I have the solution to these school shootings. This is ironclad, unstoppable.

The NRA will no longer announce that it is having a convention.

Problem solved.
Is this a horrifically inappropriate attempt to inject satire into the unbelievable devastating school shootings.
You are truly a very sick POS. Get help. Disgusting. Beyond disgusting.
Is this a horrifically inappropriate attempt to inject satire into the unbelievable devastating school shootings.
You are truly a very sick POS. Get help. Disgusting. Beyond disgusting.
First Amendment Rights
Is this a horrifically inappropriate attempt to inject satire into the unbelievable devastating school shootings.
You are truly a very sick POS. Get help. Disgusting. Beyond disgusting.
You should probably get over yourself, or seek help. One need not toe the anti-gun line to be considered a decent person. No one on the Right is celebrating these horrors. In fact, if someone couldn't inject a bit of levity at times like this, we'd likely lose our minds over recurring evils like this being done as a result of the breakdown of our culture, our society.
You should probably get over yourself, or seek help. One need not toe the anti-gun line to be considered a decent person. No one on the Right is celebrating these horrors. In fact, if someone couldn't inject a bit of levity at times like this, we'd likely lose our minds over recurring evils like this being done as a result of the breakdown of our culture, our society.
There are appropriate times to use humor to elevate the stress of hard times and there and there are times it is not.
Most Americans know when it is appropriate and not appropriate. The dumbest among us do not. You and the OP are the dumbest among us. I think you probably know you are one of the dumbest among us but sometimes you forget. I am reminding you. Dumbass.
Is this a horrifically inappropriate attempt to inject satire into the unbelievable devastating school shootings.
You are truly a very sick POS. Get help. Disgusting. Beyond disgusting.

Go grab some asshurt salve and get back to us in a few years.
Making fun of you leftists and those you follow. Those you happen to follow are evil and they lie to you. Evil hates being mocked. feel it.
An event that results in 19 children dead should not be mocked. Do you have no decency? What type of low life are you and others that do this.
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There are appropriate times to use humor to elevate the stress of hard times and there and there are times it is not.
Most Americans know when it is appropriate and not appropriate. The dumbest among us do not. You and the OP are the dumbest among us. I think you probably know you are one of the dumbest among us but sometimes you forget. I am reminding you. Dumbass.
you have had some pretty dumb threads to elmer.....like this one

Gun rights are necessary - gun obsession is not.....

I am angry that the police whom you want to defund and who generally come to the Left''s defense or protection DID NOT DO THEIR JOBS. I hate that 19 children died by the hands of an 18 year old that was already Ruined by the leftists education system. I now expect you to make a statement about the killing of millions of unborn IN THIS COUNTRy ALONE through policies supported, passed, and encouraged by the left. will you do that?? Then we'll see who is the bigger ghoul and the ones that are heartless. Tell me again that these little ones on death row by an heartless thoughtless mother, do not fight for life and feel no pain.
An even t that results in 19 children dead should not be mocked. Do you have no decency? What type of low life are you and others that do this.
Such events should not be mocked.

But neither should the victims be used as a platform from which to demand your agenda.
Is this a horrifically inappropriate attempt to inject satire into the unbelievable devastating school shootings.
You are truly a very sick POS. Get help. Disgusting. Beyond disgusting.
Demofks love politicising grief
There are appropriate times to use humor to elevate the stress of hard times and there and there are times it is not.
Most Americans know when it is appropriate and not appropriate. The dumbest among us do not. You and the OP are the dumbest among us. I think you probably know you are one of the dumbest among us but sometimes you forget. I am reminding you. Dumbass.
I like your posturing, posing, preening, pontificating and virtue signaling. The point made in the OP however seems to be left unaddressed in all that. And although I don’t happen to buy the unstated premise, there is an odd nexus anyway between an event like an NRA Rally or an NRA convention and the occurrence of just such tragedies.

I doubt the fucking shooters were working in tandem with the anti-gun crowd. But your folks do love to take partisan political advantage of any such incidents.
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