Homosexual love


Quod Erat Demonstrandum
Jul 8, 2009
Christians, why seek to outlaw this?

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iN1PZnG7fDc]YouTube - Sweet Chinese Gay Couple(王å*è½©&刘奇)[/ame]

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E7, I love you but supporting traditional marriage does not mean we're anti-gay, honey. And it doesn't mean we're all repressed gays either. Everyone marches to their own drum, my very good friend.
"Traditional" marriage?

Okay, let's protect "traditional" marriage.

Now what about "non-traditional" marriage? Can we manage to envisage it?


Marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As long as 'non' traditional marriage does not include forcing religions to marry couples it does not recognize. In it's legal sense, have at it. For the religions - it is for each faith to decide whether or not it performs such ceremonies.

Just because I am a Christian does not mean I have the right to stop others from living as they see fit.
"Traditional" marriage?

Okay, let's protect "traditional" marriage.

Now what about "non-traditional" marriage? Can we manage to envisage it?


Marriage - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

As long as 'non' traditional marriage does not include forcing religions to marry couples it does not recognize. In it's legal sense, have at it. For the religions - it is for each faith to decide whether or not it performs such ceremonies.

Just because I am a Christian does not mean I have the right to stop others from living as they see fit.

That seems perfectly reasonable. I know in the US marriage is legislated by the individual states but here (Australia) it's a federal law. Marriage can be celebrated by a religious figure (but they have to be approved by the feds. It can also be celebrated by a non-religious figure who is licensed. But wouldn't you know it that our federal law only recognises marriage between one man and one woman. That's regardless of how any religious authority sees it. Yep, we're backward in some things, this is one of them.

I don't think the state should be able to tell a religion who can be married within its customs. If two same-sex couples want to be married in a religious ceremony but their religion doesn't recognise it then that's a bit of bad luck. But at least (so far) Australia recognises a legal marriage celebrated in another jurisdiction so a same-sex marriage celebrated in a jurisdiction which allows it will be recognised here (in theory). But I can see some issues when the going gets complicated. Our politicians are mostly gutless and unprincipled and sniff the wind of popular opinion instead of providing leadership on delicate issues.
Yep, we're backward in some things.

Never could figure out why people think that not allowing homos to marry is somehow backwards?

Seems to me, that legalizing the homos animalistic behavior is going backwards.

Homosexual acts between adults was legalised in my state in the early 1970s, which was a while after some other places. One of the reasons it was legalised was the so-called "Duncan Drowning" which shifted public opinion.

Stateline South Australia

Why anyone would want to lock up adults who have consensual sex in private is beyond me.
Christians, you wish you could have this...

sTAY THE FUCK OUT of others lives.

Christianity has nothing to do with it. I'm an atheist, and I think the government needs to stay the fuck out of marriage completely. What gives the government the right to be involved at all?
Let them do whatever. I don't really care anymore as long as they're not having Islamic marriage ceremonies. :neutral:
Homosexuals should have the legal right to get married. If the law really means what it says - that we're all equal under it.
Let them do whatever. I don't really care anymore as long as they're not having Islamic marriage ceremonies. :neutral:

Why just Islamic? It's okay for all other faiths to be forced to perform them, except yours? Charming, I must say.

See, now I have to dismiss you as an idiot.
Christians, you wish you could have this...

sTAY THE FUCK OUT of others lives.

Christianity has nothing to do with it. I'm an atheist, and I think the government needs to stay the fuck out of marriage completely. What gives the government the right to be involved at all?

It's a legal matter, ergo government is involved.

It's only a legal matter because the government told you it was.
The state has no business sanctioning marriage, period.
Let them do whatever. I don't really care anymore as long as they're not having Islamic marriage ceremonies. :neutral:

Why just Islamic? It's okay for all other faiths to be forced to perform them, except yours?
I don't care about marriage's sanctioned by other faiths.

But there will NEVER be a homo marriage performed at a Mosque :evil:
Why just Islamic?
Because I'm a Muslim. Claiming to be a Muslim while happily violating one of the tenets of Islam (heterosexuality) makes a mockery of the religion. Therefore, I'd prefer that homosexuals stick to other types of marriage ceremonies. Admittedly, gays aren't exactly flocking to Islam in droves...

It's okay for all other faiths to be forced to perform them, except yours? Charming, I must say.

Here's what I said:
Let them do whatever. I don't really care anymore as long as they're not having Islamic marriage ceremonies.​

Obviously, what I meant was:
I believe that all non-Islamic religions should be legally forced to accommodate homosexuals. Fuck infidels.​

I'm so thankful that you're here to clarify my posts. How anybody could understand the incomprehensible drivel in my original message is beyond me.

See, now I have to dismiss you as an idiot.
Oh God, not that.
Let them do whatever. I don't really care anymore as long as they're not having Islamic marriage ceremonies. :neutral:

Why just Islamic? It's okay for all other faiths to be forced to perform them, except yours? Charming, I must say.

See, now I have to dismiss you as an idiot.

The original idea of marriage was a religious one, not a state sanctioned one. If his religion doesn't want to sanction a marriage, that is up to his religion, not the state.
A generation or two from now, people will look back and wonder why we denied the civil rights of homosexuals just like we look back 40 years ago and wonder why we denied the civil rights of blacks. Today will be looked at as a prejudiced time in the future because people are fighting against gay rights.

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