Here's What Real Class Looks Like

Ronald Reagan was the epitome of an intelligent, thoughtful, classy person. And he was funny.

I thought it would be a good idea to show Trumptards what a guy who not only got re-elected, but got re-elected by sweeping 49 states looks like.

Do you know how rare it is for a President to win so many more states in his re-election than his first election is?

I will show what class looks like. Then I will show you what idiocy and crassness look like. In my next post, I will show you something even more amazing.


No class:


Kind of dismissing and in denial as how Marxism
opertates.Or Persecution of certain political figures,no matter
how Popular or populace.
There is no denying the level of Marxist-trained persecution'
of our 45th President.In fact ... " Over the top " pales in comparison.
No Trump was never a broadcaster or Actor or
Governor.Nor does Trump ride horses,live on a ranch
or like Jelly beans.Heavens to betsy spend time chopping wood.
But Ronnie was a true All American Icon { there will never
be another like him }. In that vein he shares American history with
Reagan.Both men spent their entire careers standing tall
and Doing the Right thing.
Do Not Doubt me.
" Government exists to protect us from each other.
Where Government has gone beyond its limits is
in deciding to protect us from ourselves. "
Ronald { Wilson } Reagan

Quoted in N.Y.Times,April 13,1980
Ronald Reagan was the epitome of an intelligent, thoughtful, classy person. And he was funny.

I thought it would be a good idea to show Trumptards what a guy who not only got re-elected, but got re-elected by sweeping 49 states looks like.

Do you know how rare it is for a President to win so many more states in his re-election than his first election is?

I will show what class looks like. Then I will show you what idiocy and crassness look like. In my next post, I will show you something even more amazing.


No class:


Reagan in the Bronx...


Reagan went on to win New York.

Trump in the Bronx...

The parallels between Trump and Reagan are plentiful. Both outsiders, celebrities, funny*. Both oppose(d) absolutely pitiful Democrat opponents.

Trump is not as polished as Reagan, but Biden is an even worse president than Jimmy Carter.

Pretty sure Trump's got this.

So you admit that this alleged conservative increased the debt. That's progress.

Yes, he increased the debt.

He also raised taxes a number of times.

One of those was to bail out Jimmy Carter's "30 year Social Security Fix" that lasted about 12 months.

But, he put the country on the road to nearly getting out of debt.

Then along came that rat-bastard GWB.
Ronald Reagan was the oldest president in history up to that time.

He was frequently attacked by his low class opponents over his age.

Reagan, ever classy, leaned into it. You can see that in some of his jokes in the clip I provided. And then there was his famous retort during a debate with Walter Mondale.

"I will not make age an issue of this campaign. I am not going to exploit, for political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience,"


Reagan was also mocked for the long pauses he would occasionally suffer when asked a question. And when under oath during his deposition in the Iran-Contra scandal, opponent thought he was lying when he said, "I don't recall" countless times to questions about meeting he had participated in.

It turns out he wasn't lying. It turns out he had Alzheimer's and died just a few years after leaving office.

And yet this great man achieved great things. He stared down the Russians and called their violent rhetorical bluffs. He brought about the end of the USSR.

Reagan did a major housecleaning of the tax code, eliminating wide swaths of tax expenditures. Many of you know this is one of my personal issues, too.

The strategic mistake liberal opponents made against Reagan was underestimating him. Reagan's brain fog did not stop him from achieving great things. And their stupidity cost them dearly. It cost them 49 states.

Reagan was so classy, even his opponents in Congress would sidle up to him and ask for his autograph.

As a member of Young Americans for Freedom, I met Reagan in 1977 and I got his autograph, too. And Bill Buckley's. A major two-fer.

Keep it classy, Republicans! The dividends far exceed whatever shit-stained rewards you mange to score "owning the libs".

I'm G5000, and I approve this message.
Yeah, but you're a shitbird shill, so fuck you and the horse you rode in on, gimpo.
And Democrats would hate Reagan today for that very reason. Patriotism is not a tenant of today's Democratic Party, in fact, quite the opposite.
They do hate him today.

My best friend from high school to this day won't call Reagan Airport Reagan...he still makes a point to call it National...what it was known as prior to being renamed in President Reagan's honor.

Needless to say we don't talk politics ever.
Yes, he increased the debt.

He also raised taxes a number of times.

One of those was to bail out Jimmy Carter's "30 year Social Security Fix" that lasted about 12 months.

But, he put the country on the road to nearly getting out of debt.

Then along came that rat-bastard GWB.
We were going the wrong direction on that road under Reagan. The last President who had us going the right direction was Coolidge. The only President to get us to that destination was Andrew Jackson. Truth is that Reagan was just another big government liberal in conservative clothing.
Here you go simp.
The governors of these states highlighted below deserve tremendous thanks from their constituents....



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