How Easy Is It to Thwart the Will of the American People ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
How easy is it to thwart the will of the American people ? Pretty damn easy, I'd say. Too easy. In this OP, I'm going to explore how groups like the ACLU, CAIR, ISNA, La Raza, MALDEF, the NAACP, and other bastions of liberal totalitarianism, manage to get their way, despite going against the tide of overwhelming American opposition.

In it's simplest expression, we could say > the courts. Yes. How many times have these tyrants bludgeoned the American people will, with the whim of one person wearing a black robe ? Quite a few is the answer. The mechanics of it is really quite simple. First the legislature goes to the trouble of enacting a law, or it gets enacted by referendum or inititiative (even more trouble and hard work). Then if CAIR or whoever decides they don't like it they go "judge-shopping" ** and when they find just the judge they're sure will revoke the law they don't like, they file court action, and just wait for the law to be abolished.

This has happened too many times to even list on this page. In case any skeptics exist, here's a few examples >>

1. Proposition 187 in California (1994) - ballot initiative to establish a state-run citizenship screening system and prohibit illegal aliens from using health care, public education, and other social services. It was approved by the work of over a million petition signatures, and shot down by ONE judge picked by the open-borders crowd.

2. Oklahoma State Question 755 (the Save Our State amendment) - Judge Vicki Miles-LaGrange of Federal District Court in Oklahoma City, knocked down this anti-Sharia law, which had been approved by a 70% landslide of Oklahoma voters. CAIR (Council on American-Islamic relations), one of America's premier Muslim Brotherhood front groups, filed the court action, with confidence that Miles-la Grange was their girl.

3. Proposition 8 in California (2010) - anti same-sex marriage law was voted into law by the people of California in 2008, it was derailed by a federal judge ( Chief Judge Vaughn Walker)

** Although I've known of the tactic of "judge-shopping" for along time, I learned of this specific term from Pat Buchanan (whom I admire greatly) in his 2006 book, State of Emergency, which I recommend highly.

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