I will never understand the rightwing's uncompromising trust of Big Business

sorry about that, but Dodd/Frank was written by two democrats. That bill was the direct cause of the so-called housing crisis.
BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA! Oh, man, this is awesome.

Dodd-Frank was written AFTER the crisis, you unbelievably ignorant fool.

Wrong, the rash of bad mortgages and the financial crisis in fannie and freddie was caused by Dodd/Frank which forced banks to make bad loans to people who could never make the payments. Then those loans were discounted back to fannie and freddie putting them is a net loss position.

the ignorance is yours-------------fool.

Dodd-Frank was after the Financial Crisis. You're thinking of the CRA.

But the CRA was not the cause of the Financial Crisis either. The Financial Crisis was global. The CRA was not.

And when the corporations are able to buy from our Congress a law that only benefits a chosen few in this country, that is perfectly all right with you I take it?

Or are you now going to deny that corporations own our Congress people and most of the rest of our government?

If corporations were able to get a law passed where the corporation paid zero income tax and the middle class paid 50%, and it was law, you good with that law also?

Of course you are. Gotta maximize those shareholder values right?

You a stupid, shallow fuck redfish.

YOU said Dodd Frank caused the housing crisis. Then refuse to admit you fucked up. You are pitiful dude.
And when special interests are able to buy from our Congress laws that deliberately target and harm a few in this country, that is perfectly all right with you. No need to deny it, everyone knows you progressives enjoy specifically targeting certain people in this country just for the pleasure of harming them.
Some Corporations are evil. Too many Republicans worship them too much. You have to stand up for the Workers sometimes. And personally, i've rarely if ever observed a Republican doing that. They've adopted a 'So what, let them eat cake' mentality. The Party needs to address that. It truly does risk losing the Worker-vote for good. And that really would make winning future National Elections virtually impossible. My advice would be to shed the 'Fat, Greedy, Angry White Guy' image.
Dodd-Frank was after the Financial Crisis. You're thinking of the CRA.

But the CRA was not the cause of the Financial Crisis either. The Financial Crisis was global. The CRA was not.

Were not mortgage backed securities sold on the global market? I seem to recall Norway getting hosed by toxic loans in USA.
Some Corporations are evil.


Apple Computer Corporation is the very definition of evil. Of course, it is beloved of the left. Leftists find evil adorable.

Too many Republicans worship them too much. You have to stand up for the Workers sometimes. And personally, i've rarely if ever observed a Republican doing that. They've adopted a 'So what, let them eat cake' mentality. The Party needs to address that. It truly does risk losing the Worker-vote for good. And that really would make winning future National Elections virtually impossible. My advice would be to shed the 'Fat, Greedy, Angry White Guy' image.

democrats and leftists love corporations which are entwined with government. The left adores GM. Blue Cross with a majority stake owned by the owner of the democratic party is loved by faithful and stupid democrats.

What democrats hate are entrepreneurs, the midsize business that is lean and adaptive, on the rise and threatening the entrenched corporations are what Obama and the left target. The democratic party PROTECTS entrenched corporations. Remember, Obama put Ken Lay, oops I mean Jeff Immelt (like there is a difference) on his staff.
Some Corporations are evil.


Apple Computer Corporation is the very definition of evil. Of course, it is beloved of the left. Leftists find evil adorable.

Too many Republicans worship them too much. You have to stand up for the Workers sometimes. And personally, i've rarely if ever observed a Republican doing that. They've adopted a 'So what, let them eat cake' mentality. The Party needs to address that. It truly does risk losing the Worker-vote for good. And that really would make winning future National Elections virtually impossible. My advice would be to shed the 'Fat, Greedy, Angry White Guy' image.

democrats and leftists love corporations which are entwined with government. The left adores GM. Blue Cross with a majority stake owned by the owner of the democratic party is loved by faithful and stupid democrats.

What democrats hate are entrepreneurs, the midsize business that is lean and adaptive, on the rise and threatening the entrenched corporations are what Obama and the left target. The democratic party PROTECTS entrenched corporations. Remember, Obama put Ken Lay, oops I mean Jeff Immelt (like there is a difference) on his staff.

I'm just saying Republicans need to stop worshipping Corporations so much. They need to be more balanced. They need to start standing up for the Working Man sometimes. Because some Corporations really are evil.

The Republican Party's gonna have to shed its 'Fat, Greedy, Angry White Guy' image. It's not giving average working Americans much reason to support it at this point. And that's gonna prove to be a disaster in trying to win future National Elections. The problem needs to be addressed.
I'm just saying Republicans need to stop worshipping Corporations so much. They need to be more balanced. They need to start standing up for the Working Man sometimes. Because some Corporations really are evil.

The Republican Party's gonna have to shed its 'Fat, Greedy, Angry White Guy' image. It's not giving average working Americans much reason to support it at this point. And that's gonna prove to be a disaster in trying to win future National Elections. The problem needs to be addressed.

The GOP needs to shed the false image that you dishonestly tar them with? :eek:
I think this deserves to be repeated:

question: is doing whatever is legal to maximize shareholder value a good or bad thing?

It leads to all kinds of bad. First, lobbying to make whatever shitty things they want to get away with, legal. Second, externalization of costs such as pollution mitigation and resource depletion. Third, short term planning such as GM continuing to build monster SUVs at a time when gas prices were about to spike. Fourth, the race to the bottom in moving industrial activity to third world countries. Fifth, a corporate environment permeated with fear that if an employee rocks the boat, they'll be outsourced. Sixth, tax avoidance to the point that infrastructure can no longer be maintained.

And these are just a few...

nothing but liberal lies and talking points. You probably believe that the acts of humans are changing the climate of our planet too, right?

Oh good grief. Which part of this do you think hasn't happened? Or do you just dispute that the profit motive wasn't the cause?
Rightwingers go on and on about their disdain and lack of trust of the federal government yet these feelings are not shared of Big Business.

Doesn't it bother you that corporate crime prosecution is so low?

Doesn't it bother you that often times their only punishment is paying petty fines?

Doesn't it bother you just how evil Monsanto is? Nothing oppresses farmers like that corporation does.

Anyone care to explain? I trust government over some big corporations any day of the week (yes, I understand many corporations aren't evil).

And yet it takes people like you, with an overwhelming trust of Big Government, to allow mass murder on a scale unheard of to occur. How do you reconcile that?
Dodd-Frank was after the Financial Crisis. You're thinking of the CRA.

But the CRA was not the cause of the Financial Crisis either. The Financial Crisis was global. The CRA was not.

Were not mortgage backed securities sold on the global market? I seem to recall Norway getting hosed by toxic loans in USA.

Yes they were.

And it doesn't explain why there were housing bubbles in places like Ireland, the UK, Canada, Spain, etc. Last time I checked, no CRA loans were made in those countries.

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