How To Defeat Trumpsters' Worship....Ask Him About His Spine on Gay Marriage..

Should Trump be pinned into a corner on gay marriage?

  • Yes, his followers deserve to know.

  • No, just leave Trump alone on that question.

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Yes, it is not the evangelical voter's position that a child should be legally stripped of even the hope of a mother or father as a matter of binding contract (gay marriage) for life... Should they learn Donald Trump considers gay marriage "beautiful", that might steal a vote or two from Trump and send it over to the candidate (name still pending here) who comes out as adamantly and vocally and specifically opposed to GAY marriage...and doesn't just dance around it in a general way..
What about children whose parents are assholes?

Don't they have rights?

Shouldn't we make sure assholes are not allowed to marry?

Tell me...would you consider a parent who seeks to legally strip their child of either a mother or father for life, as a matter of binding contract, no matter what the child's protest to an "asshole"? I would. So, I see we are both on the same page ideologically....
Or better yet, poll his followers and then ask him about gay marriage on live TV at the next debate.

Because you see, the majority of his followers, probably I'd guess around 90% range, all follow him because they see him a conservative reconstructor. They identify as conservative, obviously since he declares himself republican officially, but they like him most because he projects a spine where they see their erstwhile loyalties utterly lacking one. In short, the Trumpsters are conservatives who feel betrayed. They are the folks who sat and watched Kim Davis get jailed for refusing to play along with two dudes having butt sex and telling the kids involved "we are equal to mom and just accept it!".

They are blue collar people by and large, who are roughly the same as these folks and why they appear in such massive numbers: Understanding the Factions of the Electorate: the Glue that Binds Them

Now as I understand it, Donald Trump has been quite quiet about his true feelings on the topic. He's smart after all. And, Trump knows the rest of the candidates don't want to open that can of worms because they're all believing the Rove-machine that "most people support gay marriage". When you understand Rove takes his orders from Dick Cheney, with a stake in that game since his daughter is a lesbian (and he dodged the draft 5 times, and he and his wife were raised by democrats, and he praised Obama about the Bin Laden affair), you understand why the "conservative establishment" won't go near gay marriage with a ten foot pole....And yet it remains the sure way to unravel the Trump supporters and bring them back to the fold. It's an ironic impasse and opportunities missed in the past have not boded well for the Rove machine's "wisdom" played out at the voting booth (2008, 2012 & now 2016..?)

Trump is obviously ready to capitulate and leave the matter alone. In fact, Trump attended a gay wedding and said it was beautiful.. He has attended a number of them actually. Trump tells us we just "have to be realistic about it..." (as "inevitable"..) Real hard stance against gay marriage there.

Billionaire reality TV star/2016 Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump was recently asked what he would tell a child who asked him about his opposition to gay marriage. Trump’s response: ignore the question....“I’ve gone to gay weddings,” he continued. “I’ve been at gay weddings....“We’ll just see how it all comes out,” he concluded,...recently he declared the issue officially “dead.” Donald Trump stumbles through explaining his opposition to gay marriage

Way to go slugger! There's a real spine there...uh huh... :popcorn: I'm sure he'll keep future Kim Davis' out of jail... When push comes to shove it is easy to see where his sentiments on the topic lie.. Would he fiercely advocate for Christians? Or tell them "just accept it and follow the law"...? I think we all know the answer to that question.

It's time to let his follower's know they are behind a rainbow in conservative's clothing. Let his followers know there are some issues the Donald doesn't have a spine to tackle. See how that pans out for him in the S. Carolina primary and others..

I've seen the GOP try to expose Trump as a RINO to his followers on all other types of issues the Rove gang think will spark a visceral revulsion to Trump in his no avail...he just keeps getting more popular...

...Try this one and see how popular he is in the aftermath of his fumbling...

vv Actually, the topic isn't "funny". It's serious. In fact it's VERY SERIOUS when children are legally bifurcated from either a mother or father for life as a matter of binding contract. And I've noticed that when someone from the LGBT crowd tags an OP as "funny" it's their attempt to diminish how fearful they are of it being seriously discussed...or, perhaps, someone from Donald's inside camp worried about it being seriously discussed...............

Who cares, you in-the-closet, self-hating homosexual idiot! THIS SOCIETY HAS FAR MORE URGENT PROBLEMS TO ADDRESS THAN WHAT CONSENTING ADULTS DO WITH THEIR OWN BODIES, cretin! Every single thread you make is your obsession with homosexuality, which tells me you're trying to stake a sexual claim in it yourself! You know the old saying, "the squeaky wheel WANTS to get greased." Come out of the closet already, Sillhouette, I promise we'll still love you.
Fag knocking is not within Article I of the constitution. Therefore, leave it to Arts. 2 and 3, or better yet, leave it to the states.

This isn't a thread about people being against homosexuals individually. It's a thread about them being against forcing children as a new matter of law to go their entire life without either a mother or father.. You know so-called "gay marriage" forced on all 50 states' societies without their permission.. and how Trump describes the gay ceremonies he went to as "beautiful"....hardly even a moderate conservative value...
Dude, I agree with you. Faggotry is disgusting. I am a Cruz supporter. However, I disagree with it being a national security risk.
Trump supporter: I don't care.
It's a tiny little issue on which people disagree...

Perfect! So asking him about his stance on gay marriage and his "coming out" as soft and tacitly accepting of it shouldn't hurt him at all. So your vote in the poll would be "yes" with no consequences to Trump...right? :popcorn:
Literally every Trump supporter knows what his stances were and are...

I am probably the most anti-gay marriage Trump supporter, and I was probably one of his biggest critics when he flirted with running for office before.

If he can get me to enthusiastically vote for him, he can get anyone to vote for him.
100% of Trump supporters are concerned with ONE issue...Paycheck.
Let's ask them. Let's ask them how they feel about Obergefell. Surely it couldn't hurt?

Lots of Trump supporters on the boards- Stevie the racist, Odium the white Supremacist, Sharpshooter the racist....why not ask them?

I'm not a racist and I Syriusly only have ONE concern...a Paycheck!

Certainly not all of Trump's supporters are racists- I absolutely believe you.

But here at USMB? He appears to be the number one choice of USMB racists.
You only label white posters "racist", which means you are racist.
The radical fringe of the democrat party is hopeless but I bet the moderates in the democrat party lean toward Trump rather than the old commie or the crazy lady who thinks "there is a special place in hell".

Of course the reverse also works- there are moderates in the Republican Party who will lean toward Hillary rather than let a crazy blow hard multiple bankruptcy filing, eminent domain loving crazy who thinks that all Mexicans who come to the United States are rapists.
Hillary doesn't love eminent domain?

Sorry idiot, but Trump will get pretty much every Republican vote, along with a lot of Democrat voters that you stupidly cut off from your party.
Or better yet, poll his followers and then ask him about gay marriage on live TV at the next debate.

Because you see, the majority of his followers, probably I'd guess around 90% range, all follow him because they see him a conservative reconstructor. They identify as conservative, obviously since he declares himself republican officially, but they like him most because he projects a spine where they see their erstwhile loyalties utterly lacking one. In short, the Trumpsters are conservatives who feel betrayed. They are the folks who sat and watched Kim Davis get jailed for refusing to play along with two dudes having butt sex and telling the kids involved "we are equal to mom and just accept it!".

They are blue collar people by and large, who are roughly the same as these folks and why they appear in such massive numbers: Understanding the Factions of the Electorate: the Glue that Binds Them

Now as I understand it, Donald Trump has been quite quiet about his true feelings on the topic. He's smart after all. And, Trump knows the rest of the candidates don't want to open that can of worms because they're all believing the Rove-machine that "most people support gay marriage". When you understand Rove takes his orders from Dick Cheney, with a stake in that game since his daughter is a lesbian (and he dodged the draft 5 times, and he and his wife were raised by democrats, and he praised Obama about the Bin Laden affair), you understand why the "conservative establishment" won't go near gay marriage with a ten foot pole....And yet it remains the sure way to unravel the Trump supporters and bring them back to the fold. It's an ironic impasse and opportunities missed in the past have not boded well for the Rove machine's "wisdom" played out at the voting booth (2008, 2012 & now 2016..?)

Trump is obviously ready to capitulate and leave the matter alone. In fact, Trump attended a gay wedding and said it was beautiful.. He has attended a number of them actually. Trump tells us we just "have to be realistic about it..." (as "inevitable"..) Real hard stance against gay marriage there.

Billionaire reality TV star/2016 Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump was recently asked what he would tell a child who asked him about his opposition to gay marriage. Trump’s response: ignore the question....“I’ve gone to gay weddings,” he continued. “I’ve been at gay weddings....“We’ll just see how it all comes out,” he concluded,...recently he declared the issue officially “dead.” Donald Trump stumbles through explaining his opposition to gay marriage

Way to go slugger! There's a real spine there...uh huh... :popcorn: I'm sure he'll keep future Kim Davis' out of jail... When push comes to shove it is easy to see where his sentiments on the topic lie.. Would he fiercely advocate for Christians? Or tell them "just accept it and follow the law"...? I think we all know the answer to that question.

It's time to let his follower's know they are behind a rainbow in conservative's clothing. Let his followers know there are some issues the Donald doesn't have a spine to tackle. See how that pans out for him in the S. Carolina primary and others..

I've seen the GOP try to expose Trump as a RINO to his followers on all other types of issues the Rove gang think will spark a visceral revulsion to Trump in his no avail...he just keeps getting more popular...

...Try this one and see how popular he is in the aftermath of his fumbling...

vv Actually, the topic isn't "funny". It's serious. In fact it's VERY SERIOUS when children are legally bifurcated from either a mother or father for life as a matter of binding contract. And I've noticed that when someone from the LGBT crowd tags an OP as "funny" it's their attempt to diminish how fearful they are of it being seriously discussed...or, perhaps, someone from Donald's inside camp worried about it being seriously discussed...............

I still haven't figured out why people think Trump is a conservative. Many of his stands are moderate to liberal, that's why he always supported Bill Clinton.

And Bill Clinton has moved to the far left, just like his party's loudest supporters.
Yes, it is not the evangelical voter's position that a child should be legally stripped of even the hope of a mother or father as a matter of binding contract (gay marriage) for life... Should they learn Donald Trump considers gay marriage "beautiful", that might steal a vote or two from Trump and send it over to the candidate (name still pending here) who comes out as adamantly and vocally and specifically opposed to GAY marriage...and doesn't just dance around it in a general way..
What about children whose parents are assholes?

Don't they have rights?

Shouldn't we make sure assholes are not allowed to marry?

Tell me...would you consider a parent who seeks to legally strip their child of either a mother or father for life, as a matter of binding contract, no matter what the child's protest to an "asshole"? I would. So, I see we are both on the same page ideologically....
I consider parents as either good parents or bad parents

We should be more concerned with their ability to parent than their sexuality
Or better yet, poll his followers and then ask him about gay marriage on live TV at the next debate.

Because you see, the majority of his followers, probably I'd guess around 90% range, all follow him because they see him a conservative reconstructor. They identify as conservative, obviously since he declares himself republican officially, but they like him most because he projects a spine where they see their erstwhile loyalties utterly lacking one. In short, the Trumpsters are conservatives who feel betrayed. They are the folks who sat and watched Kim Davis get jailed for refusing to play along with two dudes having butt sex and telling the kids involved "we are equal to mom and just accept it!".

They are blue collar people by and large, who are roughly the same as these folks and why they appear in such massive numbers: Understanding the Factions of the Electorate: the Glue that Binds Them

Now as I understand it, Donald Trump has been quite quiet about his true feelings on the topic. He's smart after all. And, Trump knows the rest of the candidates don't want to open that can of worms because they're all believing the Rove-machine that "most people support gay marriage". When you understand Rove takes his orders from Dick Cheney, with a stake in that game since his daughter is a lesbian (and he dodged the draft 5 times, and he and his wife were raised by democrats, and he praised Obama about the Bin Laden affair), you understand why the "conservative establishment" won't go near gay marriage with a ten foot pole....And yet it remains the sure way to unravel the Trump supporters and bring them back to the fold. It's an ironic impasse and opportunities missed in the past have not boded well for the Rove machine's "wisdom" played out at the voting booth (2008, 2012 & now 2016..?)

Trump is obviously ready to capitulate and leave the matter alone. In fact, Trump attended a gay wedding and said it was beautiful.. He has attended a number of them actually. Trump tells us we just "have to be realistic about it..." (as "inevitable"..) Real hard stance against gay marriage there.

Billionaire reality TV star/2016 Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump was recently asked what he would tell a child who asked him about his opposition to gay marriage. Trump’s response: ignore the question....“I’ve gone to gay weddings,” he continued. “I’ve been at gay weddings....“We’ll just see how it all comes out,” he concluded,...recently he declared the issue officially “dead.” Donald Trump stumbles through explaining his opposition to gay marriage

Way to go slugger! There's a real spine there...uh huh... :popcorn: I'm sure he'll keep future Kim Davis' out of jail... When push comes to shove it is easy to see where his sentiments on the topic lie.. Would he fiercely advocate for Christians? Or tell them "just accept it and follow the law"...? I think we all know the answer to that question.

It's time to let his follower's know they are behind a rainbow in conservative's clothing. Let his followers know there are some issues the Donald doesn't have a spine to tackle. See how that pans out for him in the S. Carolina primary and others..

I've seen the GOP try to expose Trump as a RINO to his followers on all other types of issues the Rove gang think will spark a visceral revulsion to Trump in his no avail...he just keeps getting more popular...

...Try this one and see how popular he is in the aftermath of his fumbling...

vv Actually, the topic isn't "funny". It's serious. In fact it's VERY SERIOUS when children are legally bifurcated from either a mother or father for life as a matter of binding contract. And I've noticed that when someone from the LGBT crowd tags an OP as "funny" it's their attempt to diminish how fearful they are of it being seriously discussed...or, perhaps, someone from Donald's inside camp worried about it being seriously discussed...............

I still haven't figured out why people think Trump is a conservative. Many of his stands are moderate to liberal, that's why he always supported Bill Clinton.

He's not a traditional conservative. It's the 21st century and abortion was a 20th century issue. Trump is a progressive Republican....a moderate. Gay marriage doesn't scare him....who cares about archaic subjects in the stone age? He will be our next prez!
Gay marriage isn't an archaic subject. It was JUST forced on the 50 states LAST SUMMER...not even a year ago!
We should be more concerned with their ability to parent than their sexuality

We agree. Therefore you'll be against gay marriage since two dudes are incapable of providing the necessary mothering children need and two women are incapable of providing the necessary father-guidance they need. Two dudes are NOT ABLE to be a mother to children. Two women are NOT ABLE to be a father to children.

Trump should be asked publicly how he feels about children being legally disenfranchised from either a mother or father for life via the "gay marriage" contract. Then he should be asked if he's familiar with the Infant Doctrine's description of necessities and contract law. Then he should be asked if he's familiar with New York vs Ferber (1982) from the USSC..

Is Gay Marriage Void? New York v Ferber (1982) Etc.
We should be more concerned with their ability to parent than their sexuality

We agree. Therefore you'll be against gay marriage since two dudes are incapable of providing the necessary mothering children need and two women are incapable of providing the necessary father-guidance they need. Two dudes are NOT ABLE to be a mother to children. Two women are NOT ABLE to be a father to children.
You have got to let this go at some point. It's invalid to keep harping on this. The war is over, the dead have been buried, you are a hand reaching out from the grave and no one will pull you up. You lost J, you are going to have to, for your own mental health, let this go. Even if you're right, and you aren't, this is not a society that does the best thing for children and it never has and it never will. Let it go, not for me or anyone else, but for yourself. Life will go on and you are truly concerned about the welfare of children there is plenty of bad parenting out there to work on. The children of 2% of the population will manage, alternate lifestyle of mommy and daddy regardless.
You have got to let this go at some point. It's invalid to keep harping on this. The war is over, the dead have been buried, you are a hand reaching out from the grave and no one will pull you up. You lost J, you are going to have to, for your own mental health, let this go. Even if you're right, and you aren't, this is not a society that does the best thing for children and it never has and it never will. Let it go, not for me or anyone else, but for yourself. Life will go on and you are truly concerned about the welfare of children there is plenty of bad parenting out there to work on. The children of 2% of the population will manage, alternate lifestyle of mommy and daddy regardless.
Sorry, as long as children are stripped of their contractual rights to both a mother and father in marriage, the issue is quite live. As long as Christians go to jail for refusing to play along with your cult's dogma, this issue is quite live..

Nobody has to let anything go "Dr. PaintMyHouse". Thanks for the advice, but no thanks.. And since it's such a dead issue, you'll not be worried about Trump being called out for also calling it "a dead issue" and attending several gay weddings which he called "beautiful". Trump can be asked if he thinks stripping kids of either a mother or father for life is also "beautiful"...
Just keep in mind that the core support for Trump is based on his protectionist, nativist anti-foreigner beliefs,

or professed beliefs. Everything else is relatively unimportant.

It's a Ross Perot Plus constituency. It's a brand of populism as old as America.
You have got to let this go at some point. It's invalid to keep harping on this. The war is over, the dead have been buried, you are a hand reaching out from the grave and no one will pull you up. You lost J, you are going to have to, for your own mental health, let this go. Even if you're right, and you aren't, this is not a society that does the best thing for children and it never has and it never will. Let it go, not for me or anyone else, but for yourself. Life will go on and you are truly concerned about the welfare of children there is plenty of bad parenting out there to work on. The children of 2% of the population will manage, alternate lifestyle of mommy and daddy regardless.
Sorry, as long as children are stripped of their contractual rights to both a mother and father in marriage, the issue is quite live. As long as Christians go to jail for refusing to play along with your cult's dogma, this issue is quite live..

Nobody has to let anything go "Dr. PaintMyHouse". Thanks for the advice, but no thanks.. And since it's such a dead issue, you'll not be worried about Trump being called out for also calling it "a dead issue" and attending several gay weddings which he called "beautiful". Trump can be asked if he thinks stripping kids of either a mother or father for life is also "beautiful"...
Of course you can ask but it's an utterly stupid question. We have single parents all over the place and the simple math, which you completely ignore trying to get back to Leave It To Beaver (which never existed), is two parents are always better than one. Their gender matters little, if at all. Four parents would even be better, more time, more money, more views on life, etc.

There is no right to life. There is no right to a parent. There is no right to two parents or two parents of the opposite sex. There is reality and in reality Heather has two mommies is better than...............................................................................................................................................................Heather has one and daddy couldn't care less about her...
Just keep in mind that the core support for Trump is based on his protectionist, nativist anti-foreigner beliefs,

or professed beliefs. Everything else is relatively unimportant.

It's a Ross Perot Plus constituency. It's a brand of populism as old as America.
And it fails every damn time.
Just keep in mind that the core support for Trump is based on his protectionist, nativist anti-foreigner beliefs,

or professed beliefs. Everything else is relatively unimportant.

It's a Ross Perot Plus constituency. It's a brand of populism as old as America.
Hey, so I'll put you down too as "not worried" about the questions in post #111 & #113 to be put to Mr. to how it will affect his campaign...
Sil, see if you can honestly answer this question. For the benefit of the child you can have one parent same sex, or one parent opposite sex, or two parents you don't get to pick the sex. Which one, for the child, is best?
Yes, it is not the evangelical voter's position that a child should be legally stripped of even the hope of a mother or father as a matter of binding contract (gay marriage) for life... Should they learn Donald Trump considers gay marriage "beautiful", that might steal a vote or two from Trump and send it over to the candidate (name still pending here) who comes out as adamantly and vocally and specifically opposed to GAY marriage...and doesn't just dance around it in a general way..
But what about the children whose parents just had their jobs off-shore?!!!!!!

Tell you what. We'll ask Donald that question directly after ..

Feel free to ask Trump any questions you want.

Just be aware- Trump usually has people ejected from the audience if he doesn't like the question- and by acceptable question he means one that is admiring of Trump and that he is prepared to answer.
Sil, see if you can honestly answer this question. For the benefit of the child you can have one parent same sex, or one parent opposite sex, or two parents you don't get to pick the sex. Which one, for the child, is best?
None of it has to do with the marriage contract terms, shared with Infants up until 2015 when the Court decided children didn't need representation at the revision Hearing. A marriage contract was invented over a thousand years ago to provide BOTH a mother and a father to children.

They didn't have representation at Obergefell, two of the Justices were performing gay marriages as the question was pending before their Court. The case was a mistrial. It has to be reheard with the proper representation.

Wolves have "lovingly and successfully" raised human children. That doesn't mean we sanction "wolf marriage" where they can adopt human kids. Both mother and father are vital components of a child's life, now missing thanks to last year's High Kangaroo Court's Hearing. That will be remedied. Ask Trump about that remedy on public record..

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