Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has a basic understanding of the following issues:


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.
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Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has basic understanding of the following issues:

1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.
You shouldn't, and to believe such would only cause my respect for you to slip even further into the negatives.
Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.
Yet their actions and policies directly contradict what they would have learned. Both are even less qualified than Trump because they either know absolutely nothing about law, economics, government structure, and the constitution, OR they simply don't care.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has basic understanding of the following issues:

1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.
You shouldn't, and to believe such would only cause my respect for you to slip even further into the negatives.
Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.
Yet their actions and policies directly contradict what they would have learned. Both are even less qualified than Trump because they either know absolutely nothing about law, economics, government structure, and the constitution, OR they simply don't care.
Okay and what specific policies of theirs do you think reflects being disqualified?
Okay and what specific policies of theirs do you think reflects being disqualified?


Leaving consulates in countries they've destroyed and left with no government so the people manning the consulate can be butchered.


1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has basic understanding of the following issues:

1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.
You shouldn't, and to believe such would only cause my respect for you to slip even further into the negatives.
Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.
Yet their actions and policies directly contradict what they would have learned. Both are even less qualified than Trump because they either know absolutely nothing about law, economics, government structure, and the constitution, OR they simply don't care.
Okay and what specific policies of theirs do you think reflects being disqualified?
Literally all of them. Their general economic stance is the exact opposite of anything that would help small businesses and by extension, the economy. The fact that they refuse to admit that Obamacare is a failure and is imploding goes to show that, as Hillary was still talking about building off of it. The fact that Hillary also was claiming the economy would improve if you taxed business even further, despite history showing that only damages it more also shows that, not to mention Obama's approach to the economy from the very start. There's also the fact that her and the party as a whole want to grant amnesty, which will only encourage yet more illegal immigration, and apparently hate the idea of attempting to discourage it in any way. Sure, deporting them is the hard way, but they advocate doing nothing.

There's also the fact that Obama promised to uphold the constitution, the proceeded to violate it 64 times, and Hillary made promises to continue violating it. Obama also has done his best to bypass all of the other branches of government numerous times. However, I think they don't care rather than not knowing. Though, that makes them worse.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Looking at everything Hillary has done justifies Trump's win pretty easily.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has basic understanding of the following issues:

1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.
You shouldn't, and to believe such would only cause my respect for you to slip even further into the negatives.
Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.
Yet their actions and policies directly contradict what they would have learned. Both are even less qualified than Trump because they either know absolutely nothing about law, economics, government structure, and the constitution, OR they simply don't care.
Okay and what specific policies of theirs do you think reflects being disqualified?
Literally all of them. Their general economic stance is the exact opposite of anything that would help small businesses and by extension, the economy. The fact that they refuse to admit that Obamacare is a failure and is imploding goes to show that, as Hillary was still talking about building off of it. The fact that Hillary also was claiming the economy would improve if you taxed business even further, despite history showing that only damages it more also shows that, not to mention Obama's approach to the economy from the very start. There's also the fact that her and the party as a whole want to grant amnesty, which will only encourage yet more illegal immigration, and apparently hate the idea of attempting to discourage it in any way. Sure, deporting them is the hard way, but they advocate doing nothing.

There's also the fact that Obama promised to uphold the constitution, the proceeded to violate it 64 times, and Hillary made promises to continue violating it. Obama also has done his best to bypass all of the other branches of government numerous times. However, I think they don't care rather than not knowing. Though, that makes them worse.
No I asked for specific, detailed policy proposals. I want an analysis on at least one of them that says the policy reflects their ignorance of the subject. You simply saying all of them is just lame and disingenuous.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Looking at everything Hillary has done justifies Trump's win pretty easily.
See, that's what's pathetic about you voting for Trump. Your only justification for his election is because of Hillary. You aren't even examining Trump and it's dumb.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has basic understanding of the following issues:

1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.
You shouldn't, and to believe such would only cause my respect for you to slip even further into the negatives.
Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.
Yet their actions and policies directly contradict what they would have learned. Both are even less qualified than Trump because they either know absolutely nothing about law, economics, government structure, and the constitution, OR they simply don't care.
Okay and what specific policies of theirs do you think reflects being disqualified?
Literally all of them. Their general economic stance is the exact opposite of anything that would help small businesses and by extension, the economy. The fact that they refuse to admit that Obamacare is a failure and is imploding goes to show that, as Hillary was still talking about building off of it. The fact that Hillary also was claiming the economy would improve if you taxed business even further, despite history showing that only damages it more also shows that, not to mention Obama's approach to the economy from the very start. There's also the fact that her and the party as a whole want to grant amnesty, which will only encourage yet more illegal immigration, and apparently hate the idea of attempting to discourage it in any way. Sure, deporting them is the hard way, but they advocate doing nothing.

There's also the fact that Obama promised to uphold the constitution, the proceeded to violate it 64 times, and Hillary made promises to continue violating it. Obama also has done his best to bypass all of the other branches of government numerous times. However, I think they don't care rather than not knowing. Though, that makes them worse.
No I asked for specific, detailed policy proposals. I want an analysis on at least one of them that says the policy reflects their ignorance of the subject. You simply saying all of them is just lame and disingenuous.
I elaborated immediately after that, you just didn't bother to read my post. I also did specify policies. It seems like you literally read the first four words and then replied. If you're going to ask a question, read the answer.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Looking at everything Hillary has done justifies Trump's win pretty easily.
See, that's what's pathetic about you voting for Trump. Your only justification for his election is because of Hillary. You aren't even examining Trump and it's dumb.
I'm 15, I voted for nobody.

There are no positives about Trump other than the fact that he's not a massively corrupt policy and pardon-selling Establishment shill who compromised classified information out of either sheer stupidity or carelessness. Hillary is even worse than a candidate with no positives.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Yeah, I'm guessing his Bachelor of Science degree in economics from Wharton probably doesn't mean anything, huh?

You know, now that you mention it, his 40 years of dealing with the government probably doesn't mean anything either, right?

As for the rest of your OP, it's even lazier than those two. I can't believe you actually took the time to type that up.
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.

Sure I can justify winning, enough Americans finally got tired of your regressive bullshit and kicked your ass. It's on you to figure out why, we owe you no explanations. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Hey Rightwingers: why should I believe Trump even has basic understanding of the following issues:

1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.
You shouldn't, and to believe such would only cause my respect for you to slip even further into the negatives.
Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.
Yet their actions and policies directly contradict what they would have learned. Both are even less qualified than Trump because they either know absolutely nothing about law, economics, government structure, and the constitution, OR they simply don't care.
Okay and what specific policies of theirs do you think reflects being disqualified?
Literally all of them. Their general economic stance is the exact opposite of anything that would help small businesses and by extension, the economy. The fact that they refuse to admit that Obamacare is a failure and is imploding goes to show that, as Hillary was still talking about building off of it. The fact that Hillary also was claiming the economy would improve if you taxed business even further, despite history showing that only damages it more also shows that, not to mention Obama's approach to the economy from the very start. There's also the fact that her and the party as a whole want to grant amnesty, which will only encourage yet more illegal immigration, and apparently hate the idea of attempting to discourage it in any way. Sure, deporting them is the hard way, but they advocate doing nothing.

There's also the fact that Obama promised to uphold the constitution, the proceeded to violate it 64 times, and Hillary made promises to continue violating it. Obama also has done his best to bypass all of the other branches of government numerous times. However, I think they don't care rather than not knowing. Though, that makes them worse.
No I asked for specific, detailed policy proposals. I want an analysis on at least one of them that says the policy reflects their ignorance of the subject. You simply saying all of them is just lame and disingenuous.
I elaborated immediately after that, you just didn't bother to read my post. I also did specify policies. It seems like you literally read the first four words and then replied. If you're going to ask a question, read the answer.
No you saying Hillary wanting amnesty is vague. What is the specific language of the law? Why would it increase illegal immigration?You also fail to see the strengths of ObamaCare. It's problematic, but fixable if republicans even wanted to try. It has provisions in it that matter.

Oh and Executive orders are what they are. Bush used 3x as many as Obama did.
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1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Looking at everything Hillary has done justifies Trump's win pretty easily.
See, that's what's pathetic about you voting for Trump. Your only justification for his election is because of Hillary. You aren't even examining Trump and it's dumb.
I'm 15, I voted for nobody.

There are no positives about Trump other than the fact that he's not a massively corrupt policy and pardon-selling Establishment shill who compromised classified information out of either sheer stupidity or carelessness. Hillary is even worse than a candidate with no positives.
Oh really? So you support Trump even though he has no merit? Man that is just sad.

So Trump's alleged sexual assault cases, fraud, tax dodging, and stiffing contractors pale in comparison to Hillary huh?
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.

Sure I can justify winning, enough Americans finally got tired of your regressive bullshit and kicked your ass. It's on you to figure out why, we owe you no explanations. Just sit back and enjoy the ride.
Ok so the reason I should vote republican is...what?
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Looking at everything Hillary has done justifies Trump's win pretty easily.
See, that's what's pathetic about you voting for Trump. Your only justification for his election is because of Hillary. You aren't even examining Trump and it's dumb.
I'm 15, I voted for nobody.

There are no positives about Trump other than the fact that he's not a massively corrupt policy and pardon-selling Establishment shill who compromised classified information out of either sheer stupidity or carelessness. Hillary is even worse than a candidate with no positives.

15 .. wow . :eusa_clap:
1) Foreign policy; specifically the complex nature of the Middle East

2) Economics (not the same as business although the argument could easily be made he doesn't understand business either)

3) How the US government even works

4) Immigration. Him coming up with the mentally lazy solution of deporting all illegals says nothing about his knowledge of statistics or the current law of it in this country.

Now keep in mind that regardless of what you think of the character of Obama or Hillary, nothing changes the fact that their education backgrounds are in law and public policy. That gives us evidence of their knowledge of these subjects.

Yeah, I'm guessing his Bachelor of Science degree in economics from Wharton probably doesn't mean anything, huh?

You know, now that you mention it, his 40 years of dealing with the government probably doesn't mean anything either, right?

As for the rest of your OP, it's even lazier than those two. I can't believe you actually took the time to type that up.

I can't believe you even bothered to give a civil answer. He damn sure doesn't deserve one, he's just an idiot regressive troll.
Quite honestly I don't give a fuck what you believe or not. You lost asshole, deal with it.
Lol you're just butthurt you can't justify winning.
Looking at everything Hillary has done justifies Trump's win pretty easily.
See, that's what's pathetic about you voting for Trump. Your only justification for his election is because of Hillary. You aren't even examining Trump and it's dumb.
I'm 15, I voted for nobody.

There are no positives about Trump other than the fact that he's not a massively corrupt policy and pardon-selling Establishment shill who compromised classified information out of either sheer stupidity or carelessness. Hillary is even worse than a candidate with no positives.

15 .. wow . :eusa_clap:
She's articulate and knowledgable for her age but unfortunately she still lacks adult critical thinking skills.

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