Hey Whoopi


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011

I know you really want to see white folks beaten by cops (you don't see it because the new pretends it doesn't exist)

so does this help? Are you happy now?


I know you really want to see white folks beaten by cops (you don't see it because the new pretends it doesn't exist)

so does this help? Are you happy now?

Interesting. Is that an isolated incident or is that America now?
Interesting. Is that an isolated incident or is that America now?
It's always been that way, it's just not in the media, you do have to find these things, because certain people don't want you to find these. I used to be able to find Al Gore making his stupid comment during the innaugaral walkthrough at Monticello on YouTube, around the later 2000s, it's hard to find that clip.

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