Goofball California Governor Endangers Schoolkids


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
It never seems to stop - liberal fools doing exactly the opposite of what is needed to stop terrorists and other criminals. Sane and intelligent people know that police generally, are not defenders. They are responders. And during the first, critical 5 minutes of an attack, citizens are own their own.

The best protection we have in those first 5 minutes, is good guys (vetted & licensed), with guns. So what does California's mindless governor do ? He eliminates this critical protection by banning guns in schools. This moronic act is equivalent to giving bad guys a green light to come into schools and raise hell.

Any reducton of armed security is simply a step in the direction of greater possibility of criminal activity in the schools. Liberal governors >> the criminal's best friend.

Another reason for Californians to leave that sorry, forlorn state. Sheeesh!
Yeah let's encourage guns at schools :rolleyes:
Of course. Not only in schools, but other places that goofball Obama liberals have turned into idiotic, dangerous gun-free zones. (ex. VA Hospitals - prime targets for terrorists)
It never seems to stop - liberal fools doing exactly the opposite of what is needed to stop terrorists and other criminals. Sane and intelligent people know that police generally, are not defenders. They are responders. And during the first, critical 5 minutes of an attack, citizens are own their own.

The best protection we have in those first 5 minutes, is good guys (vetted & licensed), with guns. So what does California's mindless governor do ? He eliminates this critical protection by banning guns in schools. This moronic act is equivalent to giving bad guys a green light to come into schools and raise hell.

Any reducton of armed security is simply a step in the direction of greater possibility of criminal activity in the schools. Liberal governors >> the criminal's best friend.

Another reason for Californians to leave that sorry, forlorn state. Sheeesh!

This is California? Really? What states allow guns to be carried in a public school (K-12)? Isn't the "Gun Free Zone" thing for schools a federal law?

Pretty much every state has made taking a firearm into a public school illegal.
Yeah let's encourage guns at schools :rolleyes:
Of course. Not only in schools, but other places that goofball Obama liberals have turned into idiotic, dangerous gun-free zones. (ex. VA Hospitals - prime targets for terrorists)
Yes, let's get rid of no gun zones, that increase punishment against those who use guns illegally in those zones :rolleyes:
This is California? Really? What states allow guns to be carried in a public school (K-12)? Isn't the "Gun Free Zone" thing for schools a federal law?

Pretty much every state has made taking a firearm into a public school illegal.
And thereby giving a green light to every schoolkid-killer nutjob ready to pounce. :rolleyes:

Maybe we could send them personal invitation cards

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Each school should hire 3-4 security guards that are trained and licensed to use a gun. Expecting kids and teachers that don't know how to use one is likely to get more people killed.
Of course. But why talk about what nobody is suggesting ? Ever hear of CCW license ?

The idea is for law-abiding, trained, licensed adults to have guns, and let the bad guys know it. Ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

And if they do show up, they'll be stopped (instead of freely enacting a massacre)
Yeah let's encourage guns at schools :rolleyes:

Yeah...banning guns in schools really keeps murderers with guns away......just ask how gun free zones worked out for Sandy Hook and Columbine.....
Each school should hire 3-4 security guards that are trained and licensed to use a gun. Expecting kids and teachers that don't know how to use one is likely to get more people killed. you know how much it would cost to hire security guards for every school in a school district? Versus putting out the notice that a school is no longer a gun free zone, and that parents and teachers may very well be carrying....? This is really all you need to keep killers away, since they target gun free zones....
Yeah...banning guns in schools really keeps murderers with guns away......just ask how gun free zones worked out for Sandy Hook and Columbine.....
Fort Hood, San Bernardino, Pulse Club.
Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

Gun-Free School Zones has been Federal Law since 1990 and was signed into law by George H.W. Bush.

So do you have a link to what you are writing about?
FALSE! Guns are carried on college campuses in Texas, as well as other states.

California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a ban on guns in schools

In wake of school shootings, Gov. Jerry Brown bans concealed guns on California campuses

College Campuses versus public schools with minors.

What I just posted is not false and you know it. So if you dislike the Federal Law George H.W. Bush signed into law in 1990 then have the GOP House, Senate and Whote House change it!

So why do Republicans hate children as much as Democrats and why do voters like you keep on electing those politicians!?!
Each school should hire 3-4 security guards that are trained and licensed to use a gun. Expecting kids and teachers that don't know how to use one is likely to get more people killed. you know how much it would cost to hire security guards for every school in a school district? Versus putting out the notice that a school is no longer a gun free zone, and that parents and teachers may very well be carrying....? This is really all you need to keep killers away, since they target gun free zones....

Talk to Congress and have them change the law that George H.W. Bush signed into law...
Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

Gun-Free School Zones has been Federal Law since 1990 and was signed into law by George H.W. Bush.

So do you have a link to what you are writing about?
FALSE! Guns are carried on college campuses in Texas, as well as other states.

California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a ban on guns in schools

In wake of school shootings, Gov. Jerry Brown bans concealed guns on California campuses

College Campuses versus public schools with minors.

What I just posted is not false and you know it. So if you dislike the Federal Law George H.W. Bush signed into law in 1990 then have the GOP House, Senate and Whote House change it!

So why do Republicans hate children as much as Democrats and why do voters like you keep on electing those politicians!?!
"Republicans hate children" ? This is the latest line of the say-anything looney left ?

Democrats (of which Bush was really one) endanger children, by making them vulnerable to shooter nuts. Gun-free zones are a green light for them.
Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990 - Wikipedia

Gun-Free School Zones has been Federal Law since 1990 and was signed into law by George H.W. Bush.

So do you have a link to what you are writing about?
FALSE! Guns are carried on college campuses in Texas, as well as other states.

California Governor Jerry Brown has signed a ban on guns in schools

In wake of school shootings, Gov. Jerry Brown bans concealed guns on California campuses

College Campuses versus public schools with minors.

What I just posted is not false and you know it. So if you dislike the Federal Law George H.W. Bush signed into law in 1990 then have the GOP House, Senate and Whote House change it!

So why do Republicans hate children as much as Democrats and why do voters like you keep on electing those politicians!?!

Yes.....elementary schools are gun free zones....and they are targets because of this. Mass shooters select gun free zones for their shootings....and you want to keep our minor children exposed to these killers...why do you hate young children so much?

Maybe you can explain how making campuses gun free zones keep mass shooters away? How does that work exactly? Can you explain that?

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