I remember when Whistleblowers were patriots.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Hundreds of private citizens are coming forward at great risk to themselves and their family, under penalty of perjury to describe the election malfeasance that they experienced. It runs the gamut of truckloads of completed ballots picked up in New York for delivery to Pennsylvania, missing memory cards, observer abuse, blocking observers, piles of uncounted ballots and many other examples of tampering.

Democrats and the TV Media (other than Fox News) ignore them or scoff at them calling them liars or nut jobs. Wasn't it just a couple years ago when Adam Schiff produced an anonymous whistleblower and Democrats were calling him brave and patriotic?:dunno:

Hundreds of private citizens are coming forward at great risk to themselves and their family, under penalty of perjury to describe the election malfeasance that they experienced. It runs the gamut of truckloads of completed ballots picked up in New York for delivery to Pennsylvania, missing memory cards, observer abuse, blocking observers, piles of uncounted ballots and many other examples of tampering.

Democrats and the TV Media (other than Fox News) ignore them or scoff at them calling them liars or nut jobs. Wasn't it just a couple years ago when Adam Schiff produced an anonymous whistleblower and Democrats were calling him brave and patriotic?:dunno:

Trump gave a hotline for people to call to report voter fraud. Why don't they show ALL the claims they received on that hotline? They are ALL just as valid as any of the others.
Hundreds of private citizens are coming forward at great risk to themselves and their family, under penalty of perjury to describe the election malfeasance that they experienced. It runs the gamut of truckloads of completed ballots picked up in New York for delivery to Pennsylvania, missing memory cards, observer abuse, blocking observers, piles of uncounted ballots and many other examples of tampering.

Democrats and the TV Media (other than Fox News) ignore them or scoff at them calling them liars or nut jobs. Wasn't it just a couple years ago when Adam Schiff produced an anonymous whistleblower and Democrats were calling him brave and patriotic?:dunno:

The former Democrat Party (now the Marxist Party), has adopted the inner-city motto regarding whistleblowers: "Snitches get stitches."
Hundreds of private citizens are coming forward at great risk to themselves and their family, under penalty of perjury to describe the election malfeasance that they experienced. It runs the gamut of truckloads of completed ballots picked up in New York for delivery to Pennsylvania, missing memory cards, observer abuse, blocking observers, piles of uncounted ballots and many other examples of tampering.

Democrats and the TV Media (other than Fox News) ignore them or scoff at them calling them liars or nut jobs. Wasn't it just a couple years ago when Adam Schiff produced an anonymous whistleblower and Democrats were calling him brave and patriotic?:dunno:

It was the most honest election ever ......they swear

The day they swear Muppet in is the day it really is officially the FUSA

One thing we can be sure of, if Biden and Harris actually get in, there will never be another political party allowed to compete fairly, ensuring that this nation will be a One-Party, Marxist, Socialist, Authoritarian, Venezuelan style government and the original U.S. Constitution tossed, with the U.S. currency becoming largely worthless.
With such witnesses as this, I can't understand why Rudy is having such a hard time getting judges to take him seriously.
Hundreds of private citizens are coming forward at great risk to themselves and their family, under penalty of perjury to describe the election malfeasance that they experienced. It runs the gamut of truckloads of completed ballots picked up in New York for delivery to Pennsylvania, missing memory cards, observer abuse, blocking observers, piles of uncounted ballots and many other examples of tampering.

Democrats and the TV Media (other than Fox News) ignore them or scoff at them calling them liars or nut jobs. Wasn't it just a couple years ago when Adam Schiff produced an anonymous whistleblower and Democrats were calling him brave and patriotic?:dunno:

The former Democrat Party (now the Marxist Party), has adopted the inner-city motto regarding whistleblowers: "Snitches get stitches."

Although they do want you to snitch on your neighbors if they have more then 6 people over or are not social distancing or they are not wearing a mask.
Go to court with affidavits, sworn under penalty of perjury, based on personal knowledge and not hearsay or speculation. These accusations are only being made in questionable forums like the hannity show (Fox News!), and partisan "hearings." But nothing shows up in court despite so many cases being filed and judges finding a lack of evidence.
Trump gave a hotline for people to call to report voter fraud. Why don't they show ALL the claims they received on that hotline? They are ALL just as valid as any of the others.
Trump's legal team already has hundreds of private citizens who have SIGNED SWORN STATEMENTS and are willing to stand up on national TV to describe what they experienced. Bringing up the fraud hotline is a weak attempt at distraction.
Go to court with affidavits, sworn under penalty of perjury, based on personal knowledge and not hearsay or speculation. These accusations are only being made in questionable forums like the hannity show (Fox News!), and partisan "hearings." But nothing shows up in court despite so many cases being filed and judges finding a lack of evidence.
Have you considered that in the contested States, the courts are populated with Democrat biased judges who are following orders from the Democratic Party to dismiss the cases?
Go to court with affidavits, sworn under penalty of perjury, based on personal knowledge and not hearsay or speculation. These accusations are only being made in questionable forums like the hannity show (Fox News!), and partisan "hearings." But nothing shows up in court despite so many cases being filed and judges finding a lack of evidence.
Have you considered that in the contested States, the courts are populated with Democrat biased judges who are following orders from the Democratic Party to dismiss the cases?
You can't go by political party given that most judges actually do their jobs. There is no evidence that anyone is "following orders from the Democratic Party to dismiss the cases." Either produce evidence that this is happening or you are lying. Moreover, even a few judges nominated by republicans, dismissed these cases. You trumpettes never produce anything. Even Giuliani, who is trump's little lapdog, can't produce anything even though he is an experienced attorney.

Your hyper-partisanship is ridiculous. trump lost. Deal with it, as the majority of voters had to deal with trump's victory in the electoral college in 2016.

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