Republicans and their tired conspiracy theories

Buuuuut she's a demofascist. They are exempt from the laws of this land, don't ya know....
yes, I know, but as much as I read this crap from the Democratic Party parrots, I respond with the Democratic party crimes. I know I wont change the mind of the parrots, but other people may stumble across the post or maybe one of these parrots will have an epiphany.
Republican voter suppression and gerrymandering are facts, not CTs.

North Carolina (2016): The U.S. Supreme Court struck down North Carolina's congressional districts, ruling that they were unconstitutional racial gerrymanders. The Republican-controlled legislature had drawn districts that disproportionately affected African-American voters to favor Republican candidates.

Texas (2003, 2011): In 2003, Texas underwent a controversial redistricting process where Republicans, who controlled the state legislature, redrew the district lines to increase their political advantage. This led to legal challenges, but the Supreme Court upheld most of the redistricting plan. In 2011, Texas passed another redistricting plan that faced similar scrutiny, resulting in ongoing legal battles

Wisconsin (2011): Republicans in Wisconsin drew state legislative district lines that were heavily criticized for being partisan gerrymanders. In a landmark case, Gill v. Whitford, the U.S. Supreme Court heard arguments challenging the constitutionality of Wisconsin’s district map. However, the Court did not rule on the merits of the case and sent it back to the lower courts, making it difficult to establish clear guidelines for partisan gerrymandering123.

Voter ID Laws: Several Republican-led states have implemented voter ID laws, which require voters to present specific forms of identification to cast their ballots. Critics argue that these laws disproportionately affect minority, low-income, and elderly voters who may have difficulty obtaining the necessary identification. States such as Texas, North Carolina, and Wisconsin have faced legal challenges regarding their voter ID laws.

Reduction of Early Voting Periods: Some Republican-led states have shortened early voting periods, reducing the number of days available for voters to cast their ballots before Election Day. Critics argue that this can disproportionately impact minority communities who rely on early voting options.

Purging Voter Rolls: In certain instances, Republican officials have been accused of purging voter rolls to remove individuals from the list of eligible voters. Critics argue that this practice can result in eligible voters being wrongly removed and can disproportionately affect minority and low-income communities.

They are both left wing myths and cannot be proven.
Ignorance cannot be penetrated with evidence.
Your comment is dismissed on above grounds.
You have no evidence other than opinions. In fact, there is evidence that vote suppression is a myth and you can't gerrymander anything unless you won in the first place. If you won in the first place then you can't prove that party wouldn't have won again but for "gerrymandering" and gerrymandering only applies to the House.

The following link is not from Fox News:

81,282,916 votes for Biden in 2020, and you are claiming that there is voter suppression. When you make such a ridiculous claim all your other claims fall with it.
He won by a mere few thousand votes in the EC.

Had he won by 5 million votes instead of 7 million in the pop vote, Trump could have one in the EC.

How could he have won?

Voter suppression.

Without voter suppression, Biden could have won by a larger margin.


Winning does not prove there is no voter suppression.
Voter suppression, you thought Biden was on track for 200,000,000 votes? What a Rubpole

I chose 'Rumpole" because I knew morons would not be able to resist vulgarizing an easily alterable name.

Congratulations, I now know which group to place you in.
You have no evidence other than opinions. In fact, there is evidence that vote suppression is a myth and you can't gerrymander anything unless you won in the first place. If you won in the first place then you can't prove that party wouldn't have won again but for "gerrymandering" and gerrymandering only applies to the House.

The following link is not from Fox News:

Reread the comment until epiphany is achieved

Evidence cannot penetrate ignorance.

You have given evidence to the veracity of the above.

Your comment is therefore dismissed.

The entire voter suppression effort is far more massive than Abrams efforts in GA.

the Interstate Crosscheck program was so flawed that a federal judge shut it down, and it was applied in 29 red states.

Voter suppression is heavily documented in the film 'Rigged, the voter suppression playbook' free on Amazon prime.
The birth stone of Independentthinker is meth, and it is showing in his/her writing.

Ignorance does not permit evidence to penetrate that kind of thinking.
And there it is, here is, rumpole (which is a very queer user name) spitting all over his/her keyboard as the truth hits him/her in the face.

I chose the name because I knew in advance that morons would not be able to resist vulgarizing it.
As is I, would post anything that I can not prove in seconds. The problem with rumproaster
see what I mean? Congratulations, I now know which category to place you in.
is she/he watches too much CNN which is a continuous loop of nothing but hate. Very sad. Anyhow rumphole, here is something for you to chew on.

So for those who dont wish to go back and read this thread I stated a few facts.

Emirates quit US Combined Maritime Forces for non-response over Iran’s seizure of tankers​

The URL you provided does not contain any evidence or allegations of illegality or corruption by Joe Biden

I'm not going to beat a dead horse over the Clintons. They tried for 25 years to find something on the Clintons and they found nothing.

Now, what evidence to you have against Joe Biden. I'm not including Hunter because he's a private citizen and has no impact on policy.
What's even worse is reading your lying, bloviating, horse manure.
Vacuous ad homs=incompetent rebuttal=credibility destroyed.
comment dismissed.
Face it, pretty much everything that you asshats declared to be a conspiracy theory has been proven to be real.
Evidence not provided, incompetent comment dismissed.
Your record is worse than pretty much every palm reader out there.
Vacuous ad hom, incompetent comment dismissed.
Congrats, you ARE a moron.

ad hom, incompetent comment dismissed.

Read the following comment until epiphany is achieved:

Logic, reason, and evidence cannot penetrate ignorance.

Repeat after me:
Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America
Reread the comment until epiphany is achieved

Evidence cannot penetrate ignorance.

You have given evidence to the veracity of the above.

Your comment is therefore dismissed.

The entire voter suppression effort is far more massive than Abrams efforts in GA.

the Interstate Crosscheck program was so flawed that a federal judge shut it down, and it was applied in 29 red states.

Voter suppression is heavily documented in the film 'Rigged, the voter suppression playbook' free on Amazon prime

I already know opinions. I presented facts. You ignore my facts and only accept your own, very typical of a lefty so I dismiss your OPINIONS.
Ignorance cannot be penetrated with evidence.
Your comment is dismissed on above grounds.
fagboy you are the biggest attention seeker at this site except for that chile the banker being the arwe so full of shit and lies you paid shill of langley,nobody listens to your lies and bullshit,

it has NOT been debunked that their was massive vote fraud in the 2020 election or the midterms for kari lake you lying paid sockpuppet.

the only DEBUNKED THING IS your POSTS.:auiqs.jpg:
I already know opinions. I presented facts. You ignore my facts and only accept your own, very typical of a lefty so I dismiss your OPINIONS.
My friend "AND EVERYONE ELSE HERE THAT ARE NOT PAID DEMONRAT SHILLS." do yourselves a huge favor,dont reply to this fagboys posts anymore,he is obviously a sock puppet shill from langley that has penetrated this site

he is clearly just seeking attention DONT FEED THE TROLL.

only one that seeks attention worse than him in the banker that you all know and laugh at.LOL
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fagboy you are the biggest attention seeker at this site except for that chile the banker being the arwe so full of shit and lies you paid shill of langley,nobody listens to your lies and bullshit,

it has NOT been debunked that their was massive vote fraud in the 2020 election or the midterms for kari lake you lying paid sockpuppet.

the only DEBUNKED THING IS your POSTS.:auiqs.jpg:
Incompetent rebuttal; no evidence provided.

Comment dismissed
Incompetent rebuttal; no evidence provided.

Comment dismissed
ahh fagboy sockpuppet,you hurt my feelings. coming from YOU,that really hurts my feelings.:auiqs.jpg:

as someone already said so well to you,we are only interested in facts, NOT your OPINIONS,so we dismiss THEM.

by the way sockpuppet,this post in your sig below is a lie and it describes your hero BIDEN to a tee as well as clinton.:auiqs.jpg:so thanks for that sig on biden and clinton.:yes_text12:

Repeat after me:
Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America
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The URL you provided does not contain any evidence or allegations of illegality or corruption by Joe Biden
my url dont have evidence of corruption?

Well mr. genius, maybe that is because that link comes from a specific comment of yours that I responded to, the comment where you challenged me to prove that a country in the middle east ended their security partnership with us cause we did not do anything when their enemy, Iran (biden's/obama's buddy) hijacked and is ransoming two of their oil tankers.

You jumble everything together and than you can not make sense to what you are replying to, then tell me that my comment/link dont make sense too you. Yes, I can not argue with that.

the sockpuppet trollboy has no credibility the fact his sig posted below here decribes BIDEN and CLINTON to a tee,NOT Trump. :auiqs.jpg: :abgg2q.jpg: biggest lying fagboy sockpuppet shill from langley.

Repeat after me:
Trump is a sex abuser, conman, fraudster, criminal who loves Putin, the 'poorly educated', not to mention that he despises democracy and has betrayed America

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