Are the debates already rigged? How?

I suggest you do that or provide some proof
Of the violent Trump cult being violent? I don't feed the sealions, sorry.

But Rudy sicced them on his volunteer election worker fetish, and now he is bankrupt because of it. So maybe you could lie to him to make him feel better.
Wow, the delusion is strong in that one. Obviously, you've never bothered to read anything I've written, but hey, don't let that stop you from creating opinions out of nothing. It hasn't yet.
You support those who are booing Biden...your president. They support Hamas so naturally you support Hamas.
You support those who are booing Biden...your president. They support Hamas so naturally you support Hamas.
Therefore, you support those who are booing TRUMP!, your former president. They support genocide so naturally you support genocide. That's how the truly lame and immature argue, which is why I don't. If I did, I would say that's why you are, but I don't.
Therefore, you support those who are booing TRUMP!, your former president. They support genocide so naturally you support genocide. That's how the truly lame and immature argue, which is why I don't. If I did, I would say that's why you are, but I don't.
I support the people booing Biden?

Wow, news to me.
Liberals always have some dirty tricks. It's ALL they have left. Why does Biden require NO AUDIENCE?????????????? Is it because you SUCK at speaking Biden and you don't want a real crowd to laugh you down Biden? :p
So why do you think he agreed to those terms, if you think they are so unfair?
Funny shit up is down and down is up with you leftists. If he was scared why would he accept any terms? Guess you forgot what happened to the CNN moderator during Trump's town hall
Held by CNN 😅
Funny shit up is down and down is up with you leftists. If he was scared why would he accept any terms? Guess you forgot what happened to the CNN moderator during Trump's town hall
Held by CNN 😅
I didn't comment on whether he was scared. You did. I only asked why, if the terms for the debate are so unfair, why did he agree to them.
Provide proof?
I don't feed the sealions.

This is a place to dicuss the news, not a place to beg strangers to spoonfeed it to you.

Stupid Rudy. His master's violent cult made the death threats, now he gets to pay for it. A pretty succinct example of what it means to serve the orange baby man.
You still going to leave that Luke 11:21 passage that you misquoted up even after knowing the true meaning of it?
Doesn't matter what the quote actually means. All it has to do is make him think it supports his view, and that's enough. You know how easy it is to confuse those crazies with facts.
I don't feed the sealions.

This is a place to dicuss the news, not a place to beg strangers to spoonfeed it to you.

Stupid Rudy. His master's violent cult made the death threats, now he gets to pay for it. A pretty succinct example of what it means to serve the orange baby man.
You made the claim now you can't back it up
Trump rolled CNN during that town hall that CNN was hosting for trump.
Trump has always had a problem with behaving like an adult. He's much better at behaving like a loud spoiled bully on the playground.
Trump agreed to the format.
Perhaps he's not such a good negotiator after all.

Or just to arrogant to care.

I seriously am concerned he does not care about winning the election.

He just needs his chapel filled with worshippers.

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