How Does A Slave Go From Slavery To Being A Productive Member of Society?


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
How do slaves go from that to being a "true American?"

How did it happen? How should it happen? Did it actually happen?
You posted this in the wrong sub-forum.

This should be in the history sub-forum. Slavery ended over 150 years ago.
Good question, but IMO slaves have always been productive members of society. It's just that their production didn't do much to better their own lives, only their masters. The problem has been with recognition of that fact and the roadblocks put up by society that prevented them from producing to their potential.
How do slaves go from that to being a "true American?"

How did it happen? How should it happen? Did it actually happen?
They pull up their pants, stay in school, use a condom, and get a job and hold it.
How do slaves go from that to being a "true American?"

How did it happen? How should it happen? Did it actually happen?

We're all debt slaves. Each and every one of us. Well, unless we're in the one percent.

The way outta that, the way to choke out the master and get back to keeping the fruits of our labor, unfortunately, cannot be spoken.
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Anthony Johnson was a black slave known for achieving freedom and wealth in 17th-century Colony of Virginia. He was one of the first property owners and had his right to legally own a slave recognized by the Virginia courts.

He also owned the first black man to be consider a slave for life, John Castor.

So from the very beginning, in the US, you could be a black slave, work your way out of it, and end up owning your own black slaves. In other words racism wasn't the basis for the institution. Racism came later.

Oh, nm. I guess this is a black special pleading kinda thread? I shoulda known before speaking any relevant truths.
Oh, nm. I guess this is a black special pleading kinda thread? I shoulda known before speaking any relevant truths.
Its okay we have idealistic slaves of all makes. Just ignore the race baiting portion of what he post. People indenture themselves with all sorts of earthly precepts.

i.e. The status of having huge manicured chemicalized lawns to me has always seemed like a waste of gas, efforts and time unless you have plenty of money and can have someone else do all that wants to do the mowing for a few bucks, breathing dust, fumes and mold spores.

A daily one for most people is subjecting themselves to do work they can't stand for a paycheck. To me if you can't enjoy the job or work you do you have enslaved/subjected yourself.

A big one is borrowing money that you would spend a lifetime repaying. I liked the idea of having things paid for so we did not buy what would not be paid for when we got it or if we borrowed it would be paid off within a few years with money we knew beyond a doubt we had coming in (earnings coming in on contract). I always hated the idea of paying chitloads of interest.
How do slaves go from that to being a "true American?"

How did it happen? How should it happen? Did it actually happen?
Before blacks voted democrat, they had some of the top school raking, held 22 House of Representatives, first female millionaire was a black woman. They had strong families and were assimilating just fine... then democrats came in and fcuked it all up
How do slaves go from that to being a "true American?"

How did it happen? How should it happen? Did it actually happen?

We're all debt slaves. Each and every one of us. Well, unless we're in the one percent.

The way outta that, the way to choke out the master and get back to keeping the fruits of our labor, unfortunately, cannot be spoken.
So you're a big fan of Nat Turner I take it?

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