GREAT: S&P Hits Record High, Equals Longest-Ever Bull Run...

That was last year, this is this year. Do try and keep up and quit living in the past.

The bull run has gone on for almost a decade. Why the fck should I care only about this year?

This level of IQ is simply incurable.

Yes, the bull run has gone one for almost a decade and yet you give Trump credit for it all!

I love it when you sheep out yourself.

Where did I give all the credit for Trump?

Can you please stop demonstrating your lack of intelligence? I know you are not smart, but this level of IQ even the retards possess. A retard also understands that Trump is god-sent for the economy.

Ahh, poor wittle Trump sheep, one minute Trump is sent by the gods and the next you pretend you never said it.

I never said that Trump is responsible for the entire bull run you cretin!

With these leftists it's impossible to have any civil conversation - they can't even read. Even if they do, they refuse to do so. And of course, they want more of these 80 IQ morons imported into the country to keep them company. A real problem we must deal with.

You are the one cheering for a stagnant market over the last 200 plus days.

But then again, I guess working at Wendy's as the fry cook does not pay well enough for you to actually participate in the markets.
Great news, but this fun will almost certainly crash. Gains like this are unsustainable and not even the God Emperor can maintain them.

Of course, Trump is a god sent for the economy.

Gains like this? What fucking gains?

The S&P is stagnant since Jan and you are cheering for the gains!


Last year Trump made a record, SnP up on every month of the year!

Now, if he wanted to truly make an impossible record he would make you not clueless, but that even he can't do.

That was last year, this is this year. Do try and keep up and quit living in the past.

The bull run has gone on for almost a decade. Why the fck should I care only about this year?

This level of IQ is simply incurable.
Then thank you Mr. Obama for eight of those years.
Norman, quit being borin.'

The market has been stagnant for almost seven months.
The Bull Market since 2009 existed because our Government, namely the Obama Administration in conjunction with both houses, gleefully handed over $trillions of taxpayer dollars into the markets.
The Obama administration continued to dole out $70 billion PER MONTH even though the markets were making record profits... and even toyed with the idea to PAY the Central Banks for taking free money.

Those days are over. The markets now have to exist on their own. They cannot. It will fall. PERIOD.
The sour grapes, BluesLegend, is all on your Trump base side.

Your Orange Felon is feloniously furious in the WH.

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