Hunter Biden flees contempt hearing

Hunter once again mocking House Republicans

Hunter Biden entered the committee room and sat down for around 10 minutes before departing.

“You are the epitome of White privilege” said GOP Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina. “Coming into the Oversight Committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed. What are you afraid of? You have no balls.”

White Privilege?
Is Nancy Mace a bigot or what?

You "forgot" to mention that he ran off like a little bitch when the committee threatened to arrest him.

Democratic Rep. Jared Moskowitz of Florida responded to Mace’s taunts of the president’s son by saying, “If the gentlelady wants to hear from Hunter Biden we can hear from him right now.”

Hunter owns these guys
Nit how it works, you foreign Halfwit.

Tommy Tainant the pedophile supporter doesn't know that one of the reasons we kicked out George III and their Welsh servants was exactly this. They didn't know the difference between making blind assertions and proving them in court. 250 years ago the Democrat party were Tories. And Democrats were bringing slaves for the Democrat slave owners to buy. I guess nothing has changed
His criminal associate is, though.

meanwhile in realityville.............

China spent millions at Trump properties while he was president​

Saudi Arabia among foreign states that spent heavily at ex-president’s hotels, Democrats find

Saudi Arabia and China were among 20 foreign governments that spent at least $7.8mn in total at properties owned by Donald Trump while he was president, according to a report released by congressional Democrats on Thursday.

China’s government and state-owned entities were by far the heaviest spenders at the former president’s properties, the report said, paying $5.5mn at Trump-owned premises in New York, Washington and Las Vegas. Saudi Arabia and its royal family spent more than $600,000.

The findings are the culmination of a years-long probe by House Democrats into whether Trump personally profited from his time in public office. The former president is currently the clear frontrunner in the Republican presidential primary race.

The 156-page report found that alongside China and Saudi Arabia, state-linked entities from Congo, Malaysia, Albania and Kosovo spent money at Trump hotels and apartments. The investigation relies upon documents obtained from Mazars, Trump’s former accounting firm.

Qatar spent more than $460,000 and Kuwait more than $300,000, the report says.
China spent millions at Trump properties while he was president

<psssst> don't forget about panty waist jared having that $2,000,000,000.00 side deal with the saudi prince.
It's called "Big D Energy" OP!

Hunter has it and it drives Republicans crazy!!

#LOLGOP #TooFunny #CLASSIC #RepublicansAreAJoke
meanwhile in realityville.............

China spent millions at Trump properties while he was president​

Saudi Arabia among foreign states that spent heavily at ex-president’s hotels, Democrats find

Saudi Arabia and China were among 20 foreign governments that spent at least $7.8mn in total at properties owned by Donald Trump while he was president, according to a report released by congressional Democrats on Thursday.

China’s government and state-owned entities were by far the heaviest spenders at the former president’s properties, the report said, paying $5.5mn at Trump-owned premises in New York, Washington and Las Vegas. Saudi Arabia and its royal family spent more than $600,000.

The findings are the culmination of a years-long probe by House Democrats into whether Trump personally profited from his time in public office. The former president is currently the clear frontrunner in the Republican presidential primary race.

The 156-page report found that alongside China and Saudi Arabia, state-linked entities from Congo, Malaysia, Albania and Kosovo spent money at Trump hotels and apartments. The investigation relies upon documents obtained from Mazars, Trump’s former accounting firm.

Qatar spent more than $460,000 and Kuwait more than $300,000, the report says.
China spent millions at Trump properties while he was president

<psssst> don't forget about panty waist jared having that $2,000,000,000.00 side deal with the saudi prince.
All legal.

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