Hypocisy- The Metamorphosis


Diamond Member
May 8, 2004
Austin, TX
In recent debates and discussions I have had a gnawing disbelief in the rebuttals and counterpoints. I now believe this to be a result of the growing acceptance of hyocrisy as an acceptable form of discourse.

While most religions,philosophies and codes of behavior rank hypocrisy as a "negative", it now appears to be gaining some "neutality" and shades of grey are forming. An example of this is the dems' criticism of Bush for "lying". When confronted by Clintons' fabrications they usually respond with versions of " oh THAT was different " or " You can't defend Bush without bringing up that Clinton thing again" . I have even been just told bluntly to quit trying to change the subject.

This is possibly just the nature of debate however the growing claims of " It's ok if I do it---It's not ok if you do it " seem to be coming more frequent and louder and the argument de jour appears to be to grab a postion and simply say that you are "right" no matter what the truth maybe. Following the "grab' comes the dueling over side issues, perceptions of history, and "evidence" from challenged sources.

Perhaps hypocrisy is no longer the "crime" it used to be, because being "right" is so much more important than the truth but in overlooking it, the truth evaporates quickly. The loss of one battle is beginning to equate to the the loss of the war. Is anyone wrong anymore?

( ok - back to drive-bys for awhile )
Originally posted by dilloduck
Is anyone wrong anymore?

Libs usually are. they lie, distort, and disassemble, in a longwinded and rambling fashion, thinking more words make them more right. you can tell when a lib is losing, their posts get longer and longer, as the conservatives' typically get more concise and to the point. It fun to watch.
dillo, I agree. I think the only way to rightly judge anyone's actions is against an abjective standard. I choose the Bible as that standard, though others choose other religious texts. But you are right - if we are unwilling to judge our own "side" against the same moral standards we use for others, we are guilty of the worst hypocrisy.
Dillo, I'm not sure if it's hypocrisy or stupidity and ignorance that is causing the decline in rational discussion in this country.

To see what I mean go to Kathianne's post "You've got to see this. Video" on the Political Races board if you haven't already done so. Talk about slack-jawed, glassy-eyed, mouth-breathing halfwits - the video is as funny as it is sickening.
Hopefully ALL countries will realize that hypocrisy AND ignorance are enemies.

HAPPY 4th Merlin !
Originally posted by Merlin1047
Dillo, I'm not sure if it's hypocrisy or stupidity and ignorance that is causing the decline in rational discussion in this country.

To see what I mean go to Kathianne's post "You've got to see this. Video" on the Political Races board if you haven't already done so. Talk about slack-jawed, glassy-eyed, mouth-breathing halfwits - the video is as funny as it is sickening.

I think it's self-proclaimed enlightenment, without any substance. Bill Clinton had it in spades, now his hoards are following. These people are all about platitudes, no thinking. Just, "I feel so bad for our killing all those Iraqis." "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter." "I care about the environment, republicans want to kill it."

No room for debate, it's all a lone way proclamation.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by gop_jeff
dillo, I agree. I think the only way to rightly judge anyone's actions is against an abjective standard. I choose the Bible as that standard, though others choose other religious texts. But you are right - if we are unwilling to judge our own "side" against the same moral standards we use for others, we are guilty of the worst hypocrisy.

The Bible is not an "objective" standard...It is a long opinion though.
Originally posted by Bullypulpit
The Bible is not an "objective" standard...It is a long opinion though.

You ought to be able to prove that then.

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