Heroic NFL player Deangelo Williams revokes daughters participation award; Demands she do better!!

Its amazing that ensuring a 5 year old isnt given a ribbon is so important to you guys.

You are setting new standards of dumb.

Maybe you should get a ribbon ?
A beautiful, textbook example of the Regressive Left's "isolation" tactic.

They ignore the main point - that a story is an example of a much larger, critical issue - and fixate just on the individual story itself. This isolates the story and minimizes its relevance to the point of absurdity (if possible).

They will then often pivot to personal attacks and the deflection is complete.

Good stuff, great example.
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I am curious Tommy. Please explain what, indeed, is this specific abuse?

Is it neglect?






It appears that Tommy is qualified and has made an assessment concerning this child's well being.

It would appear that we have a medical professional among us and he has examined the child and we dare not question his diagnosis.
No specific abuse....the guy is just being a dick to a five year old
Well. It is his 5 year old.

Tommy equates this with abuse. As stated. What is the abuse and why does he feel it is his responsibility to question the man's motives.
Its amazing that ensuring a 5 year old isnt given a ribbon is so important to you guys.

You are setting new standards of dumb.

Maybe you should get a ribbon ?
You really are dense. It is not about the ribbon. He wants his daughter to not only try harder, he wants her to succeed and feels that ribbons for participation are not enough for her to advance her through life and to settle to being mediocre.

He doesn't want her to just try or participate.

Let the left keep raising little timid snowflakes...children raised like the father is raising his will dominate them in the real world
Its amazing that ensuring a 5 year old isnt given a ribbon is so important to you guys.

You are setting new standards of dumb.

Maybe you should get a ribbon ?
You really are dense. It is not about the ribbon. He wants his daughter to not only try harder, he wants her to succeed and feels that ribbons for participation are not enough for her to advance her through life and to settle to being mediocre.

He doesn't want her to just try or participate.
This kind of parent has been present at every school sporting event I have ever been to with my kids. Acting like a twat and making their kids life miserable. There is only one winner in a race and making a kid miserable because she cant run 100m as fast as another is just shocking. Let her enjoy taking part.
I am astonished. When I was very young, my friends and their father were on a small boat, on the Chesapeake Bay. The boat overturned and we were in the water.

I was not a very good swimmer and was scared to death.

The only choice was to swim for the shore.

I asked, what if I don't make it?

The response was. Swim or die!

After making it to shore my friends father looked at me and said. I would not have let you drown. but you would never had learned to swim.

Since then I have no fears. I would never had jumped from a plane or tried diving or rock climbing.

Should he have been arrested for abuse?

My parents didn't think so.
WCSC : DeAngelo Williams returns daughter's participation award

NFL running back Deangelo Williams had his young daughter come home so proud and excited from her field day and presented him with her "Participation Ribbon". She had finished 6th place.

He said damn that. Told her she didn't win anything....took it from her....and like the honorable man he is....promptly took it back to the communist public school and return their worthless award. He told her if she wanted an award....she had to finish top 3 and then she could keep her prize.

Guess what??? She went back. And won 1st place!!! See....rejecting the liberal mindset leads to greatness.

This great man should win an award for this rare display of common sense that our country is rapidly losing.

View attachment 74722

Good good good for this white washed sell out nigga....make the white man proud of ya. Now your bi racial daughter can really value her nigga daddy....good for you, nigga, very good!!
Its amazing that ensuring a 5 year old isnt given a ribbon is so important to you guys.

You are setting new standards of dumb.

Maybe you should get a ribbon ?
You really are dense. It is not about the ribbon. He wants his daughter to not only try harder, he wants her to succeed and feels that ribbons for participation are not enough for her to advance her through life and to settle to being mediocre.

He doesn't want her to just try or participate.
This kind of parent has been present at every school sporting event I have ever been to with my kids. Acting like a twat and making their kids life miserable. There is only one winner in a race and making a kid miserable because she cant run 100m as fast as another is just shocking. Let her enjoy taking part.
Why do you equate this with misery Tommy. That is you. Are you qualified to make that assessment?

It is his child Tommy. Do as you wish with yours. don't think you are the only one who has raised children and your way is the only alternative.

Stay out of the mans business.
I am curious Tommy. Please explain what, indeed, is this specific abuse?

Is it neglect?






It appears that Tommy is qualified and has made an assessment concerning this child's well being.

It would appear that we have a medical professional among us and he has examined the child and we dare not question his diagnosis.
No specific abuse....the guy is just being a dick to a five year old
Well. It is his 5 year old.

Tommy equates this with abuse. As stated. What is the abuse and why does he feel it is his responsibility to question the man's motives.
It is his five year old.....it is his right to be a dick to "toughen" her up

Doesn't make him a hero
WCSC : DeAngelo Williams returns daughter's participation award

NFL running back Deangelo Williams had his young daughter come home so proud and excited from her field day and presented him with her "Participation Ribbon". She had finished 6th place.

He said damn that. Told her she didn't win anything....took it from her....and like the honorable man he is....promptly took it back to the communist public school and return their worthless award. He told her if she wanted an award....she had to finish top 3 and then she could keep her prize.

Guess what??? She went back. And won 1st place!!! See....rejecting the liberal mindset leads to greatness.

This great man should win an award for this rare display of common sense that our country is rapidly losing.

View attachment 74722

Good good good for this white washed sell out nigga....make the white man proud of ya. Now your bi racial daughter can really value her nigga daddy....good for you, nigga, very good!!

Oh be quiet you lunatic :uhoh3:
Its amazing that ensuring a 5 year old isnt given a ribbon is so important to you guys.

You are setting new standards of dumb.

Maybe you should get a ribbon ?
You really are dense. It is not about the ribbon. He wants his daughter to not only try harder, he wants her to succeed and feels that ribbons for participation are not enough for her to advance her through life and to settle to being mediocre.

He doesn't want her to just try or participate.
This kind of parent has been present at every school sporting event I have ever been to with my kids. Acting like a twat and making their kids life miserable. There is only one winner in a race and making a kid miserable because she cant run 100m as fast as another is just shocking. Let her enjoy taking part.
Tommy. Again. You call these people twats, or other names.

Like I said. You must have had a horrible childhood and I can see that it has affected you as an adult.

Ridicule towards these people do not make you any friends nor win them over.

It must be a lonely life for you if you speak to people the way you do in real life the way you speak to them here.
I am curious Tommy. Please explain what, indeed, is this specific abuse?

Is it neglect?






It appears that Tommy is qualified and has made an assessment concerning this child's well being.

It would appear that we have a medical professional among us and he has examined the child and we dare not question his diagnosis.
No specific abuse....the guy is just being a dick to a five year old
Well. It is his 5 year old.

Tommy equates this with abuse. As stated. What is the abuse and why does he feel it is his responsibility to question the man's motives.
It is his five year old.....it is his right to be a dick to "toughen" her up

"It is his five year old.....it is his right to be a dick to "toughen" her up"

Why do you keep mentioning the word "dick" in your sentences that involve the words "five year old"?

This is the second time in this thread....why not use the word "fool" or "idiot" or something instead of "dick"?
Its amazing that ensuring a 5 year old isnt given a ribbon is so important to you guys.

You are setting new standards of dumb.

Maybe you should get a ribbon ?
You really are dense. It is not about the ribbon. He wants his daughter to not only try harder, he wants her to succeed and feels that ribbons for participation are not enough for her to advance her through life and to settle to being mediocre.

He doesn't want her to just try or participate.
This kind of parent has been present at every school sporting event I have ever been to with my kids. Acting like a twat and making their kids life miserable. There is only one winner in a race and making a kid miserable because she cant run 100m as fast as another is just shocking. Let her enjoy taking part.
Why do you equate this with misery Tommy. That is you. Are you qualified to make that assessment?

It is his child Tommy. Do as you wish with yours. don't think you are the only one who has raised children and your way is the only alternative.

Stay out of the mans business.
I used to help out with my kids team a few years back. We had to warn a few blokes for over stepping the mark. Ive seen a few youngsters give up the game because they didnt enjoy it. You could see the kids head go down as dickhead dad ranted on from the touchline. Some of them were good little players as well.
Let the kids enjoy the game and their childhood. There is time enough to turn them into world beaters when they get older.
I am curious Tommy. Please explain what, indeed, is this specific abuse?

Is it neglect?






It appears that Tommy is qualified and has made an assessment concerning this child's well being.

It would appear that we have a medical professional among us and he has examined the child and we dare not question his diagnosis.
No specific abuse....the guy is just being a dick to a five year old
Well. It is his 5 year old.

Tommy equates this with abuse. As stated. What is the abuse and why does he feel it is his responsibility to question the man's motives.
It is his five year old.....it is his right to be a dick to "toughen" her up

"It is his five year old.....it is his right to be a dick to "toughen" her up"

Why do you keep mentioning the word "dick" in your sentences that involve the words "five year old"?

This is the second time in this thread....why not use the word "fool" or "idiot" or something instead of "dick"?

Subliminal desires?

I don't know, but it's distasteful and disturbing.
I am curious Tommy. Please explain what, indeed, is this specific abuse?

Is it neglect?






It appears that Tommy is qualified and has made an assessment concerning this child's well being.

It would appear that we have a medical professional among us and he has examined the child and we dare not question his diagnosis.
No specific abuse....the guy is just being a dick to a five year old
Well. It is his 5 year old.

Tommy equates this with abuse. As stated. What is the abuse and why does he feel it is his responsibility to question the man's motives.
It is his five year old.....it is his right to be a dick to "toughen" her up

"It is his five year old.....it is his right to be a dick to "toughen" her up"

Why do you keep mentioning the word "dick" in your sentences that involve the words "five year old"?

This is the second time in this thread....why not use the word "fool" or "idiot" or something instead of "dick"?
Dick is the proper term for bragging about taking a ribbon from a five year old
I'm not saying to not let them enjoy the game. You are not the only one who has coached or has been a ref, or an umpire. I've had these parents come at me for making a call they didn't like.

I have seen it. There are those parents out there who have ruined the game for their kids. Insulting and verbally abusing them. I have confronted them to and requested they tone it down or leave the field. This is not one of those instances.

If you think that is bad you should experience military basic training. I have seen grown men cry.

It is brutal, non-stop and daily. You don't get to pout or ask for a time out. You don't get to put your head down and walk away.
I don't know why this is such a hot topic. To me this is just one person's parenting style. There's no right or wrong here. IMO participation awards are OK in some circumstances and not OK in others. It's up to the parent.
What a prick.
Abusive parent.
not really , her feelings wee hurt for a moment, but the joy she experienced in winning 1st place would have far outweighed that. You are discounting the fact that the father knows his daughter better than we do and what she is capable of. Obviously that is true because she went on to succeed immediately. You have to let go of that fear of a childs feelings being hurt in order for them to grow and gain confidence.
Heroic? :lol:

You also misrepresented the story and made Williams sound like a bit of a dick. His daughter did not 'come home' with a participation ribbon. She brought it to him at the event, according to the link, and told him she had won. He took it back to the person running the event and said that she hadn't won anything and he didn't believe in participation awards. That's different and much more understandable than having her come home from doing something with a ribbon and him taking the ribbon back to school to return it.

Nor did the girl 'go back' to school. She finished in the top 3 in the next couple of things she did at the field day.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Williams not wanting his daughter to get participation ribbons, but his actions were certainly not heroic. The school is not communist for holding a children's field day in which participation ribbons were given out, either. I also didn't see anything to indicate whether the school is public or private.

Great, heroic man for giving back a participation ribbon. :lmao:

Always leave it up to Bucs to outright lie to dramatize some shit. "He went BACK to the school"

*insert awesome montage*

"She learned from giving back the ribbon and tried harder and got first place"

"He's a hero! No exaggeration":eusa_dance:

Bucs says he bucked the liberals. Just ask Bucs who he thinks that guy voted for and watch him go from hero to brainwashed racist slave.
Awards are good for plastering the wall, after that, they are worthless...

Depends on the individual and whether or not the awards were EARNED.

Having been a Realtor for over 40 years, active in my local, state and national associations, I have well over a hundred plaques, trophies and so forth. When I was active, I had them on the walls of my office. I had a very few behind my desk of which I was very proud and photos of people I had met. I used it as a tool.

If I had a particularly bad day, they were an inspiration.

The vast majority were meaningless to me, I was simply doing my job...which I LOVE! In that sense, they were worthless.

When I was much younger, I was an extremely good bowler. I made a lot of money both from tournaments and leagues but mostly "pot bowling" after leagues. I also earned dozens of trophies. Every couple of years, I boxed them up and took them down to the bowling alley and gave them to the house to use in the junior leagues. Back in the day...you really only got a trophy, EVEN in the junior leagues, if you did something to EARN the trophy.
What a prick.
Abusive parent.

Abusive? That's about as silly as calling Williams heroic.

She said she got a ribbon for winning. He told her she hadn't won (which she hadn't) and gave the ribbon back. If that's abuse, you have an extraordinarily low bar for what constitutes abuse.
If there are 6 people in the race then somebody is going to finish 6th. Why give that kid a hard time ? Abusive parent indeed.

You have obviously accomplished very little. So I can understand your position. You were always the kid that finished sixth.

How do kids, or anyone else for that matter, learn that they have to work harder to EARN rewards instead of learning that mediocrity or sloth will earn them the same rewards as working hard.

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