I Don't Understand the Problem With Wearing Masks (AKA: Anti-Maskers)?

It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?
I've already had Covid...have tested positive for the anti-bodies...but I STILL have to wear a mask in any corporate setting because people like you throw a hissy fit if you see someone without one on. I'm tired of it.
I am so sorry you had to wear a mask while you were sick with the virus. Are you okay?
I didn't wear a mask while I had the virus because I didn't leave the house for two weeks. The virus ran it's course in four days. It wasn't even in the forty worst viruses I've ever had. I SHOULD have a "get out of jail free card" and not have to wear a mask because I've tested positive for the antibodies but I still have to carry a mask around with me because of all the "Mask Police" that make a scene if they see someone without! It's ridiculous.
You should wear a mask you pig ugly fucker.
Says the ignorant foreigner who hides behind an avatar and if that is you you're fat ass ugly

I have no reason to doubt that is a picture of him. If so, he's certainly not one to cast stones at anyone else's visual appeal, is he?

FWIW, if the bio information in his profile is to be believed, he is within a day or two of my age.

Now, I'm not one to care that much about how visually appealing an old man might be, but here two 58-year-old men (actually, as long as Tainted Tommy has been using that picture, he was surely significantly younger when it was taken, than he is now, but the picture of me is fairly recent.

View attachment 459631 View attachment 459633

And, of course, the picture of you to which he was responding…

View attachment 459634

So, which of these three men is least qualified to call either of the other two “pig ugly”?
Bob you are even uglier than bigreb. And your creepy cult makes it worse. How do you weirdos manage to get 3 or 4 wives ? Drugs ?
I am 32 years old...live in Fort Worth, TX bro. LIve alone. Sorry.
no one cares if you wear a mask and since you live alone it's also irrelevant
Dude you don’t seriously believe his fantasy he is 32 and lives alone do you? :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao: :auiqs.jpg: This is obviously the first time you have read one of his posts,everybody knows he is only in junior high school,lives with mommy, and only like 12 or 13.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
I didn't wear a mask while I had the virus because I didn't leave the house for two weeks. The virus ran it's course in four days. It wasn't even in the forty worst viruses I've ever had. I SHOULD have a "get out of jail free card" and not have to wear a mask because I've tested positive for the antibodies but I still have to carry a mask around with me because of all the "Mask Police" that make a scene if they see someone without! It's ridiculous.
You should wear a mask you pig ugly fucker.
Says the ignorant foreigner who hides behind an avatar and if that is you you're fat ass ugly

I have no reason to doubt that is a picture of him. If so, he's certainly not one to cast stones at anyone else's visual appeal, is he?

FWIW, if the bio information in his profile is to be believed, he is within a day or two of my age.

Now, I'm not one to care that much about how visually appealing an old man might be, but here two 58-year-old men (actually, as long as Tainted Tommy has been using that picture, he was surely significantly younger when it was taken, than he is now, but the picture of me is fairly recent.

View attachment 459631 View attachment 459633

And, of course, the picture of you to which he was responding…

View attachment 459634

So, which of these three men is least qualified to call either of the other two “pig ugly”?
My avatar is a pic of me when I was younger in my early 20's
This is me 31 years ago
You should wear a mask you pig ugly fucker.
Says the ignorant foreigner who hides behind an avatar and if that is you you're fat ass ugly

I have no reason to doubt that is a picture of him. If so, he's certainly not one to cast stones at anyone else's visual appeal, is he?

FWIW, if the bio information in his profile is to be believed, he is within a day or two of my age.

Now, I'm not one to care that much about how visually appealing an old man might be, but here two 58-year-old men (actually, as long as Tainted Tommy has been using that picture, he was surely significantly younger when it was taken, than he is now, but the picture of me is fairly recent.

View attachment 459631 View attachment 459633

And, of course, the picture of you to which he was responding…

View attachment 459634

So, which of these three men is least qualified to call either of the other two “pig ugly”?


I asked my wife for her opinion, given that I figure a woman's tastes are most relevant to a man's attractiveness. Obviously, she's going to be biased in my direction, but she concurs that of the three men pictured here, Tainted Tommy is significantly the most unattractive. And that's without having any grasp of how ugly his personality is; all she had to judge was his visual appearance.
You at least are smart enough to keep in shape where tommy boy is an old fat man who like you said,sense that pic was taken years ago is even more fat,more older and more uglier now than he was back then.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg::auiqs.jpg::lmao:
I am 32 years old...live in Fort Worth, TX bro. LIve alone. Sorry.
no one cares if you wear a mask and since you live alone it's also irrelevant
Dude you don’t seriously believe his fantasy he is 32 and lives alone do you? :abgg2q.jpg: :lmao: :auiqs.jpg: This is obviously the first time you have read one of his posts,everybody knows he is only in junior high school,lives with mommy, and only like 12 or 13.:abgg2q.jpg::iyfyus.jpg:
I'm just saying no one cares if he wears a mask other than that it's all irrelevant
You should wear a mask you pig ugly fucker.
Says the ignorant foreigner who hides behind an avatar and if that is you you're fat ass ugly

I have no reason to doubt that is a picture of him. If so, he's certainly not one to cast stones at anyone else's visual appeal, is he?

FWIW, if the bio information in his profile is to be believed, he is within a day or two of my age.

Now, I'm not one to care that much about how visually appealing an old man might be, but here two 58-year-old men (actually, as long as Tainted Tommy has been using that picture, he was surely significantly younger when it was taken, than he is now, but the picture of me is fairly recent.

View attachment 459631 View attachment 459633

And, of course, the picture of you to which he was responding…

View attachment 459634

So, which of these three men is least qualified to call either of the other two “pig ugly”?
Bob you are even uglier than bigreb. And your creepy cult makes it worse. How do you weirdos manage to get 3 or 4 wives ? Drugs ?
You just envy Bob because he is not fat and bald as you are.:abgg2q.jpg::auiqs.jpg::lmao:
All y'all do is personal attacks. Please just answer my question: what's the big deal to putting a mask on your face?

So far I think the poster who said vanity is probably right.
Simple answer to that actually. The mask protects people from getting infected by others that have a virus from coughing on them. It does nothing for someone who doesn't have a virus. When this first started people weren't wearing as many masks but they WERE washing their hands or using sanitizer before and after touching things. Now they wear a mask and think they're protected so they've stopped washing up and using sanitizer. It isn't about what works anymore though...it's about optics and pretending that you're doing something.
The areas of the country that mandated mask wearing and did shut downs for months SHOULD have much lower levels of the virus than those that didn't...yet that isn't the case! Areas that were shut down the tightest have some of the worst second waves of the virus. Explain why that is!
You should wear a mask you pig ugly fucker.
Says the ignorant foreigner who hides behind an avatar and if that is you you're fat ass ugly

I have no reason to doubt that is a picture of him. If so, he's certainly not one to cast stones at anyone else's visual appeal, is he?

FWIW, if the bio information in his profile is to be believed, he is within a day or two of my age.

Now, I'm not one to care that much about how visually appealing an old man might be, but here two 58-year-old men (actually, as long as Tainted Tommy has been using that picture, he was surely significantly younger when it was taken, than he is now, but the picture of me is fairly recent.

View attachment 459631 View attachment 459633

And, of course, the picture of you to which he was responding…

View attachment 459634

So, which of these three men is least qualified to call either of the other two “pig ugly”?
Bob you are even uglier than bigreb. And your creepy cult makes it worse. How do you weirdos manage to get 3 or 4 wives ? Drugs ?
you are fugly not only on the outside but on the inside
It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?
Well you did know that Westerners are not used to wearing masks like the Chinese, there to the Chinese :fu:
I am 32 years old...live in Fort Worth, TX bro. LIve alone. Sorry.
Welcome to USMB. The home of angry old thickos. They hate so called "science" and "experts" and "education" because its all a conspiracy started by Soros and Gates to target angry old thickos and stop them from oppressing blacks and gays. Oh and muzzies as well.
Conspiracy FACTS is what you trolls dismiss as conspiracy theories.thanks for exposing what a hypocrite you are and how you indeed are stupid as hell ignoring that even Gates himself has publicly said himself there needs to be population control and never mind the fact the media props up Gates who is not a doctor or scientist,as his name being linked to the vaccines and that he is wanted for murder in Africa and India for the murderers of children in Those countries with his vaccines asshole.

What’s really comical is you expose your hypocrisy and stupidity to the entire board with your own words:abgg2q.jpg::lmao::iyfyus.jpg:you just exposed what a moron you are with your own words with science,experts,and education.the best scientists and the best doctors around the world have exposed how dangerous the vaccines are and how covid is not anywhere near as dangerous as they say it is,that the numbers are highly inflated by the media idiot.:auiqs.jpg:you mean THOSE experts?:lmao::auiqs.jpg: Unlike you,THEY have had an education.:lmao::auiqs.jpg:
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You should wear a mask you pig ugly fucker.
Says the ignorant foreigner who hides behind an avatar and if that is you you're fat ass ugly

I have no reason to doubt that is a picture of him. If so, he's certainly not one to cast stones at anyone else's visual appeal, is he?

FWIW, if the bio information in his profile is to be believed, he is within a day or two of my age.

Now, I'm not one to care that much about how visually appealing an old man might be, but here two 58-year-old men (actually, as long as Tainted Tommy has been using that picture, he was surely significantly younger when it was taken, than he is now, but the picture of me is fairly recent.

View attachment 459631 View attachment 459633

And, of course, the picture of you to which he was responding…

View attachment 459634

So, which of these three men is least qualified to call either of the other two “pig ugly”?
Bob you are even uglier than bigreb. And your creepy cult makes it worse. How do you weirdos manage to get 3 or 4 wives ? Drugs ?
you are fugly not only on the outside but on the inside
Indeed,that’s comical that he calls Bob uglier than him,when Bob at least is not fat as he is nor Bald either,:lmao::auiqs.jpg:nor is Bob ugly on the inside.as always,tommy troll exposes to the whole board his hypocrisy once again.him and this op will hit it off with each other the fact they both love to lie all the time.lol
I'm just saying no one cares if he wears a mask other than that it's all irrelevant
The anti-mask arguments fail the mutation test.
Those not afraid of COVID-19, such as the young, and those who catch it asymptomatically, are the hosts that allowed the coronavirus to mutate to even more contagious and deadly strains. Other countries have seen 1 or 2 mutations, while the US has seen half a dozen such mutations.

N.J. experts fear 'perfect storm' on the horizon as 7 new ...
www.nj.com › coronavirus › 2021/02 › nj-experts-fear...

4 days ago — ... seven new coronavirus variants that recently originated in the United States, according to a study released Sunday.
Areas that were shut down the tightest have some of the worst second waves of the virus. Explain why that is!
One reason is those shut down the tightest had population among them that rebelled, and didn't wear masks or follow the guidelines. Thus their mitigation was only partly effective, and the underlying cases were kindling when restrictions were relaxed.

There was a state supreme court that even ruled that the governors mask mandates were unconstitutional.
It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?

You’re too young, too stupid, too unwise and too programmed to understand how certain government imposition is bad for a free and liberated society.
Mark, Jack, the Google faggots, the filthy university you attended and BLM hasn’t gone over this with you have they?

LefTard Logic:
“Please Father Government, guide me, please tell me I should be terrified of the Democrat Virus, step all over my freedom and FORCE me to do what you want me to do, please stop me from pursuing life, liberty and happiness.”

Thank you for your input, Karen.
Areas that were shut down the tightest have some of the worst second waves of the virus. Explain why that is!
One reason is those shut down the tightest had population among them that rebelled, and didn't wear masks or follow the guidelines. Thus their mitigation was only partly effective, and the underlying cases were kindling when restrictions were relaxed.

There was a state supreme court that even ruled that the governors mask mandates were unconstitutional.

How about a cite on that one. Sorry, Hannity, OAN, Foxnews and Newsmax don't count as reliable sources. How about the actual case number so we can look at it.
You should wear a mask you pig ugly fucker.
Says the ignorant foreigner who hides behind an avatar and if that is you you're fat ass ugly

I have no reason to doubt that is a picture of him. If so, he's certainly not one to cast stones at anyone else's visual appeal, is he?

FWIW, if the bio information in his profile is to be believed, he is within a day or two of my age.

Now, I'm not one to care that much about how visually appealing an old man might be, but here two 58-year-old men (actually, as long as Tainted Tommy has been using that picture, he was surely significantly younger when it was taken, than he is now, but the picture of me is fairly recent.

View attachment 459631 View attachment 459633

And, of course, the picture of you to which he was responding…

View attachment 459634

So, which of these three men is least qualified to call either of the other two “pig ugly”?
Bob you are even uglier than bigreb. And your creepy cult makes it worse. How do you weirdos manage to get 3 or 4 wives ? Drugs ?
you are fugly not only on the outside but on the inside
Indeed,that’s comical that he calls Bob uglier than him,when Bob at least is not fat as he is nor Bald either,:lmao::auiqs.jpg:nor is Bob ugly on the inside.as always,tommy troll exposes to the whole board his hypocrisy once again.him and this op will hit it off with each other the fact they both love to lie all the time.lol
I'm not ashamed of how I look not much can you do with how you look but I also don't come out of the gate calling someone ugly when they never said it about me especially if I looked like Tommy lol
I'm just saying no one cares if he wears a mask other than that it's all irrelevant
The anti-mask arguments fail the mutation test.
Those not afraid of COVID-19, such as the young, and those who catch it asymptomatically, are the hosts that allowed the coronavirus to mutate to even more contagious and deadly strains. Other countries have seen 1 or 2 mutations, while the US has seen half a dozen such mutations.

N.J. experts fear 'perfect storm' on the horizon as 7 new ...
www.nj.com › coronavirus › 2021/02 › nj-experts-fear...

4 days ago — ... seven new coronavirus variants that recently originated in the United States, according to a study released Sunday.
fuck the experts that always get us in messes
They can wear the mask I will not
It takes 3 seconds to strap over your ears and go. What is the big deal to people? Why are there anti-maskers who are lying and saying they have medical conditions/other BS?

It literally takes like 3 seconds to put on your face and move on with your life...what gives?

You’re too young, too stupid, too unwise and too programmed to understand how certain government imposition is bad for a free and liberated society.
Mark, Jack, the Google faggots, the filthy university you attended and BLM hasn’t gone over this with you have they?

LefTard Logic:
“Please Father Government, guide me, please tell me I should be terrified of the Democrat Virus, step all over my freedom and FORCE me to do what you want me to do, please stop me from pursuing life, liberty and happiness.”

Thank you for your input, Karen.
No problem...I take great pride in enlightening ignorant fools who beg for more government imposition and fewer rights.

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