Gore is back!!! For the LoSe!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
Gore to young advocates: Battle industry lobbyists to turn the tide on climate
By Ben Geman - 04/15/11 09:10 PM ET

Al Gore told young green energy advocates Friday that progress on global warming must come from a strong grassroots movement that can counter the oil and coal lobbies, which he alleged have “paralyzed” governments.

Gore – who compared action on global warming to the Civil Rights movement – was the keynote speaker at Power Shift 2011, a Washington, D.C. conference attended largely by college students.

“It’s true that governments by and large have been politically paralyzed because the energy companies, the coal companies, the oil companies, the coal-burning utilities, they have spent enormous amounts of money and they have succeeded in many countries in paralyzing the political process,” the former vice president said.

“There are four anti-climate lobbyists on Capitol Hill in this city for every single member of the House and every single member of the Senate,” Gore said Friday night at the opening of the April 15-18 conference.

“What is the answer for this?" Gore asked. "It has to come from you. It has to come at the grassroots level. It has to come from young people, and I believe that you are up to it and that you can do it.”

He lauded the work of the young advocates but said they need to build a more powerful political movement, which is largely the aim of the conference, which includes scores of workshops and training events.

“The answer will be you,” Gore said. “All we need is political will, but political will is a renewable resource. ... Let’s get to work."

The speech and the conference come at a time when climate advocates have been thrown on the defensive politically.

A sweeping cap-and-trade and energy bill collapsed in the Senate last year, and emissions caps are dead on Capitol Hill for now.
Advocates are instead fighting to preserve the Environmental Protection Agency’s power to regulate greenhouse gases.

GOP-led legislation that strips EPA’s power recently passed the House. It currently lacks the 60 Senate votes to pass, but alternative measures are in play aimed at delaying or limiting the rules.

Gore to young advocates: Battle industry lobbyists to turn the tide on climate - The Hill's E2-Wire

Moral of the story???

LOL!!! Had to answer your own post! Not even good enough to hate! You've firmly mired yourself in the bogs of indifference and irrelevance. Good work!
LOL!!! Had to answer your own post! Not even good enough to hate! You've firmly mired yourself in the bogs of indifference and irrelevance. Good work!

There isn't much to say about algore. He is like a madman running barefoot through the desert wearing a chicken costume. It is enough to say that you saw such a thing, further comment isn't really necessary.

Much like your unwillingness to engage in a frank discussion about the ozone hole hoax. You can't speak to the subject. What else is there to say?
LOL!!! Had to answer your own post! Not even good enough to hate! You've firmly mired yourself in the bogs of indifference and irrelevance. Good work!

There isn't much to say about algore. He is like a madman running barefoot through the desert wearing a chicken costume. It is enough to say that you saw such a thing, further comment isn't really necessary.

Much like your unwillingness to engage in a frank discussion about the ozone hole hoax. You can't speak to the subject. What else is there to say?

Typical!!! Those that know the subject, discuss it. Those that don't, talk about Gore. Then there's the lies. First, that I wouldn't discuss ozone, when a search of my posts would prove that I have. Then there's the implied lie regarding a "hoax". That's a conclusion and one I wouldn't accept at the outset of a discussion, since I DO NOT consider it a given. Once again, you're the current champion of intellectual dishonesty. :clap2:
Charles Manson breaks 20-year silence on 40th anniversary of gruesome Sharon Tate murders | Mail Online

Global warming must be true, Charles Manson believes in it. Killer breaks 20-year silence on 40th anniversary of gruesome Sharon Tate murders

Read more: Charles Manson breaks 20-year silence on 40th anniversary of gruesome Sharon Tate murders | Mail Online

Of all the endorsements Algore gets...he needs this framed and put on the mantle of the fireplace in his expensive 30,000 sq ft house......

Unless he is a publisher of anything...sort of ...maybe ... definately ... if Manson is ever paroled...
Then there's the lies. First, that I wouldn't discuss ozone, when a search of my posts would prove that I have.

A search of your posts reveals that you have been asked repeatedly what you think the ozone layer is, how you think it got there, and what you think it does. A search of your post reveals you shuckin and jivin rather than answer those 3 basic questions.
Then there's the lies. First, that I wouldn't discuss ozone, when a search of my posts would prove that I have.

A search of your posts reveals that you have been asked repeatedly what you think the ozone layer is, how you think it got there, and what you think it does. A search of your post reveals you shuckin and jivin rather than answer those 3 basic questions.

What are you, my science professor? If you want to know that stuff, look it up for yourself. One thing I do know that seems to escape you, is that the Ozone Hole and AGW are two completely different topics. The real question should be, "why are you trying to confuse the issue?" That's usually the trick of someone who knows they're on the losing end.
What are you, my science professor? If you want to know that stuff, look it up for yourself.

More shuckin. More jivin. I know perfecly well the answer to the questions and can back it up with any number of credible scientific texts. You, on the other hand don't grasp the science and pretending that you do while not answering the question only serves to prove that you can't discuss the topic intelligently.

One thing I do know that seems to escape you, is that the Ozone Hole and AGW are two completely different topics.

Two heads on the same hydra. If one fake crisis doesn't turn out, then try another. Global cooling didn't work out, then global warming didn't work out, manmade climate disruption is failing, so what's next, bio diversity? That will fail as well.

I am able to discuss any of the topics without relying on cut and paste. I grasp the topic and rely on nothing more than credible sources to support my statements.

The real question should be, "why are you trying to confuse the issue?" That's usually the trick of someone who knows they're on the losing end.

This started on a thread devoted to ozone. If you weren't an intellectual coward, you would step on up to the plate where the original discussion began and engage the topic rather than running all over the board.

Here is a link to you jumping into and attempting to derail a conversation about ozone into a discussion about water vapor. Why were you trying to confuse the issue?

So are you able to discuss ozone on the thread about ozone or not? Are you so afraid that you will find out that you have been hoaxed that you won't even attempt to engage the topic in an intelligent manner?

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