I forgot out good and bad this movie was.... Empire Strikes Back


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2010
On a hill
I noticed Saturday that all of the Star Wars series was available for rent, except for one - New Hope... not sure why that is, but since when has Disney ever made sense?
It was a rainy ass day so we decided to watch Empire Strikes back. The last time I had watched it was on VHS probably 15 years ago at least.
Because it has so much importance as a childhood movie experience, I will always love the film. But that doesn't stop the adult I am from seeing, quite plainly, the film has many, many problems and shortcomings. Truly awful acting in parts, poor scripting and giant leaps in the plot.
I will always remember in 1980, at 15, sitting in the theater with 3 of my friends and the movie starts up... the anticipation and excitement that I will never feel again for a movie. I will always have that. So, I may never watch it again. Don't want to tarnish those memories.
Probably the best Star Wars movie.
Spoiler Alert: Darth Vader is Luke’s father

But like all Star Wars movies the dialog and acting is laughable at times.
Many young people (anyone under 40) today ask me why I'm not a fan of the Star Wars franchise. I am a weapons-grade nerd and a huge fan of sci fi, but I am not a fan of Star Wars beyond the original trilogy, which, I have to admit, I haven't watch in years.

The reason is simple. I was a huge fan of the original 'Star Wars' and even a fan of the subsequent movies because, at the time, they represented a HUGE leap in science fiction entertainment.

At the time, 1977, we were about 10 years into a science fiction entertainment drought. The last scifi blockbuster in theaters had been '2001: A Space Odyssey' in 1968. The last, terrible, season of 'Star Trek' was 1969, even though it lasted in syndication hell for another decade. Americans were forced to watch British and Canadian low-budget scifi if they wanted their fix.


Post 2001 Keir Dullea sporting a '70s 'pornstache'

Then came 'Star Wars'. It was new. A big budget sci fi blockbuster with terrific special effects (NO CGI!) and a orchestral sound track bigger and grander than anything ever before.

It has multiple worlds, vast planetary scenery, huge space ships, and sci fi weapons never before seen! I went crazy for it in a way I've never gone for a woman.

But, what has happened to 'Star Wars' in the last 43 years? Nothing. Nothing at all. We have the same music, the same type of characters (even the same characters), the same space ships, the same effects (only cartoonishly digital).

'Star Wars' is like sleeping with your Ex. It will NEVER be as exciting as it once was.
Star Wars became an excuse to sell toys.
They made more money off of merchandise than they did off the movies
Star Wars became an excuse to sell toys.
They made more money off of merchandise than they did off the movies

To be fair, that's true of almost any movie and comic property these days. 'Star Wars' was the phenomenon that kicked it off.

Larry Hama, a writer of the G.I. Joe comics, once described his job as, 'Writing word balloons on a toy catalog'.
.....I remember Star Wars 1.....we went to the matinee ...sunny and hot outside--but dark and cool inside[ like space ]--so the contrast is memorable .....my friend was a sci-fi guy, not me...
....some of the fight scenes were fast paced = good
....if you notice, the stormtroopers/etc use ''military'' and ''techno''' language, which I thought added to the ''realism''/atmosphere
...the last battle scene uses a lot of ''military''/''battle language ....
..2001 Space Odyssey was much slower paced ...more of the ''alien'''/mystery type where as SWars was ''hands on'' type
....I think the best part in 2001 is the ''murder'' of HAL
...HAL just murdered some people and:
'''''HAL 9000: I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission. And I want to help you.''''
Dave is going to ''murder'' HAL:
''''HAL 9000: Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over''''
After the success of Star Wars, they rushed to get a Star Trek movie out
.....I remember Star Wars 1.....we went to the matinee ...sunny and hot outside--but dark and cool inside[ like space ]--so the contrast is memorable .....my friend was a sci-fi guy, not me...
....some of the fight scenes were fast paced = good
....if you notice, the stormtroopers/etc use ''military'' and ''techno''' language, which I thought added to the ''realism''/atmosphere
...the last battle scene uses a lot of ''military''/''battle language ....
..2001 Space Odyssey was much slower paced ...more of the ''alien'''/mystery type where as SWars was ''hands on'' type
....I think the best part in 2001 is the ''murder'' of HAL
...HAL just murdered some people and:
'''''HAL 9000: I know I've made some very poor decisions recently, but I can give you my complete assurance that my work will be back to normal. I've still got the greatest enthusiasm and confidence in the mission. And I want to help you.''''
Dave is going to ''murder'' HAL:
''''HAL 9000: Look Dave, I can see you're really upset about this. I honestly think you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over''''
What Star wars was to my generation, is what Westerns were to the previous.
We all longed for good Sci-Fi, but it just wasn't there. Film makers considered it beneath them.
I will never forget seeing the original. I was 13 years old, the perfect age to see it. I was mesmerized. Who can possibly forget the opening seen when the star destroyer looms in...as if literally over your head. Magnificent. I doubt I will ever feel that feeling from a movie ever again.
Empire Strikes Back was the end of the franchise for me.

They followed with Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks and I couldn’t watch any more
After the success of Star Wars, they rushed to get a Star Trek movie out

"Star Trek Phase Two" -- a working title -- had been in development hell for three years. The original cast brought back and some new cast members. They had sets, costume, and several scripts written.

With the release and subsequent success of 'Star Wars', Paramount told Rodenberry to get a movie out the door. They bashed up two existing scripts and got, "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" out the door in under 24 months.
I noticed Saturday that all of the Star Wars series was available for rent, except for one - New Hope... not sure why that is, but since when has Disney ever made sense?
It was a rainy ass day so we decided to watch Empire Strikes back. The last time I had watched it was on VHS probably 15 years ago at least.
Because it has so much importance as a childhood movie experience, I will always love the film. But that doesn't stop the adult I am from seeing, quite plainly, the film has many, many problems and shortcomings. Truly awful acting in parts, poor scripting and giant leaps in the plot.
I will always remember in 1980, at 15, sitting in the theater with 3 of my friends and the movie starts up... the anticipation and excitement that I will never feel again for a movie. I will always have that. So, I may never watch it again. Don't want to tarnish those memories.

The biggest problem? The kiss Leia plants on Luke...........
Empire Strikes Back was the end of the franchise for me.

They followed with Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks and I couldn’t watch any more

The only good film was the first Star Wars.....when it was simply called "Star Wars." The other movies couldn't match up...............

Sadly, going back and watching "Star Wars," it doesn't hold up..........the special effects are funny now instead of awesome the way they were when I saw it in the theater...
After the success of Star Wars, they rushed to get a Star Trek movie out

"Star Trek Phase Two" -- a working title -- had been in development hell for three years. The original cast brought back and some new cast members. They had sets, costume, and several scripts written.

With the release and subsequent success of 'Star Wars', Paramount told Rodenberry to get a movie out the door. They bashed up two existing scripts and got, "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" out the door in under 24 months.

I remember the story about William Shatner...in a trailer park cooking sausages on his grill, out of work....a neighbor kid rode up on his bike and is said to have asked if he was Captain Kirk...he said yeah, what's it to you....the kid said...so, are you going to be in the new movie.....and his career changed for ever....
After the success of Star Wars, they rushed to get a Star Trek movie out

"Star Trek Phase Two" -- a working title -- had been in development hell for three years. The original cast brought back and some new cast members. They had sets, costume, and several scripts written.

With the release and subsequent success of 'Star Wars', Paramount told Rodenberry to get a movie out the door. They bashed up two existing scripts and got, "Star Trek: The Motion Picture" out the door in under 24 months.
What a horrible script they ended up with
Empire Strikes Back was the end of the franchise for me.

They followed with Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks and I couldn’t watch any more
Pretty much.
I was 18 when Return of the Jedi came out. I was not remotely as excited to see it as I was Empire. A lot mor einteresting things going on in the mind of an 18 year old vs. 15. It was a good 2 months after opening that I went to see it. I clearly remember the "WTF is this??"" moment when the Ewoks were introduced, and were allowed to become such a large part of the movie. CLEARLY made for the toy sales. I was bitterly disappointed. I felt cheated and like I was watching a movie made for 6 year olds.
Empire Strikes Back was the end of the franchise for me.

They followed with Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks and I couldn’t watch any more

For me it was "Return of The Jedi", when they removed Sebastian Shaw as the ghost of Anakin Skywalker and replaced him with Hayden Christensen. At that point, I lost all interest in the franchise, and have never watched another Star Wars movie...
Empire Strikes Back was the end of the franchise for me.

They followed with Ewoks and Jar Jar Binks and I couldn’t watch any more

For me it was "Return of The Jedi", when they removed Sebastian Shaw as the ghost of Anakin Skywalker and replaced him with Hayden Christensen. At that point, I lost all interest in the franchise, and have never watched another Star Wars movie...
That is George Lucas.
Lucas never had an ounce of respect for what he created, or the fans other than his own ego.
He didn't care for continuity in the least bit. And openly said so numerous times.
And it was that open disregard for quality that killed everything Star Wars could have been.
An example: The complete change in scenery around Luke's cruiser when it sunk into the swamp.
In the early scenes, you can clearly see it is completely surrounded by trees, all closeby.
Yet, when Yoga lifts it out of the water and floats it to the ground... it is now a huge open area. So... did Luke break out his saber and cut them all down??
That is just one tiny example of the myriad of discontinuity in the series.
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I noticed Saturday that all of the Star Wars series was available for rent, except for one - New Hope... not sure why that is, but since when has Disney ever made sense?
It was a rainy ass day so we decided to watch Empire Strikes back. The last time I had watched it was on VHS probably 15 years ago at least.
Because it has so much importance as a childhood movie experience, I will always love the film. But that doesn't stop the adult I am from seeing, quite plainly, the film has many, many problems and shortcomings. Truly awful acting in parts, poor scripting and giant leaps in the plot.
I will always remember in 1980, at 15, sitting in the theater with 3 of my friends and the movie starts up... the anticipation and excitement that I will never feel again for a movie. I will always have that. So, I may never watch it again. Don't want to tarnish those memories.
I don't care, it was still the best of all the Star Wars movie! :)

Darth... Obi- wan never told you what happened to your father.

Luke... He told me enough. He told me, you killed him.

Darth... NO, I am your father. :eek:

Luke... That's not true, that is impossible

Darth... Search your feelings, you know it to be true.

Luke... No, noooooo!

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