How To Defeat Trumpsters' Worship....Ask Him About His Spine on Gay Marriage..

Should Trump be pinned into a corner on gay marriage?

  • Yes, his followers deserve to know.

  • No, just leave Trump alone on that question.

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So they danced around the topic last night again. Always always always vocally saying the words "abortion" but never "gay marriage". Just "marriage"..or "that decision last Summer affecting marriage". Abortion is such an ancient topic and the folks in the middle scatter every which way on it anyway. Not so with gay marriage being forced on their state. They're pissed. It's a galvanizing issue. The GOP snakehead is whispering over and over and over in their ears "it's not a big issue, let it go". He who has dodged the draft 5 times, wife and he raised by democrats in their formative years, who praised Obama's Bin Laden take down (you know, and hiding the body), and who has a lesbian daughter he'd do ANYTHING for...

You can't just play with the Golden Key in you hands gentlemen...if you want to defeat Trump, you have to insert the key in the lock and turn it.

Carson failed to do it.

Rubio failed to do it.

Cruz came close but again, failed to really drive it home by naming it "gay marriage"...though he said he would work to overturn and throw out "that decision last year" concerning just "marriage"..

Trump doesn't play softball guys. Thought you might have noticed that by now... CNN is hoping that having gay Anderson Cooper moderate (babysit) the conversation, the candidates won't name the beast. But they have to. And quick. It's the only way they can expose Trump. His followers, should they learn that Trump attended multiple gay weddings, calling them "beautiful" and saying the issue is dead legally (leaving boys without fathers and girls without mothers for life), would run from him.
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To hell with fag marriage! I don't care if a candidate supports this or advocates feeding homos to pigs. I care about his views on defense, security, foreign relations, and economic policy.

Fag knocking is not within Article I of the constitution. Therefore, leave it to Arts. 2 and 3, or better yet, leave it to the states.
To hell with fag marriage! I don't care if a candidate supports this or advocates feeding homos to pigs. I care about his views on defense, security, foreign relations, and economic policy.

Fag knocking is not within Article I of the constitution. Therefore, leave it to Arts. 2 and 3, or better yet, leave it to the states.
Yes, you care about this or that or the other thing...all will say 'are more vitally important than gay marriage". But how the East perceives our depravity is having an effect on national security. So in a way, the two are intrinsically related. It's not every day the people who a group is already calling "depraved infidels" approve of two dudes ass-ramming each other calling themselves "mom and dad" to kids for about throwing gasoline on the fire!..

In any event, the gay marriage issue may not be the most important, but it is the most common. While other issues float around wildly and vary here and there, the Trump bloc is unified in their opposition to this "lesser" (not really, but that's how you want it to seem) issue. Tell them their messiah thinks its beautiful and it's game over for Trump. It really is that simple.

Gay marriage if not the most important issue, is the most decisive one. And in a horse race, sometimes the skinnier dark horse puts its nose over the finish line first by a furlong...
So they danced around the topic last night again. Always always always vocally saying the words "abortion" but never "gay marriage". Just "marriage"..or "that decision last Summer affecting marriage". Abortion is such an ancient topic and the folks in the middle scatter every which way on it anyway. Not so with gay marriage being forced on their state. They're pissed. It's a galvanizing issue. The GOP snakehead is whispering over and over and over in their ears "it's not a big issue, let it go". He who has dodged the draft 5 times, wife and he raised by democrats in their formative years, who praised Obama's Bin Laden take down (you know, and hiding the body), and who has a lesbian daughter he'd do ANYTHING for...

You can't just play with the Golden Key in you hands gentlemen...if you want to defeat Trump, you have to insert the key in the lock and turn it.

Carson failed to do it.

Rubio failed to do it.

Cruz came close but again, failed to really drive it home by naming it "gay marriage"...though he said he would work to overturn and throw out "that decision last year" concerning just "marriage"..

Trump doesn't play softball guys. Thought you might have noticed that by now... CNN is hoping that having gay Anderson Cooper moderate (babysit) the conversation, the candidates won't name the beast. But they have to. And quick. It's the only way they can expose Trump. His followers, should they learn that Trump attended multiple gay weddings, calling them "beautiful" and saying the issue is dead legally (leaving boys without fathers and girls without mothers for life), would run from him.

YOur assumption that this could be a big problem is based on nothing by your lib misconceptions about Republicans.
Or better yet, poll his followers and then ask him about gay marriage on live TV at the next debate.

Because you see, the majority of his followers, probably I'd guess around 90% range, all follow him because they see him a conservative reconstructor. They identify as conservative, obviously since he declares himself republican officially, but they like him most because he projects a spine where they see their erstwhile loyalties utterly lacking one. In short, the Trumpsters are conservatives who feel betrayed. They are the folks who sat and watched Kim Davis get jailed for refusing to play along with two dudes having butt sex and telling the kids involved "we are equal to mom and just accept it!".

They are blue collar people by and large, who are roughly the same as these folks and why they appear in such massive numbers: Understanding the Factions of the Electorate: the Glue that Binds Them

Now as I understand it, Donald Trump has been quite quiet about his true feelings on the topic. He's smart after all. And, Trump knows the rest of the candidates don't want to open that can of worms because they're all believing the Rove-machine that "most people support gay marriage". When you understand Rove takes his orders from Dick Cheney, with a stake in that game since his daughter is a lesbian (and he dodged the draft 5 times, and he and his wife were raised by democrats, and he praised Obama about the Bin Laden affair), you understand why the "conservative establishment" won't go near gay marriage with a ten foot pole....And yet it remains the sure way to unravel the Trump supporters and bring them back to the fold. It's an ironic impasse and opportunities missed in the past have not boded well for the Rove machine's "wisdom" played out at the voting booth (2008, 2012 & now 2016..?)

Trump is obviously ready to capitulate and leave the matter alone. In fact, Trump attended a gay wedding and said it was beautiful.. He has attended a number of them actually. Trump tells us we just "have to be realistic about it..." (as "inevitable"..) Real hard stance against gay marriage there.

Billionaire reality TV star/2016 Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump was recently asked what he would tell a child who asked him about his opposition to gay marriage. Trump’s response: ignore the question....“I’ve gone to gay weddings,” he continued. “I’ve been at gay weddings....“We’ll just see how it all comes out,” he concluded,...recently he declared the issue officially “dead.” Donald Trump stumbles through explaining his opposition to gay marriage

Way to go slugger! There's a real spine there...uh huh... :popcorn: I'm sure he'll keep future Kim Davis' out of jail... When push comes to shove it is easy to see where his sentiments on the topic lie.. Would he fiercely advocate for Christians? Or tell them "just accept it and follow the law"...? I think we all know the answer to that question.

It's time to let his follower's know they are behind a rainbow in conservative's clothing. Let his followers know there are some issues the Donald doesn't have a spine to tackle. See how that pans out for him in the S. Carolina primary and others..

I've seen the GOP try to expose Trump as a RINO to his followers on all other types of issues the Rove gang think will spark a visceral revulsion to Trump in his no avail...he just keeps getting more popular...

...Try this one and see how popular he is in the aftermath of his fumbling...

vv Actually, the topic isn't "funny". It's serious. In fact it's VERY SERIOUS when children are legally bifurcated from either a mother or father for life as a matter of binding contract. And I've noticed that when someone from the LGBT crowd tags an OP as "funny" it's their attempt to diminish how fearful they are of it being seriously discussed...or, perhaps, someone from Donald's inside camp worried about it being seriously discussed...............

I still haven't figured out why people think Trump is a conservative. Many of his stands are moderate to liberal, that's why he always supported Bill Clinton.
How is removing the Donald's supporters by asking him about the strength of his stance against gay marriage "spam"? Should all the posts you post on pro-gay topics since you are consistently pro-gay also be called "spam"?
All Gay Marriage threads are now SPAM, especially yours...

So you respond to what you think is SPAM. :lmao:
Yep, with a can of Spam...

Yeah, we know, you are a moron.
YOur assumption that this could be a big problem is based on nothing by your lib misconceptions about Republicans.

Then you will have no objections to Trump being cornered on the question? :popcorn:

Not at all. It is a valid political issue.

It is just vastly outweighed in my opinion by other issues such as Immigration and Trade and NOt having a Cold War with Russia.
Gay marriage if not the most important issue, is the most decisive one. And in a horse race, sometimes the skinnier dark horse puts its nose over the finish line first by a furlong...

Decisive? Hardly. This issue is only decisive to a small minority of die-hards such as yourself. The reason the candidates have not been gassing on about gay marriage is b/c they know it is a losing issue for them. Most of America as moved on. You clearly never will, but thankfully you're irrelevant.
YOur assumption that this could be a big problem is based on nothing by your lib misconceptions about Republicans.

Then you will have no objections to Trump being cornered on the question? :popcorn:

Not at all. It is a valid political issue.

It is just vastly outweighed in my opinion by other issues such as Immigration and Trade and NOt having a Cold War with Russia.

It may be outweighed but think about what I just wrote on the previous page:

Yes, you care about this or that or the other thing...all will say 'are more vitally important than gay marriage". But how the East perceives our depravity is having an effect on national security. So in a way, the two are intrinsically related. It's not every day the people who a group is already calling "depraved infidels" approve of two dudes ass-ramming each other calling themselves "mom and dad" to kids for about throwing gasoline on the fire!..

In any event, the gay marriage issue may not be the most important, but it is the most common. While other issues float around wildly and vary here and there, the Trump bloc is unified in their opposition to this "lesser" (not really, but that's how you want it to seem) issue. Tell them their messiah thinks its beautiful and it's game over for Trump. It really is that simple.

Gay marriage if not the most important issue, is the most decisive one. And in a horse race, sometimes the skinnier dark horse puts its nose over the finish line first by a furlong...


Does anyone even read anymore?
Decisive? Hardly. This issue is only decisive to a small minority of die-hards such as yourself. The reason the candidates have not been gassing on about gay marriage is b/c they know it is a losing issue for them. Most of America as moved on. You clearly never will, but thankfully you're irrelevant.

Then I'll put you down for a "yes" on pressing Trump on how he thinks gay marriages were "beautiful" that he attended because you believe it will not only not have a negative impact for him, it should bolster him in the polls....that's what you want, right? For Trump to pull ahead of the pack in the GOP? Divide and conquer and all that good stuff? Because your cock-sure gay marriage is solid on both sides of the aisle? Something doesn't quite add up any event...

OK, so..."yes" for the poll question for mdk...
YOur assumption that this could be a big problem is based on nothing by your lib misconceptions about Republicans.

Then you will have no objections to Trump being cornered on the question? :popcorn:

Not at all. It is a valid political issue.

It is just vastly outweighed in my opinion by other issues such as Immigration and Trade and NOt having a Cold War with Russia.

It may be outweighed but think about what I just wrote on the previous page:

Yes, you care about this or that or the other thing...all will say 'are more vitally important than gay marriage". But how the East perceives our depravity is having an effect on national security. So in a way, the two are intrinsically related. It's not every day the people who a group is already calling "depraved infidels" approve of two dudes ass-ramming each other calling themselves "mom and dad" to kids for about throwing gasoline on the fire!..

In any event, the gay marriage issue may not be the most important, but it is the most common. While other issues float around wildly and vary here and there, the Trump bloc is unified in their opposition to this "lesser" (not really, but that's how you want it to seem) issue. Tell them their messiah thinks its beautiful and it's game over for Trump. It really is that simple.

Gay marriage if not the most important issue, is the most decisive one. And in a horse race, sometimes the skinnier dark horse puts its nose over the finish line first by a furlong...


Does anyone even read anymore?

Fuck the East.

We do not live our lives based on what pleases them.

Gay Marriage is not the most common issue.

The Trump bloc is unified on the issues that Trump has led with, immigration and trade.

YOur conclusion that the majority of his supporters will leave him if he is shown to be pro-gay marriage is based on nothing but your negative assumptions about people you don't like.
Fuck the East....We do not live our lives based on what pleases them....Gay Marriage is not the most common issue....The Trump bloc is unified on the issues that Trump has led with, immigration and trade....YOur conclusion that the majority of his supporters will leave him if he is shown to be pro-gay marriage is based on nothing but your negative assumptions about people you don't like.

Here, let me enlarge the text for you since you're having trouble reading:

Yes, you care about this or that or the other thing...all will say 'are more vitally important than gay marriage". But how the East perceives our depravity is having an effect on national security. So in a way, the two are intrinsically related. It's not every day the people who a group is already calling "depraved infidels" approve of two dudes ass-ramming each other calling themselves "mom and dad" to kids for about throwing gasoline on the fire!..

In any event, the gay marriage issue may not be the most important, but it is the most common. While other issues float around wildly and vary here and there, the Trump bloc is unified in their opposition to this "lesser" (not really, but that's how you want it to seem) issue. Tell them their messiah thinks its beautiful and it's game over for Trump. It really is that simple.

Gay marriage if not the most important issue, is the most decisive one. And in a horse race, sometimes the skinnier dark horse puts its nose over the finish line first by a furlong...


Is that better for you now?

And, since you are cock -sure the question won't affect Trump, then I'll put you down for a "yes" on the poll since his being cornered on the issue won't have any effect whatsoever on Trump's campaign....right? :popcorn:

As to the national security issue and how gay marriage worsens that for everyone...When someone is cold-cocking you in the jaw because their complaint is that your breath stinks, and they won't quit, and it hurts really bad, a wise man wouldn't pop in a few extra cloves of raw garlic "just to be sure theyr'e safe" from further harm...

Sometimes it's best instead to admit they may have a point and go brush your teeth instead of insisting the world just get used to your "right to have horrible breath"..
Decisive? Hardly. This issue is only decisive to a small minority of die-hards such as yourself. The reason the candidates have not been gassing on about gay marriage is b/c they know it is a losing issue for them. Most of America as moved on. You clearly never will, but thankfully you're irrelevant.

Then I'll put you down for a "yes" on pressing Trump on how he thinks gay marriages were "beautiful" that he attended because you believe it will not only not have a negative impact for him, it should bolster him in the polls....that's what you want, right? For Trump to pull ahead of the pack in the GOP? Divide and conquer and all that good stuff? Because your cock-sure gay marriage is solid on both sides of the aisle? Something doesn't quite add up any event...

OK, so..."yes" for the poll question for mdk...

All your thought might be bent on gay marriage but the electorate as moved on to more pressing matters.
Fuck the East....We do not live our lives based on what pleases them....Gay Marriage is not the most common issue....The Trump bloc is unified on the issues that Trump has led with, immigration and trade....YOur conclusion that the majority of his supporters will leave him if he is shown to be pro-gay marriage is based on nothing but your negative assumptions about people you don't like.

Here, let me enlarge the text for you since you're having trouble reading:

Yes, you care about this or that or the other thing...all will say 'are more vitally important than gay marriage". But how the East perceives our depravity is having an effect on national security. So in a way, the two are intrinsically related. It's not every day the people who a group is already calling "depraved infidels" approve of two dudes ass-ramming each other calling themselves "mom and dad" to kids for about throwing gasoline on the fire!..

In any event, the gay marriage issue may not be the most important, but it is the most common. While other issues float around wildly and vary here and there, the Trump bloc is unified in their opposition to this "lesser" (not really, but that's how you want it to seem) issue. Tell them their messiah thinks its beautiful and it's game over for Trump. It really is that simple.

Gay marriage if not the most important issue, is the most decisive one. And in a horse race, sometimes the skinnier dark horse puts its nose over the finish line first by a furlong...


Is that better for you now?

And, since you are cock -sure the question won't affect Trump, then I'll put you down for a "yes" on the poll since his being cornered on the issue won't have any effect whatsoever on Trump's campaign....right? :popcorn:

I read your reasoning. I understand what you are saying.

I am disagreeing with you.

ANd no, don't put me down as a yes, or a no.

I choose not to vote because the option I would pick is not there.

ie C. This election is about more important issues.
All your thought might be bent on gay marriage but the electorate as moved on to more pressing matters.

So you won't mind Trump being cornered on the issue of his considering the gay marriages he attended "beautiful"? Good. At last we agree.
All your thought might be bent on gay marriage but the electorate as moved on to more pressing matters.

So you won't mind Trump being cornered on the issue of his considering the gay marriages he attended "beautiful"? Good. At last we agree.

That's the rub, I don't believe the question can corner him. It doesn't hold the power as it once it did.
You're still not saying one way or the other about pinning Trump on the issue!
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