has taken place since the meltdown (LIBOR, ISDAfix, etc.) is under arrest.

I bet you can't even explain any of the workings of a single one of these frauds due to your willful blindness.

Absolutely true. Can you explain to me why the Attorney General, Eric Holder didn't indict and prosecute any of them?
Rightwingers go on and on about their disdain and lack of trust of the federal government yet these feelings are not shared of Big Business.

Doesn't it bother you that corporate crime prosecution is so low?

Doesn't it bother you that often times their only punishment is paying petty fines?

Doesn't it bother you just how evil Monsanto is? Nothing oppresses farmers like that corporation does.

Anyone care to explain? I trust government over some big corporations any day of the week (yes, I understand many corporations aren't evil).

Ken Lay is dead, Madoff is in jail, GE was fined, Crooked CEOs get their due. Do you trust the IRS? How about CDC? TSA? HHS? DOD? the FED? Fannie and Freddie? the VA?

Corporations are not inherently bad or good. They reflect the goodness or badness of their boards and officers.

Government is not inherently bad or good. It reflects the goodness or badness of the people we elect.

Government is inherently bad. Everything it does is based on force. Saying it depends on the goodness or badness of the people we elect is like saying the goodness of the Mafia depends on the goodness of the dons who murder their way to power.

You'd probably force your retired parents to work if you could. Not with a gun of course but by saying 'hey mom and dad, if you want to eat, better get a job'. Ah yes, anarchist generosity.

So your just saying he's a Republican right?

He sounds like one but he claims to be an anarchist.
Rightwingers go on and on about their disdain and lack of trust of the federal government yet these feelings are not shared of Big Business.

Doesn't it bother you that corporate crime prosecution is so low?

Doesn't it bother you that often times their only punishment is paying petty fines?

Doesn't it bother you just how evil Monsanto is? Nothing oppresses farmers like that corporation does.

Anyone care to explain? I trust government over some big corporations any day of the week (yes, I understand many corporations aren't evil).

Ken Lay is dead, Madoff is in jail, GE was fined, Crooked CEOs get their due. Do you trust the IRS? How about CDC? TSA? HHS? DOD? the FED? Fannie and Freddie? the VA?

Corporations are not inherently bad or good. They reflect the goodness or badness of their boards and officers.

Government is not inherently bad or good. It reflects the goodness or badness of the people we elect.

Yes, and corporations for the most part I think, tend to exist because they were successful businesses to begin with. People like success. Whats the alternative? Successful businesses and Corporations tend to drive the economy, a lot of people see Government as the opposite effect, their tendency is to slow down economic growth for various reasons. Some of those reasons may be neccesary and others not.

Well I think this resentment has more to do with how severely crimes are punished than anything else, its like you have several children and they all do something wrong and you spank all of your children except your favorite whom you give a slap on the wrist.

Well, i think politicians get away with much more, as we have seen , all they need to do is plead the 5th. they make the rules as they go along, and they are protected by the media. Tends to make a lot of Americans feel cut out of the process, like what good is it to vote anyway? The government can fail at anything and just borrow/ print more money, their leaders are not REALLY held accountable as they might be in private industry.
Not one of the perpetrators of the widespread securities fraud which contributed to the economic meltdown has spent an hour in jail.

Why not? Your god has been in power for 6 years, why has Mary Schapiro offered no indictments of Goldman Sachs, B of A, GE Capital, or any other major player?

They paid fines which add up to less than the profits they made from their scams. And that money for the fines came out of the stockholders' pockets.

Not one of the perpetrators of the ongoing widespread securities fraud which has taken place since the meltdown (LIBOR, ISDAfix, etc.) is under arrest.

I bet you can't even explain any of the workings of a single one of these frauds due to your willful blindness.

One thing is for damned sure, you can't explain these "frauds." The best you will do is provide clumsy cut & paste from Alternet or ThinkProgress.

I'd love to hear how LIBOR is a "fraud."

Face it, you have no fucking idea what you're talking about, and are tossing about terms you've heard on the hate sites, with no grasp of what they mean.
I think this deserves to be repeated:

question: is doing whatever is legal to maximize shareholder value a good or bad thing?

It leads to all kinds of bad. First, lobbying to make whatever shitty things they want to get away with, legal. Second, externalization of costs such as pollution mitigation and resource depletion. Third, short term planning such as GM continuing to build monster SUVs at a time when gas prices were about to spike. Fourth, the race to the bottom in moving industrial activity to third world countries. Fifth, a corporate environment permeated with fear that if an employee rocks the boat, they'll be outsourced. Sixth, tax avoidance to the point that infrastructure can no longer be maintained.

And these are just a few...
Oh. And Fannie and Freddie were not "forced" to make bad loans. That is unmitigated horseshit. That is a myth invented by idiots who had no understanding of the markets and the causes of the crash. It was an explanation invented in a short period to fill up air time before all the real causes had shaken out.

An invention by idiots for idiots.

Comrade, did a certain Witch Hunter named Janet Reno set precedent by using the DOJ to file civil suits against lending institutions which failed to meet the CRA objectives set forth by the Clinton Administration?

What do you think the effect of the federal government suing banks for failing to make enough toxic loans might have been on the policy of making such loans, particularly in light of the ability to roll them into mortgage backed securities and amortize the losses?

Look, I know you're a hack, but do you really expect to get away with complete distortions and fabrications?
I will never understand the leftwing's uncompromising trust in Big Government.
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I still want Comrade G5000 to explain how LIBOR is a fraud?

I suspect Comrade G5000 simply doesn't know what the words he tosses about mean:


LIBOR or ICE LIBOR (previously BBA LIBOR) is a benchmark rate that some of the world’s leading banks charge each other for short-term loans. It stands for IntercontinentalExchange London Interbank Offered Rate and serves as the first step to calculating interest rates on various loans throughout the world. LIBOR is administered by the ICE Benchmark Administration (IBA), and is based on five currencies: U.S. dollar (USD), Euro (EUR), pound sterling (GBP), Japanese yen (JPY) and Swiss franc (CHF), and serves seven different maturities: overnight, one week, and 1, 2, 3, 6 and 12 months. There are a total of 35 different LIBOR rates each business day. The most commonly quoted rate is the three-month U.S. dollar rate.

London Interbank Offered Rate LIBOR Definition Investopedia
Ok , good for you.

Unlike you tards, I can always back up my claims.

Now give us the link between the 2008 market crash and Dodd/Frank causing the housing mess.

Hey, dumbshit. The Dodd-Frank bill was passed AFTER the crash. Has this not sank in with you, yet?

They are not the same thing. Admit that and lets move on.

They are the same thing. Jesus, we are looking at seven pounds of brain damage here, folks.

you just contradicted yourself. first you say dodd/frank was after the crash and then you say they are the same thing--------------------you are the owner of the damaged brain, my little friend.
I think this deserves to be repeated:

question: is doing whatever is legal to maximize shareholder value a good or bad thing?

It leads to all kinds of bad. First, lobbying to make whatever shitty things they want to get away with, legal. Second, externalization of costs such as pollution mitigation and resource depletion. Third, short term planning such as GM continuing to build monster SUVs at a time when gas prices were about to spike. Fourth, the race to the bottom in moving industrial activity to third world countries. Fifth, a corporate environment permeated with fear that if an employee rocks the boat, they'll be outsourced. Sixth, tax avoidance to the point that infrastructure can no longer be maintained.

And these are just a few...

nothing but liberal lies and talking points. You probably believe that the acts of humans are changing the climate of our planet too, right?
Rightwingers go on and on about their disdain and lack of trust of the federal government yet these feelings are not shared of Big Business.

Doesn't it bother you that corporate crime prosecution is so low?

Doesn't it bother you that often times their only punishment is paying petty fines?

Doesn't it bother you just how evil Monsanto is? Nothing oppresses farmers like that corporation does.

Anyone care to explain? I trust government over some big corporations any day of the week (yes, I understand many corporations aren't evil).

Ken Lay is dead, Madoff is in jail, GE was fined, Crooked CEOs get their due. Do you trust the IRS? How about CDC? TSA? HHS? DOD? the FED? Fannie and Freddie? the VA?

Corporations are not inherently bad or good. They reflect the goodness or badness of their boards and officers.

Government is not inherently bad or good. It reflects the goodness or badness of the people we elect.

Government is inherently bad. Everything it does is based on force. Saying it depends on the goodness or badness of the people we elect is like saying the goodness of the Mafia depends on the goodness of the dons who murder their way to power.

You'd probably force your retired parents to work if you could. Not with a gun of course but by saying 'hey mom and dad, if you want to eat, better get a job'. Ah yes, anarchist generosity.

We all know that liberals are the ones who wouldn't take care of their parents if Social Security didn't exist. They have said many times how they believe old people would all starve without Social Security.

Before SS, they did.

No they didn't.
What amazes me is that all interactions with corporations are completely voluntary, yet liberals blame them for everything that's wrong with America. Government is the only entity that can use force to gain compliance, and liberals find that version of America preferable and acceptable.
What amazes me is that all interactions with corporations are completely voluntary, yet liberals blame them for everything that's wrong with America. Government is the only entity that can use force to gain compliance, and liberals find that version of America preferable and acceptable.

the defective liberal gene---------------there is no other explanation
sorry about that, but Dodd/Frank was written by two democrats. That bill was the direct cause of the so-called housing crisis.
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Oh, man, this is awesome.

Dodd-Frank was written AFTER the crisis, you unbelievably ignorant fool.

Wrong, the rash of bad mortgages and the financial crisis in fannie and freddie was caused by Dodd/Frank which forced banks to make bad loans to people who could never make the payments. Then those loans were discounted back to fannie and freddie putting them is a net loss position.

the ignorance is yours-------------fool.

Dodd-Frank was after the Financial Crisis. You're thinking of the CRA.

But the CRA was not the cause of the Financial Crisis either. The Financial Crisis was global. The CRA was not.
sorry about that, but Dodd/Frank was written by two democrats. That bill was the direct cause of the so-called housing crisis.
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Oh, man, this is awesome.

Dodd-Frank was written AFTER the crisis, you unbelievably ignorant fool. It was written in RESPONSE to the crisis.

Goddam, you are funny!

No he is not "funny". He "(Redfish) is a typical ignorant, stupid, hateful Republican. And proves it on almost every post. Nothing funny about it IMO.

You know wh
Some legal practices are immoral. Just because lobbyists succeeded in pulling strings, it doesn't make it right.

So, you are saying that americans should operate on "moral" grounds and ignore the laws? really?
What? Um no. That isn't what I said at all. I'm saying just because something is legal, it doesn't necessarily mean it is morally right.

Ok, fine. So back to my original question.

If a corporation does whatever it can legally do to maximize the return for its shareholders, is that good or bad? I am not asking for your personal definition of morality. We operate in this country on laws and the constitution. If you think our laws are immoral, I suggest that you tell your congressmen to work to change them.
You're asking for an all or nothing answer and that's stupid. My obviously reply is sometimes what's used to maximize return is bad and sometimes it isn't.

bad by whose definition? how can something be legal and bad? Corporations must operate within the law. Unlike the obama administration.

What do you think about Imelt (CEO of GE and obama buddie) cooking the books and keeping profits in foreign countries so that GE paid zero federal taxes? Good or bad? Legal or illegal?

And when the corporations are able to buy from our Congress a law that only benefits a chosen few in this country, that is perfectly all right with you I take it?

Or are you now going to deny that corporations own our Congress people and most of the rest of our government?

If corporations were able to get a law passed where the corporation paid zero income tax and the middle class paid 50%, and it was law, you good with that law also?

Of course you are. Gotta maximize those shareholder values right?

You a stupid, shallow fuck redfish.

YOU said Dodd Frank caused the housing crisis. Then refuse to admit you fucked up. You are pitiful dude.
sorry about that, but Dodd/Frank was written by two democrats. That bill was the direct cause of the so-called housing crisis.
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Oh, man, this is awesome.

Dodd-Frank was written AFTER the crisis, you unbelievably ignorant fool. It was written in RESPONSE to the crisis.

Goddam, you are funny!

No he is not "funny". He "(Redfish) is a typical ignorant, stupid, hateful Republican. And proves it on almost every post. Nothing funny about it IMO.

You know wh
So, you are saying that americans should operate on "moral" grounds and ignore the laws? really?
What? Um no. That isn't what I said at all. I'm saying just because something is legal, it doesn't necessarily mean it is morally right.

Ok, fine. So back to my original question.

If a corporation does whatever it can legally do to maximize the return for its shareholders, is that good or bad? I am not asking for your personal definition of morality. We operate in this country on laws and the constitution. If you think our laws are immoral, I suggest that you tell your congressmen to work to change them.
You're asking for an all or nothing answer and that's stupid. My obviously reply is sometimes what's used to maximize return is bad and sometimes it isn't.

bad by whose definition? how can something be legal and bad? Corporations must operate within the law. Unlike the obama administration.

What do you think about Imelt (CEO of GE and obama buddie) cooking the books and keeping profits in foreign countries so that GE paid zero federal taxes? Good or bad? Legal or illegal?

And when the corporations are able to buy from our Congress a law that only benefits a chosen few in this country, that is perfectly all right with you I take it?

Or are you now going to deny that corporations own our Congress people and most of the rest of our government?

If corporations were able to get a law passed where the corporation paid zero income tax and the middle class paid 50%, and it was law, you good with that law also?

Of course you are. Gotta maximize those shareholder values right?

You a stupid, shallow fuck redfish.

YOU said Dodd Frank caused the housing crisis. Then refuse to admit you fucked up. You are pitiful dude.

do you left wing idiots understand that the crash of 2008 and the "housing crisis" are two distinct and separate events? Dodd/Frank did cause the housing crisis, but it had nothing to do with what happened in 2008.

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