I have the solution to these school shootings. This is ironclad, unstoppable.

What I worry about is that at Sandy Hook there was an armed guard out front, and he just fled, so was useless.
If he was safely in the basement, he might be more effective.
But I understand your objective of a visual deterrent.

So get two guards..... a coward and a hero.
It is tough to argue with stupid. Not one of those observations, if true, mean a thing.
Below are analysis's on US guns and gun deaths, comparing with other countries, using multiple metrics. The conclusions are all consistent showing US gun ownership and gun deaths surpass all 1st world countries.
Dumbasses like you cannot understand such studies because you are too fricking stupid. But hopefully those smart enough can take information and provide a multiple prong strategy to reduce gun deaths. Gun regulation is just part of it. Gun regulation are to keep guns out of the wrong hands, not ban guns.
It will never happen but I feel people as stupid as you should not own a gun.

Not one of those observations, if true, mean a thing.

All of those observations I posted, of course, are true, and to the point, are what the argument is about.

None of your observations or propaganda from the British Common Wealth or other nations mean a thing. First, their demographics are completely different, second, they have a completely different cultures, and third, they have a totally different histories.

Your comparisons are with nations that have populations with nations that are nothing like America, in both history, culture, and population dynamics.

Sorry you don't accept the research from our own government, concerning our own society, but comparisons to other societies? Are not relevant to our situation here.

We should be glad when disturbed people resort to guns because they are the opposite of discrete.
They are suicidal in that they are so loud that they ensure the perpetrator is found and killed.

What we should be afraid of is that foolish people over react with gun control, and these disturbed people switch over to more subtle and deadly means of homicide, like flammables, toxins, explosives, etc.
"We should be glad when disturbed people resort to guns because they are the opposite of discrete." is the statement of an individual without rational thinking capabilities. I am not sure what causes it. He may have been born that way. He may have fried his brain with drugs. He may be so uneducated that he has wasted his brain.
What ever it is, it is sad and concerning at the same time.
Not as deadly but as concerning as how could an 18 year old teenager have a brain that thought the way it did.

One solution....

One entrance to the school with guards at the door

More guards inside to see what's going on.

not brain surgery is it

And allowing teachers to be armed.

"After the Columbine school shooting 20 years ago, one of the more significant changes in how we protect students has been the advance of legislation that allows teachers to carry guns at schools. There are two obvious questions: Does letting teachers carry create dangers? Might they deter attackers?

Twenty states currently allow teachers and staff to carry guns to varying degrees on school property, so we don’t need to guess how the policy would work. There has yet to be a single case of someone being wounded or killed from a shooting, let alone a mass public shooting, between 6 AM and midnight at a school that lets teachers carry guns.

Fears of teachers carrying guns in terms of such problems as students obtaining teachers guns have not occurred at all, and there was only one accidental discharge outside of school hours with no one was really harmed. While there have not been any problems at schools with armed teachers, the number of people killed at other schools has increased significantly – doubling between 2001 and 2008 versus 2009 and 2018."
John R. Lott, Jr., “Schools that Allow Teachers to Carry Guns are Extremely Safe: Data on the Rate of Shootings and Accidents in Schools that allow Teachers to Carry,” Social Science Research Network, May 29, 2019.
And allowing teachers to be armed.

"After the Columbine school shooting 20 years ago, one of the more significant changes in how we protect students has been the advance of legislation that allows teachers to carry guns at schools. There are two obvious questions: Does letting teachers carry create dangers? Might they deter attackers?

Twenty states currently allow teachers and staff to carry guns to varying degrees on school property, so we don’t need to guess how the policy would work. There has yet to be a single case of someone being wounded or killed from a shooting, let alone a mass public shooting, between 6 AM and midnight at a school that lets teachers carry guns.

Fears of teachers carrying guns in terms of such problems as students obtaining teachers guns have not occurred at all, and there was only one accidental discharge outside of school hours with no one was really harmed. While there have not been any problems at schools with armed teachers, the number of people killed at other schools has increased significantly – doubling between 2001 and 2008 versus 2009 and 2018."
John R. Lott, Jr., “Schools that Allow Teachers to Carry Guns are Extremely Safe: Data on the Rate of Shootings and Accidents in Schools that allow Teachers to Carry,” Social Science Research Network, May 29, 2019.
So...guns are a more effective deterrent than "no guns allowed" signs.

Wow. Who would have guessed?

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