GOP Senate Filibusters Debt Ceiling Bill...Shutdown Looms

It isn’t as much about borrowing money as it is about paying the bills for money we have spent.

What do you fail to understand that it's called a "DEBT LIMIT" for a reason. The commiecrats want the limit suspended so they can spend and borrow whatever they want.

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What do you fail to understand that it's called a "DEBT LIMIT" for a reason. The commiecrats want the limit suspended so they can spend and borrow whatever the want.

Only a good demifk would show their hollow head
Spending $3.5 Trillion we don't have will dink our credit
Most real dynamic estimates place the cost at FIVE POINT FIVE TRILLION DOLLARS.

Just as important, or more so, who here has ever seen any government program actually cost LESS than the original estimates?

I'm not worried. I'm really old so if they demand that we start a Socialist society, go for it! I'll be pushing up posies.
We spend because we need to.

The idea that we do it in this way IS ridiculous
Yes, I understand, I'm just saying that claiming the debt ceiling is a measure to try and control spending is a farce, because you are just borrowing more money to cover what you've already spent. In that regard, there are no limits placed on what could be spent, were simply raising the amount of debt were willing to take on to cover obligations we've already incurred.

That's not a good plan. We need to be run on a ACTUAL budget, you know, where we say "this is how much money we have, so we need to plan to cover all of our obligations with this much. Thus forces them to tighten the reins and be more conscientious about where the money goes. Then, raising the debt ceiling takes on a while new meaning.
Good 'ole Mitch has decided he wants the United States to default on its debt.

Yesterday it was "the Democrats need to do this themselves, we will not help.

Today they actually blocked the funding bill which is something completely different. Not unexpected, mind you, but different.

This may finally persuade the holdouts to dump the filibuster. It's time to change the rules and get some shit done.

McConnell has refused to be an enabler, facilitating the Democrats criminally fiscally irresponsible deficit spending.

Raising the debt ceiling will NOT solve that problem.
Good 'ole Mitch has decided he wants the United States to default on its debt.

Yesterday it was "the Democrats need to do this themselves, we will not help.

Today they actually blocked the funding bill which is something completely different. Not unexpected, mind you, but different.

This may finally persuade the holdouts to dump the filibuster. It's time to change the rules and get some shit done.

Deranged rapist Biden, Nazi Pelosi & others in their bund bring the country to its knees again.

Nothing new here.
McConnell has refused to be an enabler, facilitating the Democrats criminally fiscally irresponsible deficit spending.

Raising the debt ceiling will NOT solve that problem.
McConnell is a cynical partisan

He KNOWS how important this is. He has said so
I doubt Manchin or Sinema will take action that they understand will break this nation apart, possibly violently. Passing HR1 will effectively create a single-party country, and it will lead to war on some level. Packing SCOTUS and using a politicized court to ram through massive 2A restrictions would set the country on fire as well.

The Ds will blink on this unless THEY want the default. They cannot deny the truth of what the Turtle is saying. They control both houses of Congress AND the White House. It's on THEM and they better choose carefully because there is no way they can obfuscate the rest of the country just because their voters are so easy to convince. This is a purely political issue because Nancy and Chuck are too gutless to risk the repercussions that are GUARANTEED from this kind of insane money creation. They are going to do their best to blame others when their 3.5 $T crashes and burns but they'll have to accept that even THEY aren't willing to collapse the global economy without having a certain way to spread the blame.
Securing everyone's voting rights by codifying them will cause violence?

You do understand that holding the line on the debt limit has nothing to do with funding, right? It's about borrowing money.

It is indeed all about funding the government. Is we don't borrow money we run out. So yes, it's about funding.

With borrowed money.

Which they gleefully did three times during the last administration.
Deranged rapist Biden, Nazi Pelosi & others in their bund bring the country to its knees again.

Nothing new here.

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