Hillary adopts Southern accent for Memphis crowd

She always breaks into that Southern accent!

She thinks it makes her part of the family so to speak, one of them ... Heavens knows what she thinks

We KNOW what she thinks.....
NOVEMBER 21, 2015

Yes. It happen again

It took Clinton only about 50 seconds to unpack it before a crowd at LeMoyne-Owen College.

“I gotta tell you,” Hillary said with a distinct drawl, “I loved coming to Memphis in the past.

Why is she like that???:cuckoo:

VIDEO: Hillary adopts southern accent for Memphis crowd
Its YALL you ignorant shrew! She is like that because she does whatever she can to get elected.

No doubt she does, but affecting different accents is not one of them. I'm not sure she's even capable of it, even with years living in Arkansas -- some people have the ear for it, some don't. And no, she never even said y'all, although that wouldn't count as "accent".

Actually I've heard both Barack O'bama and George W. Bush shift their accents according to who their audience is, more times than I could count. There ain't nothing wrong wid it.
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NOVEMBER 21, 2015

Yes. It happen again

It took Clinton only about 50 seconds to unpack it before a crowd at LeMoyne-Owen College.

“I gotta tell you,” Hillary said with a distinct drawl, “I loved coming to Memphis in the past.

Why is she like that???:cuckoo:

VIDEO: Hillary adopts southern accent for Memphis crowd

Complete bullshit. There's no accent there that's any different from that everyday nasal Chicago accent she normally has.

Try actually LISTENING to a video instead of just taking some blogger's word for it. You embarrassed yourself.

Oh, and the blog tries to pretend dropping Gs on gerunds is a "Southern" thing. It isn't. Not one of my deep South relatives do that, unless, like anyone else, they're affecting a colloquialism. And that happens anywhere, north, south, east or west.

Partisan hackery at its most desperate.
Sounds Southern to me, donkey dick.

Then you have no clue about accents.
I do -- I spent my childhood between the North and the South, and then went to broadcasting school where we specifically worked on losing our accents -- whichever they were -- to affect a standard broadcast accent. That meant examining what we started with. Then I learned a couple of other languages and worked doing voiceovers. I know every nuance in speech.

Go ahead -- give me a time stamp. A word. A phrase.

You see, cretin --- simply declaring "there's an accent" on a blog page hoping nobody checks you out, doesn't make it happen. And the YouTube page where this came from makes no mention at all of an "accent". Because there isn't one. Not one that's any different from any other speech.
We already had this discussion in another thread and you ran away crying and all mad when I showed you the errors of your ways, y'all.

No I'm afraid not Danth. It was I who pointed out that "I don't feel no ways tired" is a song lyric and made you and yours look ridiculous.

I asked you for a timestamp or word or phrase. You done come up empty, Goober.
I am not going to do a retread with you. You cried then and are whimpering now, honeychile'
She always breaks into that Southern accent!

She thinks it makes her part of the family so to speak, one of them ... Heavens knows what she thinks

That would be called "mirroring", something we all do. But no, she doesn't "always break into" a Southern accent. If there were such an example you could show it.

You're just digging deeper here Skye. I sat through the entire speech. No change.
Complete bullshit. There's no accent there that's any different from that everyday nasal Chicago accent she normally has.

Try actually LISTENING to a video instead of just taking some blogger's word for it. You embarrassed yourself.

Oh, and the blog tries to pretend dropping Gs on gerunds is a "Southern" thing. It isn't. Not one of my deep South relatives do that, unless, like anyone else, they're affecting a colloquialism. And that happens anywhere, north, south, east or west.

Partisan hackery at its most desperate.
Sounds Southern to me, donkey dick.

Then you have no clue about accents.
I do -- I spent my childhood between the North and the South, and then went to broadcasting school where we specifically worked on losing our accents -- whichever they were -- to affect a standard broadcast accent. That meant examining what we started with. Then I learned a couple of other languages and worked doing voiceovers. I know every nuance in speech.

Go ahead -- give me a time stamp. A word. A phrase.

You see, cretin --- simply declaring "there's an accent" on a blog page hoping nobody checks you out, doesn't make it happen. And the YouTube page where this came from makes no mention at all of an "accent". Because there isn't one. Not one that's any different from any other speech.
We already had this discussion in another thread and you ran away crying and all mad when I showed you the errors of your ways, y'all.

No I'm afraid not Danth. It was I who pointed out that "I don't feel no ways tired" is a song lyric and made you and yours look ridiculous.

I asked you for a timestamp or word or phrase. You done come up empty, Goober.
I am not going to do a retread with you. You cried then and are whimpering now, honeychile'

Still emptyhanded huh?

Of course you're not going to "do a retread". You never had any traction the first time. :rofl:

Hey, it's not my fault you don't know what you're talking about.
I noticed how she's been surrounding herself with negroes lately. The polls must be telling her she's losing them. Either that, or she's doing it so BLM won't take her mic away from her.
She always breaks into that Southern accent!

She thinks it makes her part of the family so to speak, one of them ... Heavens knows what she thinks

That would be called "mirroring", something we all do. But no, she doesn't "always break into" a Southern accent. If there were such an example you could show it.

You're just digging deeper here Skye. I sat through the entire speech. No change.
You are a Hillary apologist and propagandist. If she had diarrhea you would climb up her ass and exclaim she was laying golden eggs.
Nobody has ever adapted an accent like Bush, Jr., no one in the Bush family has that cowboy accent except him.
She always breaks into that Southern accent!

She thinks it makes her part of the family so to speak, one of them ... Heavens knows what she thinks

That would be called "mirroring", something we all do. But no, she doesn't "always break into" a Southern accent. If there were such an example you could show it.

You're just digging deeper here Skye. I sat through the entire speech. No change.
You are a Hillary apologist and propagandist. If she had diarrhea you would climb up her ass and exclaim she was laying golden eggs.

Nope. I just know what an accent is. I have to. It's part of my job. And that means I also know what it isn't.
Sounds Southern to me, donkey dick.

Then you have no clue about accents.
I do -- I spent my childhood between the North and the South, and then went to broadcasting school where we specifically worked on losing our accents -- whichever they were -- to affect a standard broadcast accent. That meant examining what we started with. Then I learned a couple of other languages and worked doing voiceovers. I know every nuance in speech.

Go ahead -- give me a time stamp. A word. A phrase.

You see, cretin --- simply declaring "there's an accent" on a blog page hoping nobody checks you out, doesn't make it happen. And the YouTube page where this came from makes no mention at all of an "accent". Because there isn't one. Not one that's any different from any other speech.
We already had this discussion in another thread and you ran away crying and all mad when I showed you the errors of your ways, y'all.

No I'm afraid not Danth. It was I who pointed out that "I don't feel no ways tired" is a song lyric and made you and yours look ridiculous.

I asked you for a timestamp or word or phrase. You done come up empty, Goober.
I am not going to do a retread with you. You cried then and are whimpering now, honeychile'

Still emptyhanded huh?

Of course you're not going to "do a retread". You never had any traction the first time. :rofl:

Hey, it's not my fault you don't know what you're talking about.
You figuratively sat on my lap and put your head on my chest while I painstakingly showed you many posts and provided all you needed at which point you exclaimed I changed your mind. Afterward you followed me from thread to thread looking for more pearls. Now go away.
And...just like every other time......it's a common thing. Some people do it more than others. It isn't normally a conscious choice.

But....it's OK. Don't vote for her because of this. It's very important.

I grew up in Boston. I haven't lived there in almost ten years now and yet I still sound exactly the same.
I'm not sure she's even capable of it,

Thats' ones reason it is so obvious. and phony. I listened to about 5 sec random near end and I heard it right away, something about ARK and medicare expansion.

The sad part is people actually fall for it, like she is one of them? Another sad part is to deny it. I also been North South Midwest and West.
NOVEMBER 21, 2015

Yes. It happen again

It took Clinton only about 50 seconds to unpack it before a crowd at LeMoyne-Owen College.

“I gotta tell you,” Hillary said with a distinct drawl, “I loved coming to Memphis in the past.

Why is she like that???:cuckoo:

VIDEO: Hillary adopts southern accent for Memphis crowd

She does this all the time. The woman is such a fraud.

There's no different accent there. Don't take the blogger's word for it -- listen to the video.
The fraud is in the blogger trying to invent something that isn't there, hoping nobody vets him. But I did.

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