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Some dipshit just said Biden doesn't want a secure border.

I guess the poor gaslighted mushroom is unaware Biden submitted a border bill on DAY ONE of his administration.

Speaking of gullible, do you guys remember when Trump said he was going to submit an Obamacare replacement on DAY ONE?

/—-/ Trump was able to secure the border with an EO. Apparently Biden didn’t know he could too, even though he revoked it with his own EO.
Now go google Amendment 5Section 4 of the constitution stating the federal government SHALL protect the states from invasion.
You miserable democRAT lapdog.
Your kind proved you have no respect for America on 1/6.

And your kind kind of proved you have no respect for America based on your actions prior to 1/6 and your actions following 1/6 in the unequal application of the law.
And your kind kind of proved you have no respect for America based on your actions prior to 1/6 and your actions following 1/6 in the unequal application of the law.
LOL that is a 100% false statement. You obviously have no idea how our judicial system works. Duly noted you made no denial regarding my statement, traitor.
Dumbass you don't try to change the fundamentals of the constitution or country and claim to be a patriot
Yes dumbass it happened
You've been given the leftists fucked up talking points that have been proven wrong
You must be just HORRIFIED then at the thought of another Trump term because changing the fubdamentals of the constitution and country is EXACTLY what he has in mind.

Project 2025 can be found online. It is a comprehensive and practical guide of policy proposals to thoroughly reshape the federal government should the Republicans seize power after the 2024 election. Philosophically it is alarming. It interprets the Declaration of Independence’s “pursuit of happiness” as “pursuit of blessedness,” and Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts writes that a good life is found above all in “religious devotion and spirituality.”

Of course, that means Christian devotion and spirituality, not anyone else’s religion or fervor.

It is the Christian Nationalist’s guide to government, with a few other headaches inserted as well. Should Trump win the 2024 election the project wants to replace federal civil servants with patronage jobs – people who owe their allegiance to the Republican MAGA party. The U.S. government established a merit-based system of selecting government officials and supervising their work with the 1883 Pendleton Act. That act was established following the assassination of President James A. Garfield by a disgruntled job seeker. President Chester A. Arthur, a Republican, signed it into law.

Last edited by a moderator: Patriotism is loyalty to your country. It's right there in the Latin root of the word!

The Latin root is "fatherland".

Nationalism is devotion to a specific group of people above all others.

For example, White Nationalism. Or Christian Nationalism.
The use of the word father here implies a genetic relationship. Countries, at least those in the West, no longer correspond to any ethnic relationship. Your country depends entirely on which government happens to issue you citizenship papers. Hence patriotism is just loyalty to your government. As I said, nationalism is loyalty to your people.
Taxes are legal theft of personal wealth. Things communist fascist and socialist love to do. Unless it's their money being taxed.
Every kind of government taxes. You really think there are no taxes in democracies, republics, and kingdoms? BTW, any government with the ability to print money has no need to collect taxes for revenue (they may tax for other reasons, however). In this system what is needed is restraint. Inflation/deflation can be kept at bay as long as the money supply grows at about the same rate as the economy.
Ronald Reagan was the epitome of an intelligent, thoughtful, classy person. And he was funny.

I thought it would be a good idea to show Trumptards what a guy who not only got re-elected, but got re-elected by sweeping 49 states looks like.

I didn't know Reagan was running?

I didn't know anyone like him was running except for Trump.

But you've likely been listening to cnn et al... and so you see Trump through THEIR eyes.. eyes of criticism and hate even though Trump was a very good president. You don't have a clue how good he was

because you don't get news on the good things he did.. like try to protect us from STRANGERS invading our country... I guess you'll care about that one when one of the illegals commits a crime against someone you love...
I didn't know Reagan was running?

I didn't know anyone like him was running except for Trump.

But you've likely been listening to cnn et al... and so you see Trump through THEIR eyes.. eyes of criticism and hate even though Trump was a very good president. You don't have a clue how good he was

because you don't get news on the good things he did.. like try to protect us from STRANGERS invading our country... I guess you'll care about that one when one of the illegals commits a crime against someone you love...
Illegal immigration increased under trump. Apprehensions at the southern border rose by 14.7% in trumps last year of office as compared to 2016.
then it was correct to protest the Vietnam war. The anti-communist sentiment permeated both parties back then.
It was fine to protest but being disrespectful to the men and women who served America in the military was low class and unpatriotic, most were victims of circumstance.

Thank God for Nixon, I was weeks away from being drafted against my will. I was conservative from then on. Alas, the elitist baby boomers defined themselves as cowards and unpatriotic spoiled brats.
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Every kind of government taxes. You really think there are no taxes in democracies, republics, and kingdoms? BTW, any government with the ability to print money has no need to collect taxes for revenue (they may tax for other reasons, however). In this system what is needed is restraint. Inflation/deflation can be kept at bay as long as the money supply grows at about the same rate as the economy.
It's irrelevant it's theft
You must be just HORRIFIED then at the thought of another Trump term because changing the fubdamentals of the constitution and country is EXACTLY what he has in mind.

Project 2025 can be found online. It is a comprehensive and practical guide of policy proposals to thoroughly reshape the federal government should the Republicans seize power after the 2024 election. Philosophically it is alarming. It interprets the Declaration of Independence’s “pursuit of happiness” as “pursuit of blessedness,” and Heritage Foundation president Kevin Roberts writes that a good life is found above all in “religious devotion and spirituality.”

Of course, that means Christian devotion and spirituality, not anyone else’s religion or fervor.

It is the Christian Nationalist’s guide to government, with a few other headaches inserted as well. Should Trump win the 2024 election the project wants to replace federal civil servants with patronage jobs – people who owe their allegiance to the Republican MAGA party. The U.S. government established a merit-based system of selecting government officials and supervising their work with the 1883 Pendleton Act. That act was established following the assassination of President James A. Garfield by a disgruntled job seeker. President Chester A. Arthur, a Republican, signed it into law.

Communist talking points
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