How many Berne bros will act out when the Ds steal his pluarity

Biden has no chance at all of defeating Trump. That's the point. The only person who stands a chance in hell of defeating Trump is Bernie.

That opinion is not based in reality.

I believe it is based on reality.

Unless you believe voters now base their voting on something other than reality?

The person that has the most support next to Biden is Sanders. Once folks see Biden in a debate with Trump? It is all over.

Mark Dice is a wingnut, I wouldn't base what the electorate does or who they vote for on what Dice has to say.

Is it just me or are people tired of others basing their idea of 'reality' on what they want to be true?

Agreed, I look at many sources for my meta data to draw my conclusions.

View this video and READ the comments sir.

Now read the comments on this video.

. . . dude. Stop letting YOUR cognitive bias lead you around, and read the writing on the wall. DUH!
That opinion is not based in reality.

I believe it is based on reality.

Unless you believe voters now base their voting on something other than reality?

The person that has the most support next to Biden is Sanders. Once folks see Biden in a debate with Trump? It is all over.

I dunno..neither of them are all that articulate...Biden is smarter..Trump can't play the incumbent card with him..since Biden was VP once and knows how it all works also.
If Biden were to have a clear day...he would destroy Trump on the stage, IMO.

Not that it matters...I believe that 90% have already made their decisions regarding Trump..for or against,.

that's really the only issue on the table, at this point.

Where did you come up with the notion that Joe Biden is smart, Evil Eye? He's been a US Senator for decades...a Vice President for two terms. He had to cheat his way through law school and every time he's run for President over the past thirty years he's invariably said or done something so stupid that it blew his run out of the water! Biden is nice...if you ignore the creepy touching thing...but smart? Please...

Note that I didn't say smart..I said smarter than Trump--which is a low bar indeed, IMO!

What pray tell makes Biden smarter than Trump? Has he ever done ANYTHING outside of politics that was successful? I'm sorry but you don't succeed in the New York real estate market if you're an idiot.

Cunning and intelligent enough to lead the free world...are far apart indeed. A man who brags about not contemptuous of learning..and makes emotional decisions based on the statements of those he considers smart--is not good for our country. I'm not a Biden fan..far from it--but like many..I'm done with Trump.

Trump is master at self-promotion--and he shines at it! But there is something to be said about someone who knows how Govt. works..and is willing to do what it takes to get govt. working..for everyone..and to stop fighting our culture wars from the Oval Office!
Biden has no chance at all of defeating Trump. That's the point. The only person who stands a chance in hell of defeating Trump is Bernie.

That opinion is not based in reality.

I believe it is based on reality.

Unless you believe voters now base their voting on something other than reality?

The person that has the most support next to Biden is Sanders. Once folks see Biden in a debate with Trump? It is all over.

Mark Dice is a wingnut, I wouldn't base what the electorate does or who they vote for on what Dice has to say.

Is it just me or are people tired of others basing their idea of 'reality' on what they want to be true?

Agreed, I look at many sources for my meta data to draw my conclusions.

View this video and READ the comments sir.

Now read the comments on this video.

. . . dude. Stop letting YOUR cognitive bias lead you around, and read the writing on the wall. DUH!

You want me to read the comments of a Youtube video and take them seriously?
Biden has no chance at all of defeating Trump. That's the point. The only person who stands a chance in hell of defeating Trump is Bernie.

That opinion is not based in reality.

I believe it is based on reality.

Unless you believe voters now base their voting on something other than reality?

The person that has the most support next to Biden is Sanders. Once folks see Biden in a debate with Trump? It is all over.

Mark Dice is a wingnut, I wouldn't base what the electorate does or who they vote for on what Dice has to say.

Is it just me or are people tired of others basing their idea of 'reality' on what they want to be true?

Agreed, I look at many sources for my meta data to draw my conclusions.

View this video and READ the comments sir.

Now read the comments on this video.

. . . dude. Stop letting YOUR cognitive bias lead you around, and read the writing on the wall. DUH!

You want me to read the comments of a Youtube video and take them seriously?

It's called parsing meta-data, it is reading the mood of the nation.

No, don't take the comments seriously, but gauge the overall swing of the comments, how their mood on candidates is trending. How many positive comments does Joe have? How many positive comments does Bernie have?

I realize, the older generations are more likely than younger generations to vote, and that YouTube commenters are more likely to be younger generations than old, but, it still gives us a general mood of the nation. . .

It is one indicator.

I even posted a CNN video to make it fair.
That opinion is not based in reality.

I believe it is based on reality.

Unless you believe voters now base their voting on something other than reality?

The person that has the most support next to Biden is Sanders. Once folks see Biden in a debate with Trump? It is all over.

Mark Dice is a wingnut, I wouldn't base what the electorate does or who they vote for on what Dice has to say.

Is it just me or are people tired of others basing their idea of 'reality' on what they want to be true?

Agreed, I look at many sources for my meta data to draw my conclusions.

View this video and READ the comments sir.

Now read the comments on this video.

. . . dude. Stop letting YOUR cognitive bias lead you around, and read the writing on the wall. DUH!

You want me to read the comments of a Youtube video and take them seriously?

It's called parsing meta-data, it is reading the mood of the nation.

Do you know what metadata is? And no, reading Youtube comments where trolls tend to congregate is in fact not reading the mood of the nation.

No, don't take the comments seriously, but gauge the overall swing of the comments, how their mood on candidates is trending. How many positive comments does Joe have? How many positive comments does Bernie have?

Here's a test. Go to Trump's tweet hole, find something controversial and see how popular it is.

I realize, the older generations are more likely than younger generations to vote, and that YouTube commenters are more likely to be younger generations than old, but, it still gives us a general mood of the nation. . .

There is no evidence that Youtube comments are the secret to unlock the pulse of America.

It is one indicator.

I even posted a CNN video to make it fair.

Even a CNN video, you don't say?
Berne sticks to his communist beliefs.
Bloomberg really is racist and sexist even by his own admission.
Biden has grope videos, gaff videos and brain damage
And the Ds will be screwed, blued and tattooed no matter what they do but this will be the second time that they will screw over the armed and dangerous Berne Bros. The Ds think that this is their least bad choice?

It is Trump and his supporters who are brain damaged. Nobody will screw him over if he fails to get a majority. That means a majority will have voted against him.

This is one thing I do not like about Bernie Sanders. He chided super delegate as I think most people should, called the system unfair, undemocratic in 2016 which often times fed the line that the DNC stole the nomination from Sanders.

Problem is when it became clear in 2016 that Sanders would lose the pledged delegate count (earned by state primary votes) he did a complete 180 and tried to win by getting those very same super delegates he decried and overturn the will of the voters.

Sanders Campaign Now Embraces Superdelegates As Key To Nomination

I don't know why more people don't talk about this aspect of the Sanders 2016 campaign.
I believe it is based on reality.

Unless you believe voters now base their voting on something other than reality?

The person that has the most support next to Biden is Sanders. Once folks see Biden in a debate with Trump? It is all over.

I dunno..neither of them are all that articulate...Biden is smarter..Trump can't play the incumbent card with him..since Biden was VP once and knows how it all works also.
If Biden were to have a clear day...he would destroy Trump on the stage, IMO.

Not that it matters...I believe that 90% have already made their decisions regarding Trump..for or against,.

that's really the only issue on the table, at this point.

Where did you come up with the notion that Joe Biden is smart, Evil Eye? He's been a US Senator for decades...a Vice President for two terms. He had to cheat his way through law school and every time he's run for President over the past thirty years he's invariably said or done something so stupid that it blew his run out of the water! Biden is nice...if you ignore the creepy touching thing...but smart? Please...

Note that I didn't say smart..I said smarter than Trump--which is a low bar indeed, IMO!

What pray tell makes Biden smarter than Trump? Has he ever done ANYTHING outside of politics that was successful? I'm sorry but you don't succeed in the New York real estate market if you're an idiot.

All you need is money and daddy's company.

There re plenty of people who have money and could not do what Trump did.
I believe it is based on reality.

Unless you believe voters now base their voting on something other than reality?

The person that has the most support next to Biden is Sanders. Once folks see Biden in a debate with Trump? It is all over.

Mark Dice is a wingnut, I wouldn't base what the electorate does or who they vote for on what Dice has to say.

Is it just me or are people tired of others basing their idea of 'reality' on what they want to be true?

Agreed, I look at many sources for my meta data to draw my conclusions.

View this video and READ the comments sir.

Now read the comments on this video.

. . . dude. Stop letting YOUR cognitive bias lead you around, and read the writing on the wall. DUH!

You want me to read the comments of a Youtube video and take them seriously?

It's called parsing meta-data, it is reading the mood of the nation.

Do you know what metadata is? And no, reading Youtube comments where trolls tend to congregate is in fact not reading the mood of the nation.

No, don't take the comments seriously, but gauge the overall swing of the comments, how their mood on candidates is trending. How many positive comments does Joe have? How many positive comments does Bernie have?

Here's a test. Go to Trump's tweet hole, find something controversial and see how popular it is.

I realize, the older generations are more likely than younger generations to vote, and that YouTube commenters are more likely to be younger generations than old, but, it still gives us a general mood of the nation. . .

There is no evidence that Youtube comments are the secret to unlock the pulse of America.

It is one indicator.

I even posted a CNN video to make it fair.

Even a CNN video, you don't say?

You are right, there is no proof that my analysis and looking at indicators such as these is any better than reading tea leaves.

If these types of indicators were any good? Ron Paul would have won the nomination against Romney in 2008, but the electorate rolled over on those GOP party rules changes.

OTH, these types of indicators did point to a Trump victory in 2016 when 538 was telling us that Hillary was going to win. So, it isn't any worse than 538 I suppose.

The basic up shot for these party elites? If you don't listen to what the people want? You won't get turn-out.

Catering to corporate and elite wishes doesn't get you electoral turnout. It is as simple as that.
I dunno..neither of them are all that articulate...Biden is smarter..Trump can't play the incumbent card with him..since Biden was VP once and knows how it all works also.
If Biden were to have a clear day...he would destroy Trump on the stage, IMO.

Not that it matters...I believe that 90% have already made their decisions regarding Trump..for or against,.

that's really the only issue on the table, at this point.

Where did you come up with the notion that Joe Biden is smart, Evil Eye? He's been a US Senator for decades...a Vice President for two terms. He had to cheat his way through law school and every time he's run for President over the past thirty years he's invariably said or done something so stupid that it blew his run out of the water! Biden is nice...if you ignore the creepy touching thing...but smart? Please...
Note that I didn't say smart..I said smarter than Trump--which is a low bar indeed, IMO!

What pray tell makes Biden smarter than Trump? Has he ever done ANYTHING outside of politics that was successful? I'm sorry but you don't succeed in the New York real estate market if you're an idiot.

All you need is money and daddy's company.
There re plenty of people who have money and could not do what Trump did.

Bankrupting multiple companies?
Mark Dice is a wingnut, I wouldn't base what the electorate does or who they vote for on what Dice has to say.

Is it just me or are people tired of others basing their idea of 'reality' on what they want to be true?

Agreed, I look at many sources for my meta data to draw my conclusions.

View this video and READ the comments sir.

Now read the comments on this video.

. . . dude. Stop letting YOUR cognitive bias lead you around, and read the writing on the wall. DUH!

You want me to read the comments of a Youtube video and take them seriously?

It's called parsing meta-data, it is reading the mood of the nation.

Do you know what metadata is? And no, reading Youtube comments where trolls tend to congregate is in fact not reading the mood of the nation.

No, don't take the comments seriously, but gauge the overall swing of the comments, how their mood on candidates is trending. How many positive comments does Joe have? How many positive comments does Bernie have?

Here's a test. Go to Trump's tweet hole, find something controversial and see how popular it is.

I realize, the older generations are more likely than younger generations to vote, and that YouTube commenters are more likely to be younger generations than old, but, it still gives us a general mood of the nation. . .

There is no evidence that Youtube comments are the secret to unlock the pulse of America.

It is one indicator.

I even posted a CNN video to make it fair.

Even a CNN video, you don't say?

You are right, there is no proof that my analysis and looking at indicators such as these is any better than reading tea leaves.

If these types of indicators were any good? Ron Paul would have won the nomination against Romney in 2008, but the electorate rolled over on those GOP party rules changes.

OTH, these types of indicators did point to a Trump victory in 2016 when 538 was telling us that Hillary was going to win. So, it isn't any worse than 538 I suppose.

The basic up shot for these party elites? If you don't listen to what the people want? You won't get turn-out.

Catering to corporate and elite wishes doesn't get you electoral turnout. It is as simple as that.

Let me get this straight when it comes to pure popular vote then your...let's call them 'data mining activities' was wrong on all accounts. In the case of Ron Paul it was wildly off. That guy lost by a lot. In the case of Trump, how do you equate looking at youtube comments and equating that to the electoral college since you don't know where the comments are coming from? Do you know how full of shit you sound?
BernieBros are mad and they are going to express it. Especially at the ballot box.

Maybe. I doubt they'll vote for Trump. Sanders is getting fewer votes this year than in 2016 so their numbers are smaller. Which is a good thing as we need at least (though preferably both) sides to not fall prey to some idiot narcissist. I'm hoping we haven't come to the point where the Democrats do what the Republicans did in 2016.

While I would still prefer Sanders over Trump, I do not care to create an environment where the guy I voted for surrounds himself with a bunch of sycophants. We've seen how that poisons our politics.

Narcissism isn't harmful to America unless his policies don't put America First.

Bernie voters who might lean to him, especially in the Rustbelt, will turn to Trump. They were hurt badly under Obama and Trump will remind them who is fighting for them against China.

Biden will try the "I'm the blue collar guy" bs. Nobody is buying it. Not after the sweetheart deal for his son and Ukraine/China come out in every debate. Once this goes primetime when people are paying attention, it's going to be a rough ride.

Bernie voters were for Trump almost 10% in 2016, I'm guessing it's much higher this time. So put the polls aside until after they choose their nominee and at least one or two debates in the G.E. Trump is popular in broader swath of states for a reason. Just look at Trumps crowds, Bernie does well also in drawing people. Some are trying to convince us that 3 dozen Biden supporters at a rally show this broad support?

I don't buy it.

Bernie voters are not going to turn to Trump. Republicans have huge problems heading into 2020. Black voters ar4e likely to turn out in much greater numbers than they did in 2016. Suburban voters especially women have moved away from the Republican Party.

Trump is not popular in a broader swath of states. Michigan and Pennsylvania are likely in the Democrat column. Texas, Georgia, and Arizona are up for grabs. Trump and Sanders are members of a cult. That is why they draw large crowds. Sanders has yet to win a state with a majority. He got 24% in Iowa, 26% in NH, 40% in Nevada and 20% in SC. Just because you draw large crowds does not translate into votes.
BernieBros are mad and they are going to express it. Especially at the ballot box.

Maybe. I doubt they'll vote for Trump.

I agree, but it's possible enough of them won't vote at all or vote for the Green Party and it could end up hurting Biden's chance of defeating Trump.

Biden will pick up votes from a stronger black turnout and suburban voters especially women.

Maybe. Clinton was also popular among black and she is a woman.
BernieBros are mad and they are going to express it. Especially at the ballot box.

Maybe. I doubt they'll vote for Trump.

I agree, but it's possible enough of them won't vote at all or vote for the Green Party and it could end up hurting Biden's chance of defeating Trump.

Biden will pick up votes from a stronger black turnout and suburban voters especially women.

Maybe. Clinton was also popular among black and she is a woman.

That was 2016. The story since then is that suburban voters especially women have been deserting the GOP in droves. Also in 2016, fewer black voters turned out on election day as Clinton underperformed in Black precincts. That clearly cost her Michigan and Pennsylvania.
BernieBros are mad and they are going to express it. Especially at the ballot box.

Maybe. I doubt they'll vote for Trump.

I agree, but it's possible enough of them won't vote at all or vote for the Green Party and it could end up hurting Biden's chance of defeating Trump.

Biden will pick up votes from a stronger black turnout and suburban voters especially women.

Maybe. Clinton was also popular among black and she is a woman.

That was 2016. The story since then is that suburban voters especially women have been deserting the GOP in droves. Also in 2016, fewer black voters turned out on election day as Clinton underperformed in Black precincts. That clearly cost her Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Yep, I'm just saying Biden like Clinton beat or is beating Sanders in the black vote.
Berne sticks to his communist beliefs.
Bloomberg really is racist and sexist even by his own admission.
Biden has grope videos, gaff videos and brain damage
And the Ds will be screwed, blued and tattooed no matter what they do but this will be the second time that they will screw over the armed and dangerous Berne Bros. The Ds think that this is their least bad choice?
Lol...communist beliefs...good god public schools REALLY need to get back to teaching civics and political philosophy

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