US politicians talk a lot about supporting minorities . What about the worlds first black led Republic… Haiti. Blm should be ashamed of themselves.


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
The small but violent percentage of Americans that support BLM have no idea what’s going on in Haiti. And if we really all think about it with the privileges we all have as Americans to be able to have a first world living… it is truly an abomination and evil that you have things like “BLM” in America, when these beautiful black Christians and Haiti are dying and large numbers in the fight for freedom.

Think about the whiny brats from BLM denigrating American police officers. Complaining about things that don’t exist in the USA like “racism”. When the worst atrocity of the world, the greatest atrocity in the world right now going on in Haiti. Nobody is talking about it nobody. It’s all about Israel. It’s all about Ukraine.

In the first four months of 2023, there were more civilians killed in Haiti than in Ukraine. Some people have no idea that this human catastrophe is occurring. What about the mass median America? They almost never talk about this. Do they not care about Black people? They care about white people in Ukraine more? What’s going on here?

Haiti is a country with a history of black folks taking hold for themselves.

This used to be a cause for Democrats to look at. Today’s Democrats are an abomination as they have brainwashed their followers in believing that America is racist and that blacks have worse in America. When in reality black folks in Haiti are dying in large numbers. Again dying. Does the word have to be said again.

Somewhere in Haiti there are many honest Black people who are working together for the common cause of Christianity for the cross. The cause of

Toussaint Louverture​

BLM is not violent and in reality the patriots of the revolutionary war were a lot more violent than BLM could ever be
This following story is reality. The rich politicians in America talk about standing against Russia. They talk about giving all our money to Ukraine and Israel, some of them talk about supporting the Palestinian cause. Nobody is talking about Haiti. About our blood brothers, our fellow Christians in Haiti may God protect them. May the cross Rise tall for the beautiful Christians of Haiti. And this is a moment that can perhaps be seized by good people of the world to prop up the good people in Haiti.

It’s really extraordinary. We saw a Nazi Ukrainian get a plotted by the Canadian parliament. We see a small percentage of Americans waive a Ukrainian flag they don’t care about the Canadian Parliament honoring a Ukrainian Nazi for World War III. Some of them don’t even know about it of course many do you know about it and simply don’t care about it. It’s the same people that complain about white supremacy in the USA. I mean we can’t make this stuff up it’s an abomination.

Meanwhile, you actually have black Christians and Haiti suffering from atrocities. Nobody’s talking about it in the US media. .. the US politicians are not urging Americans to standby Haiti.

, Jesus weeps for this. Then we can all pray for a better future for Haiti. That’s an actual humanitarian cause but you know what’s not humanitarian giving money to people and Ukraine that support the legacy of Hitler.

José we must stand by our Christian brothers in Haiti
BLM is not violent and in reality the patriots of the revolutionary war were a lot more violent
Blm supporters killed 25 people in the bloody summer of 2020 in the USA. They denigrate American history. They’re an insult to the world. The actual atrocity of the world the real oppression is occurring in Haiti. But you don’t see politicians talking about it you don’t see the media talk about it. Even when they’re shown things like the videos in the original post, they actually don’t even talk about it.
Curried Goats IM2 Superbadbrutha

How do you guys feel about supporting white Nazis in Ukraine which is what the US gov is doing. Left-wing media outlets in the USA like CNN showcased a Ukrainian cemetery with a bunch of flags from the third Reich. Sure many Ukrainians are not Nazis but for some stupid insane reason the Canadian parliament honored one and CNN is giving attention to neo Nazism in Ukraine. I mean why is this happening?

How do you feel about the Canadian Parliament giving a standing ovation to a Nazi Ukrainian?


How do you feel about some people that support BLM also supporting Ukraine when the Canadian parliament literally honored a Ukrainian Nazi. Are you going to criticize that or ignore it?

I’m not here to personally anybody I respect everybody’s freedom of speech, and we can have disagreements, but I just want some honest responses here.
Blm supporters killed 25 people in the bloody summer of 2020 in the USA. They denigrate American history. They’re an insult to the world. The actual atrocity of the world the real oppression is occurring in Haiti. But you don’t see politicians talking about it you don’t see the media talk about it. Even when they’re shown things like the videos in the original post, they actually don’t even talk about it.
Provide a source or it just an opinion your trying to present as truth

specifically that BLM supporters killed people

and if they did then how many were jailed for this crime
Hopefully, and at least just watch a little bit of the video in the original post. Because amid the bloodshed and crimes against humanity. There are Haitian children and men banning together to feed their families and preserve safe water. There’s honest police officers in Haiti, fighting back against the drug dealers in criminal leaders.

SavannahMann Lesh JoeB131 Litwin

Not here for personal attacks . How do you guys feel about BLM supporters who also support Ukraine. Do you admire the Canadian parliament for giving a standing ovation to a Ukrainian nazi from Ww2? we all know the fact that a portion of the Ukrainian supporters in the USA are BLM supporters who believe “white supremacy” is a problem in the USA. They either don’t know or care about the Canadian parliament honoring Nazis or Ukrainian Nazi symbols all over western Ukraine.

Biggest point of all how about these people who waive the Ukraine flag and the BLM flag not having any idea what’s going on in Haiti home of the first black led Republic in world history.

Why is there 110 billion $ given to Ukraine based on what the media and politicians are saying is for moral humanitarian reasons. Is it because they’re white people? Politicians want to give money to Jews and Israel billions of dollars is it because they’re Jewish? you have Democrats and left wingers perhaps some conservatives want to support Palestinians.

But not a mention of these beautiful black Christians from Haiti?

I’m hoping for some answers here most especially from the left wing who always claim to stand up for the moral thing for moral righteousness. I’m hoping that they can explain how they support Ukraine, and giving money to Ukraine, how they explain Canada giving a standing ovation to a Nazi from World War II.. how they can explain their position about helping Black people in America because they believe that they are oppressed when in reality in Haiti, tons of Black people are being killed on the streets.
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Provide a source or it just an opinion your trying to present as truth

specifically that BLM supporters killed people

and if they did then how many were jailed for this crime
Why haven’t you mentioned the word word Haiti?

Do you know that there were more civilians killed in Haiti in the first four months of 2023 compared to in Ukraine?

The point is BLM are thieves, their criminals they have stolen money to build mansions with. Their whole premise is completely in sane. Do you know of the sum of 2020 when BLM supporters rioted and killed 25 people. Now a lot of Ben said here. Please don’t be ignorant and only respond to one point. Please respond to this entire post. Mention Haiti please

Tons of Black people are dying in Haiti.

Let’s her your thoughts on Nazis in Ukraine respond to the numerous points made please. Thank you for your time.
Blm supporters killed 25 people in the bloody summer of 2020 in the USA. They denigrate American history. They’re an insult to the world. The actual atrocity of the world the real oppression is occurring in Haiti. But you don’t see politicians talking about it you don’t see the media talk about it. Even when they’re shown things like the videos in the original post, they actually don’t even talk about it.
So you have no source and now you are mixing in Christianity, Haitians, and BLM

Okay good luck with that
So you have no source and now you are mixing in Christianity, Haitians, and BLM

Okay good luck with that
Non response

Please respond to the many points made.

You have thousands of Haitians dying. And you’re continuing to try and make some point about BLM. The gist of it all is there is a portion of Americans who believe “Blacks are oppressed in America” while thousands of blacks are being killed in Haiti. What do you think about that. Again go back to the posts I made and respond to the many points I made please.
I’m hoping for some answers here most especially from the left wing who always claim to stand up for the moral thing for moral righteousness. I’m hoping that they can explain how they support Ukraine, and giving money to Ukraine, how they explain Canada giving a standing ovation to a Nazi from World War II.. how they can explain their position about helping Black people in America because they believe that they are pressed when in reality in Haiti, tons of Black people are being killed on the streets.
I was going to take the time to refute your stupidity, Russian Troll, but since you have me on ignore, why bother?

BLM leaders are living in mansions from stolen donation money, And they are brainwashing their drug addicted supporters to say that “blacks are oppressed in America”…. Meanwhile Black kids are starving in Haiti and thousands of blacks have been killed in Haiti. Theres your real oppression

Superbadbrutha Curried Goats

This is one of the great humanitarian events in the 21st-century. Why isn’t the mass media or the rich white BLM supporting celebrities talking about this? Why aren’t the white Hollywood actors talking about this thing going on in Haiti.

Is Nancy Pelosi going to take a knee for those black kids picture above?
View attachment 925711

BLM leaders are living in mansions from stolen donation money, And they are brainwashing their drug addicted supporters to say that “blacks are oppressed in America”…. Meanwhile Black kids are starving in Haiti and thousands of blacks have been killed in Haiti. Theres your real oppression

Superbadbrutha Curried Goats

This is one of the great humanitarian events in the 21st-century. Why isn’t the mass media or the rich white BLM supporting celebrities talking about this? Why aren’t the white Hollywood actors talking about this thing going on in Haiti.

Is Nancy Pelosi going to take a knee for those black kids picture above?
Why aren't right-wing, republicans talking about it? Why isn't Trump talking about it?
Non response

Please respond to the many points made.

You have thousands of Haitians dying. And you’re continuing to try and make some point about BLM. The gist of it all is there is a portion of Americans who believe “Blacks are oppressed in America” while thousands of blacks are being killed in Haiti. What do you think about that. Again go back to the posts I made and respond to the many points I made please.
“The many points made” is called a “Gish Gallup”

Throw so much shit against the wall that it takes forever to debunk it all
Hopefully, and at least just watch a little bit of the video in the original post. Because amid the bloodshed and crimes against humanity. There are Haitian children and men banning together to feed their families and preserve safe water. There’s honest police officers in Haiti, fighting back against the drug dealers in criminal leaders.

SavannahMann Lesh JoeB131 Litwin

Not here for personal attacks . How do you guys feel about BLM supporters who also support Ukraine. Do you admire the Canadian parliament for giving a standing ovation to a Ukrainian nazi from Ww2? we all know the fact that a portion of the Ukrainian supporters in the USA are BLM supporters who believe “white supremacy” is a problem in the USA. They either don’t know or care about the Canadian parliament honoring Nazis or Ukrainian Nazi symbols all over western Ukraine.

Biggest point of all how about these people who waive the Ukraine flag and the BLM flag not having any idea what’s going on in Haiti home of the first black led Republic in world history.

Why is there 110 billion $ given to Ukraine based on what the media and politicians are saying is for moral humanitarian reasons. Is it because they’re white people? Politicians want to give money to Jews and Israel billions of dollars is it because they’re Jewish? you have Democrats and left wingers perhaps some conservatives want to support Palestinians.

But not a mention of these beautiful black Christians from Haiti?

I’m hoping for some answers here most especially from the left wing who always claim to stand up for the moral thing for moral righteousness. I’m hoping that they can explain how they support Ukraine, and giving money to Ukraine, how they explain Canada giving a standing ovation to a Nazi from World War II.. how they can explain their position about helping Black people in America because they believe that they are oppressed when in reality in Haiti, tons of Black people are being killed on the streets.

Boy you like getting your ass handed to you. I don’t know why you enjoy it. I guess you are paid by the response eh Tovarich?

The reason we aren’t rushing to Haiti is we remember. We remember that seven times in the 20th Century they have had a revolution. We know that this is the second Coup this century. We have gone in more than once to restore order and prop up a democratically elected government. As soon as we leave, it all starts again. We refuse to keep wasting time and money on their internal problems. And they are internal.

Haitians know their own history too, and every Army officer and chief of police knows that he can overthrow the Government and take over.

Now back to your real concern. Ukraine.

Why aren’t you standing outside the Kremlin demanding that the Army be disciplined for raping Ukrainian Women?

Or Torture of captured Soldiers?

The people who allow their Government to do this deserve no mercy.

They deserve generations of servitude and degradation to atone for the crimes committed by their own Government. The government they re-elected while this was going on.

There is no mercy in my heart for any Russian. I have canceled subscriptions to Russian people on YouTube and other platforms. I won’t watch their videos and help them get paid. I won’t help them one bit.

As awful as you claim Ukraine is, the Russians are a thousand times worse. They are consistently the lowest form of humanity in the last century.
Curried Goats IM2 Superbadbrutha

How do you guys feel about supporting white Nazis in Ukraine which is what the US gov is doing. Left-wing media outlets in the USA like CNN showcased a Ukrainian cemetery with a bunch of flags from the third Reich. Sure many Ukrainians are not Nazis but for some stupid insane reason the Canadian parliament honored one and CNN is giving attention to neo Nazism in Ukraine. I mean why is this happening?

How do you feel about the Canadian Parliament giving a standing ovation to a Nazi Ukrainian?


How do you feel about some people that support BLM also supporting Ukraine when the Canadian parliament literally honored a Ukrainian Nazi. Are you going to criticize that or ignore it?

I’m not here to personally anybody I respect everybody’s freedom of speech, and we can have disagreements, but I just want some honest responses here.

Is everyone who opposes commies somehow a Nazi?
Why aren't right-wing, republicans talking about it? Why isn't Trump talking about it?
He called Haiti a shit-hole.

But somehow democrats are the problem in relating to Haiti.

Seldom has the OP been more full of shit...and that is saying quite a bit for Yuri.
Why aren't right-wing, republicans talking about it? Why isn't Trump talking about it?

Under Trump Haitian folks were safer …. The country is controlled by gangs today.

I think you get the point it that Rich white left-wing celebrities and the media make a charade of supporting blm causes .. while not mentioning the violence and oppression of blacks in Haiti the world’s first black led Republic.
Curried Goats IM2 Superbadbrutha

How do you guys feel about supporting white Nazis in Ukraine which is what the US gov is doing. Left-wing media outlets in the USA like CNN showcased a Ukrainian cemetery with a bunch of flags from the third Reich. Sure many Ukrainians are not Nazis but for some stupid insane reason the Canadian parliament honored one and CNN is giving attention to neo Nazism in Ukraine. I mean why is this happening?

How do you feel about the Canadian Parliament giving a standing ovation to a Nazi Ukrainian?


How do you feel about some people that support BLM also supporting Ukraine when the Canadian parliament literally honored a Ukrainian Nazi. Are you going to criticize that or ignore it?

I’m not here to personally anybody I respect everybody’s freedom of speech, and we can have disagreements, but I just want some honest responses here.
I feel just fine about it. Let's imagine for a second that all of Ukraine is full of Nazis, including their Jewish President and Jewish head of State....... then what we have are Nazis fighting Russians. Sounds like a win win to me you fucking clown.

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