Fake-News Writer Fears He Helped Get Donald Trump Elected


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
Paul Horner, makes a great deal of money operating a network of viral fake-news sites. He fears his satirical news pieces might have helped get Trump elected, and it saddens him knowing the severe damage Trump and the Republican controlled will cause the U.S. and its people.

Horner believes that fake news has reached a whole new level during the rise of Trump, and said in an interview, "It's real scary, I've never seen anything like it."

Horner went on to explain, "My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time. I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don't fact-check anything — they'll post everything, believe anything. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist."

Horner is indeed correct, Trump’s followers have proven they will post, as fact, every lie, rumor, accusation, etc. they find that justifies their blind support of The Donald. At the same time they will refuse to accept anything that contradicts or refutes the lies they hear on FOX Noise, etc., see on social media, or read on right wing blogs.

Research by Buzzfeed in early November found that “top fake-news stories on Facebook outperformed legitimate news stories shared by some of the most popular media companies.” Meaning, the Trump-bots much preferred the rumors, lies, and tall-tales they read in social media to that of sources that fact-check stories and weed out inaccuracies.

The GOP spent decades cultivating this gullible behavior by their voting base and has depended on their willing ignorance for years. Republican leaders were dumbfounded when Trump discovered, and then exploited, the right-wingers’ idiocy to a level even the top men in the GOP thought was impossible.

Since November 8, people in the rest of the western world are continuing to express their amazement and disgust at the stupidity of the United States’ conservatives, Donald Trump, the members of his transition team, and his proposed cabinet.

Fake-news writer claims he helped get Donald Trump elected

Nah. He like all the pollsters, Dems and Hillary lovers just didn't get the message that Trump was sending.

The American blue collar workers and many others got the message and voted for him.

Hillary was her own worst enemy and she cooked her own goose. If the DNC tried they couldn't have backed a worse candidate.

They would have been better off trying to get Biden to run or backed Saunders. Hillary was a lost cause and they backed her anyway. They didn't get the message either.
Paul Horner, makes a great deal of money operating a network of viral fake-news sites. He fears his satirical news pieces might have helped get Trump elected, and it saddens him knowing the severe damage Trump and the Republican controlled will cause the U.S. and its people.

Horner believes that fake news has reached a whole new level during the rise of Trump, and said in an interview, "It's real scary, I've never seen anything like it."

Horner went on to explain, "My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time. I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don't fact-check anything — they'll post everything, believe anything. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist."

Horner is indeed correct, Trump’s followers have proven they will post, as fact, every lie, rumor, accusation, etc. they find that justifies their blind support of The Donald. At the same time they will refuse to accept anything that contradicts or refutes the lies they hear on FOX Noise, etc., see on social media, or read on right wing blogs.

Research by Buzzfeed in early November found that “top fake-news stories on Facebook outperformed legitimate news stories shared by some of the most popular media companies.” Meaning, the Trump-bots much preferred the rumors, lies, and tall-tales they read in social media to that of sources that fact-check stories and weed out inaccuracies.

The GOP spent decades cultivating this gullible behavior by their voting base and has depended on their willing ignorance for years. Republican leaders were dumbfounded when Trump discovered, and then exploited, the right-wingers’ idiocy to a level even the top men in the GOP thought was impossible.

Since November 8, people in the rest of the western world are continuing to express their amazement and disgust at the stupidity of the United States’ conservatives, Donald Trump, the members of his transition team, and his proposed cabinet.

Fake-news writer claims he helped get Donald Trump elected


Ummm but your OP is fake news.
CNN and MSNBC has been running fake news even after the election.
The National Enquirer can run a story on Elvis seen working at a Diner on Mars and it still would be more valuable then a CNN piece.
Because the Enquirer doesn't go around sabotaging it's own gov't or insinuating minorities are to stupid to notice when they are being baited as a ploy to garner support.
Paul Horner, makes a great deal of money operating a network of viral fake-news sites. He fears his satirical news pieces might have helped get Trump elected, and it saddens him knowing the severe damage Trump and the Republican controlled will cause the U.S. and its people.

Strong the irony with this one is.

Paul Horner, makes a great deal of money operating a network of viral fake-news sites. He fears his satirical news pieces might have helped get Trump elected, and it saddens him knowing the severe damage Trump and the Republican controlled will cause the U.S. and its people.

Horner believes that fake news has reached a whole new level during the rise of Trump, and said in an interview, "It's real scary, I've never seen anything like it."

Horner went on to explain, "My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time. I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don't fact-check anything — they'll post everything, believe anything. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist."

Horner is indeed correct, Trump’s followers have proven they will post, as fact, every lie, rumor, accusation, etc. they find that justifies their blind support of The Donald. At the same time they will refuse to accept anything that contradicts or refutes the lies they hear on FOX Noise, etc., see on social media, or read on right wing blogs.

Research by Buzzfeed in early November found that “top fake-news stories on Facebook outperformed legitimate news stories shared by some of the most popular media companies.” Meaning, the Trump-bots much preferred the rumors, lies, and tall-tales they read in social media to that of sources that fact-check stories and weed out inaccuracies.

The GOP spent decades cultivating this gullible behavior by their voting base and has depended on their willing ignorance for years. Republican leaders were dumbfounded when Trump discovered, and then exploited, the right-wingers’ idiocy to a level even the top men in the GOP thought was impossible.

Since November 8, people in the rest of the western world are continuing to express their amazement and disgust at the stupidity of the United States’ conservatives, Donald Trump, the members of his transition team, and his proposed cabinet.

Fake-news writer claims he helped get Donald Trump elected


Ummm but your OP is fake news.
CNN and MSNBC has been running fake news even after the election.
The National Enquirer can run a story on Elvis seen working at a Diner on Mars and it still would be more valuable then a CNN piece.
Because the Enquirer doesn't go around sabotaging it's own gov't or insinuating minorities are to stupid to notice when they are being baited as a ploy to garner support.
You do not seem to recognize or understand what is being referred to as "fake news".
Reflect that right back at you.
You don't seem to get satire that uses ironic truth.
I don't know how many times that story about Obama banning the Pledge of Allegiance in schools was posted here. And you could not convince the right wingers that it was a fake story.!
I don't know how many times that story about Obama banning the Pledge of Allegiance in schools was posted here. And you could not convince the right wingers that it was a fake story.!
What difference, at this point, does it make?
Fake news is not the same as propaganda.
Also accidental truth sometimes comes out of satirical fake news or reflective lessons.
Paul Horner, makes a great deal of money operating a network of viral fake-news sites. He fears his satirical news pieces might have helped get Trump elected, and it saddens him knowing the severe damage Trump and the Republican controlled will cause the U.S. and its people.

Horner believes that fake news has reached a whole new level during the rise of Trump, and said in an interview, "It's real scary, I've never seen anything like it."

Horner went on to explain, "My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time. I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don't fact-check anything — they'll post everything, believe anything. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist."

Horner is indeed correct, Trump’s followers have proven they will post, as fact, every lie, rumor, accusation, etc. they find that justifies their blind support of The Donald. At the same time they will refuse to accept anything that contradicts or refutes the lies they hear on FOX Noise, etc., see on social media, or read on right wing blogs.

Research by Buzzfeed in early November found that “top fake-news stories on Facebook outperformed legitimate news stories shared by some of the most popular media companies.” Meaning, the Trump-bots much preferred the rumors, lies, and tall-tales they read in social media to that of sources that fact-check stories and weed out inaccuracies.

The GOP spent decades cultivating this gullible behavior by their voting base and has depended on their willing ignorance for years. Republican leaders were dumbfounded when Trump discovered, and then exploited, the right-wingers’ idiocy to a level even the top men in the GOP thought was impossible.

Since November 8, people in the rest of the western world are continuing to express their amazement and disgust at the stupidity of the United States’ conservatives, Donald Trump, the members of his transition team, and his proposed cabinet.

Fake-news writer claims he helped get Donald Trump elected


I thought we were talking about the NYT and Washington Post
Hillary Clinton didn't lose that election because of "fake" news stories...she lost because she was an awful candidate that the American people didn't trust as far as they could throw her. How long are you on the left going to continue this charade that the people were somehow "duped" by Trump? They simply didn't buy Clinton's bullshit and chose who they thought would be best for them and their families going forward. Get over it.
Paul Horner, makes a great deal of money operating a network of viral fake-news sites. He fears his satirical news pieces might have helped get Trump elected, and it saddens him knowing the severe damage Trump and the Republican controlled will cause the U.S. and its people.

Horner believes that fake news has reached a whole new level during the rise of Trump, and said in an interview, "It's real scary, I've never seen anything like it."

Horner went on to explain, "My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time. I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don't fact-check anything — they'll post everything, believe anything. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist."

Horner is indeed correct, Trump’s followers have proven they will post, as fact, every lie, rumor, accusation, etc. they find that justifies their blind support of The Donald. At the same time they will refuse to accept anything that contradicts or refutes the lies they hear on FOX Noise, etc., see on social media, or read on right wing blogs.

Research by Buzzfeed in early November found that “top fake-news stories on Facebook outperformed legitimate news stories shared by some of the most popular media companies.” Meaning, the Trump-bots much preferred the rumors, lies, and tall-tales they read in social media to that of sources that fact-check stories and weed out inaccuracies.

The GOP spent decades cultivating this gullible behavior by their voting base and has depended on their willing ignorance for years. Republican leaders were dumbfounded when Trump discovered, and then exploited, the right-wingers’ idiocy to a level even the top men in the GOP thought was impossible.

Since November 8, people in the rest of the western world are continuing to express their amazement and disgust at the stupidity of the United States’ conservatives, Donald Trump, the members of his transition team, and his proposed cabinet.

Fake-news writer claims he helped get Donald Trump elected

Need a mint before I put you on PI?
Whatever worked to get Trump to the White house. A REP dominated Senate. The REP Congress, the most 'diverse' in US history BTW. A REP Supreme Court that will stay true to the Constitution four the next four decades.
By logical extension Mr. Horner could have put up fake stories which would have helped Hillary win.
He choose not to.
Paul Horner, makes a great deal of money operating a network of viral fake-news sites. He fears his satirical news pieces might have helped get Trump elected, and it saddens him knowing the severe damage Trump and the Republican controlled will cause the U.S. and its people.

Horner believes that fake news has reached a whole new level during the rise of Trump, and said in an interview, "It's real scary, I've never seen anything like it."

Horner went on to explain, "My sites were picked up by Trump supporters all the time. I think Trump is in the White House because of me. His followers don't fact-check anything — they'll post everything, believe anything. His campaign manager posted my story about a protester getting paid $3,500 as fact. I made that up. I posted a fake ad on Craigslist."

Horner is indeed correct, Trump’s followers have proven they will post, as fact, every lie, rumor, accusation, etc. they find that justifies their blind support of The Donald. At the same time they will refuse to accept anything that contradicts or refutes the lies they hear on FOX Noise, etc., see on social media, or read on right wing blogs.

Research by Buzzfeed in early November found that “top fake-news stories on Facebook outperformed legitimate news stories shared by some of the most popular media companies.” Meaning, the Trump-bots much preferred the rumors, lies, and tall-tales they read in social media to that of sources that fact-check stories and weed out inaccuracies.

The GOP spent decades cultivating this gullible behavior by their voting base and has depended on their willing ignorance for years. Republican leaders were dumbfounded when Trump discovered, and then exploited, the right-wingers’ idiocy to a level even the top men in the GOP thought was impossible.

Since November 8, people in the rest of the western world are continuing to express their amazement and disgust at the stupidity of the United States’ conservatives, Donald Trump, the members of his transition team, and his proposed cabinet.

Fake-news writer claims he helped get Donald Trump elected

Will he shut down his site or continue making Fake News stories? I was going to start one but Google took away Ad Sense for parody news sites.
Parents are the ones who should be depressed.
$100,000 for college and no good career jobs available for their kids to get them out of their house, but damn if these kids know how to make PlayDoh ashtrays for their parents birthday gifts.
Parents are the ones who should be depressed.
$100,000 for college and no good career jobs available for their kids to get them out of their house, but damn if these kids know how to make PlayDoh ashtrays for their parents birthday gifts.
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At the Thanksgiving dinner table: "Uncle Bud did you know beetroots were used to make the dye to make the shoe leather red in England during the medieval times?".
Uncle Bud: "No shit. Pass the stuffing".
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