Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion.

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240513. {post•5}. HikerGuy83 May’24 Spiwtt: “So what?” hkrgy 240513 Spiwtt00005

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240522. {post•82}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpiwtt: It’s interesting to watch the one’s who see no relevance to white Christian nationalism for anything in American culture and politics, when it will be the unchurched Republicans who will lose the two branches of government to perpetual control by the Democratic Party for decades if white evangelical Christian Trump loses to Joe Biden for a second time this November. nfbw 240522 Vpiwtt00082
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Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240512. {post•1}. Crepitus May’24 piwtt: All the conservative types are always talking about a christian nation and christian values, well it turns out that this isn't and never was a christian nation, at least according to the authors of the Tripoli treaty. crpts 240512 Vpiwtt00001

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240521 {post•74}. Foxfyre May’24 Spiwtt: When you take that remedial reading comprehension course maybe you will understand that “the thread isn't about white Christian nationalist grievance or any other 'white Christian nationalist' anything.” fxfyr 240521 Spiwtt00074

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240522 {post•83}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpiwtt: I must point Saint Foxfyre to the use of the phrase “Christian Nation” in the OP Vpiwtt00001

What else is this thread about if not white Christian nationalism? nfbw 240522 Vpuwtt00083
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a.ii Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240513. {post•16} theHawk May’24 Spiwtt: Thomas Jefferson was a big advocate to leave religion out of the government. thvhvwk 240513 Spiwtt0016

BREAKING: Trump considering Neocon as VP???? 231224 {post•68}
theHawk Dec’23 Sbtcna: No, I worship Jesus Christ. thvhvwk 231224 Sbtcna00068

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240522. {post•84}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpiwtt: Jefferson was religious. He engaged in government.

Jefferson was a rational theist. He liked a lot of what Jesus supposedly taught on morality but he didn’t worship Jesus Christ as the Biblical Son of God as being the savior of souls from original sin for an apple being eaten by the first women created by God.

Jefferson didn’t wrap himself in the white Christian nationalist “Appeal to Heaven Flag” like Dutch Sheets, Sam Alito, Mike Johnson, and Donald Trump do. nfbw 240522 Vpiwtt00084
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Can a Progressive love America? 221019 {post•87}. Correll Oct’22 Scapla: Trump was/is a NATIONALIST, not a WHITE NATIONALISTS, so that doesn't make any sense.” cvrrvll 221019 Scaplo00087

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240523. {post•85}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpiwtt: Rated…in order from ..benign to destructive toward the institution of democracy

1. nationalism
2. white Christian nationalism
3. White Nationslism

Trump is all three.

Trump appeals to all three but his political existence and strength is entirely dependent on culture war, patriotic, working class voters obsessed in groupthink 2.

Unchurched Republicans desperately need groupthink 2 so they placate and defend the male dominance, the sexual aversions and the rejection of objective facts based reality or abandonment of truth/based material assessment of what is going on in the public square within the limits of groupthink 2.

nfbw 240523 Vpiwtt00085
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Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240513 {post•16}
theHawk May’24 Spiwtt: LOL more lies. The Founding Fathers endlessly debated about almost everything. . thvhvwk 240513 Spiwtt00016

Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion. 240520 {post•41}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpiwtt: The debate that mattered on a secular constitutional basis was between rational theists like Franklin Washington Adams Jefferson and Madison for a secular government tolerant of all religion versus the Connecticut Wits and all supernatural Cross of Jesus Bible believers.

The Cross of Christ was stricken from the Constitution because the rational theists won the debate.

You need to come to an understanding of the Connecticut wits in order to have a meaningful discussion on the relationship between Christianity and them original founding documents, the declaration of independence in the United States Constitution.

Here is an excerpt regarding the Connecticut wits.

"The Origins of American Religious Nationalism." By Sam Haselby​

Sam Haselby is a historian, an editor at Aeon Magazine and the author of "The Origins of American Religious Nationalism."July 4, 2017 at 6:00 AM​
So there are insuperable obstacles to the Christian nationalist position. But there is also a neglected and fascinating history, key to American independence. Quite simply, America’s first patriots were acutely Christian and did envision, at least, an acutely Christian, which to them meant Protestant, nation. They issued the first calls for American independence. More specifically, America’s first nationalist movement was a small group of young New England writers at Yale College who were fiercely Christian. Timothy Dwight and John Trumbull were the group’s founding members, and by 1769, at the Yale College commencement, they publicly protested for American independence. Noah Webster, of dictionary fame, would later come into the group, too.​
These young writers, who called themselves the Connecticut Wits, were terrible poets, but they were visionary American nationalists. Dwight’s epic poem, “The Conquest of Canaan,” portrayed an independent America as the new Holy Land. He began it in 1771. Most Americans, by contrast, supported reconciliation with Britain well into 1776. Years later, Dwight would complain that for their early, open advocacy of American independence they had suffered years of ridicule and contempt. John Trumbull’s 1773 poem “An Elegy of the Times” is a clear, repeated call, steeped in New England Protestantism, for nationalist revolution. Though I’ve never met anyone today who has read it, Trumbull’s 1775 poem “M’Fingal” was the best-selling poem of the American Revolution. It went through 30 editions, a feat no other American poet managed until Henry Wadsworth Longfellow in 1847. M’Fingal is a lampoon of the Scottish Enlightenment and a sclerotic Great Britain in the name of enlightened and vital independent, Protestant America​

nfbw 240520 Vpiwtt00041
Nobody said it was you fucking retard. The constitution says no state approved religion. Do you think the founders were Muslim 🤣. They were Christians. You commie fucks are pathetic.
Nobody said it was you fucking retard.
Jenna Ellis, one of Trump’s racist white Christian nationalist (indicted in Az and Ga lawyers) who says every day on her radio show that America is a Christian nation in a Covenant with the famous desert religion’s God of Abraham as explained in the Holy Bible, Tens of millions of Trump’s voters have the same Biblical worldview as Jenna Ellis.

Without white Christian nationalist churchgoers like Jenna Ellis voting for Antichrist Trump, the unchurched Republicans do not get their great white hope Trump elected to anything.
Jenna Ellis, one of Trump’s racist white Christian nationalist (indicted in Az and Ga lawyers) who says every day on her radio show that America is a Christian nation in a Covenant with the famous desert religion’s God of Abraham as explained in the Holy Bible, Tens of millions of Trump’s voters have the same Biblical worldview as Jenna Ellis.

View attachment 951192Without white Christian nationalist churchgoers like Jenna Ellis voting for Antichrist Trump, the unchurched Republicans do not get their great white hope Trump elected to anything.
America was founded by white Christians retard. So what fuck you.
All that's nice and stuff but really doesn't change my post. There was no "ongoing debate" at the time. The USA is not a christian nation, it is a secular nation.

Depends, the government is certainly not a “Christian government” as that would be establishing a religion. The nation, however, was founded by people who were Christian’s, wasn’t that the predominant religion at the time.

While the cotus, nor any paper declares this a Christian nation, it’s understood that that was the main religion of the people of the country as a whole.

Every country has their own main recognized religion, Christianity just happens to be the one for this country.
The nation, however, was founded by people who were Christian’s, wasn’t that the predominant religion at the time.
Not by white Christian nationalists like David Barton and Jenna Ellis’s definition of being Christian.

The only way we can know is by who actually belonged to a church in 1776 and that they believed in the divinity of Christ and Christ was a sacrifice given to the world to die for the forgiveness of our original sins.

Less than 20 percent belonged to a Christian Church in the original thirteen colonies during the founding generation.;

the government is certainly not a “Christian government”
That means that there is no way America should be considered a “Christian Nation”
Not by white Christian nationalists like David Barton and Jenna Ellis’s definition of being Christian.

The only way we can know is by who actually belonged to a church in 1776 and that they believed in the divinity of Christ and Christ was a sacrifice given to the world to die for the forgiveness of our original sins.

Less than 20 percent belonged to a Christian Church in the original thirteen colonies during the founding generation.;

That means that there is no way America should be considered a “Christian Nation”
It’s a Christian nation defined by the majority of people who practice that religion. As was the way it was during the founding. Regardless of how many people belonged to a church, the majority religion at that time was still a gospel based Christian religion, right?
Regardless of how many people belonged to a church, the majority religion at that time was still a gospel based Christian religion, right?

How do you know if they didn’t profess their Christianity publicly in anyway other than joining a church?

The first four presidents were not Christians.
they did not believe that the death of Jesus Christ on the cross meant anything supernatural about forgiveness of original sin of individuals and of individual nations.

Adams and Jefferson were elected by the people yet they did not believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God and he died on the cross for the sins of mankind to be forgiven. Adams and Jefferson did not believe that you had to believe all that supernatural religion stuff to have something called eternal life in order to avoid going to hell for eternity..
It’s Regardless of how many people belonged to a church, the majority religion at that time was still a gospel based Christian religion, right?
How do you know the majority religion was a gospel based Christian religion in 1776?

We do know that the Continental Congress was staunchly anti-Christian when it came to the original church of the Christian religion.

The Continental Congress protested, claiming that Catholicism as a religion that had “deluged” Britain in blood and “dispersed impiety, bigotry, persecution, murder and rebellion through every part of the world.”​
How do you know if they didn’t profess their Christianity publicly in anyway other than joining a church?

The first four presidents were not Christians.
they did not believe that the death of Jesus Christ on the cross meant anything supernatural about forgiveness of original sin of individuals and of individual nations.

Adams and Jefferson were elected by the people yet they did not believe that Jesus Christ was the son of God and he died on the cross for the sins of mankind to be forgiven. Adams and Jefferson did not believe that you had to believe all that supernatural religion stuff to have something called eternal life in order to avoid going to hell for eternity..
Hell, I don’t know…

Protestant Christianity understood as 'revealed religion' (based on scriptures) was the dominant religious force, which shaped colonial cultureand, along with the Protestant rationalism of the 18th century, was integral to the foundation and diversification of the United States of America.

Just going by what I hear..that’s all
The Founding Fathers embraced the concept of natural religion – God’s existence made apparent through the natural world – over that of revealed religion – God’s will revealed through scripture.​

Christianity is a revealed religion

Our founding fathers rejected the God of Abraham in HOLY SCRIPTURE for Nature’s God revealed through nature.

Just going by what I hear..that’s all
You provided a link that explains that the United States of America was not founded by GODPEL BELIEVING Christians during the last two decades of the 18th Century

From your link;

Religious diversity in America and attendant conflicts continued throughout the 18th century but after the Great Awakening of the 1730s and 1740sa spiritual revivalist movement encouraging a personal relationship with God – Protestant Rationalism prevailed among the upper classes which eventually began to influence those below them.​
The Founding Fathers embraced the concept of natural religion – God’s existence made apparent through the natural world – over that of revealed religion – God’s will revealed through scripture.​
Rationalist philosophers began to exert a greater influence over colonial culture leading to the rejection of firmly held beliefs of the past, including the divine right of kings and other forms of God-ordained authority. Although revealed religion remained a constant in American culture, natural religion and Protestant Rationalism encouraged the movement that eventually led to the American War of Independence (1775-1783) and the establishment of the United States of America.
the majority religion at that time was still a gospel based Christian religion, right?

see post #95 explaining why gospel based Christian religion was rejected by the founding generation’s leaders and all those who fought for them in the American War of Independence.

The Founding Fathers embraced the concept of natural religion – God’s existence made apparent through the natural world – over that of revealed religion – God’s will revealed through scripture.​

You provided the link to the above. And I thank you for it. I have not found a rejection of Christianity by the founding fathers put so clearly and concisely.
Hell, I don’t know…
Just going by what I hear..that’s all

Let me remind you that your link refers to Christianity in colonial America. I am at arguing the settling of Colonial America that occurred prior to the American Revolution was dominated by the revealed religion of the god of Abraham..

But the United States of America was not founded when the pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock or when he first settlement at Jamestown was realized..
Proof in writing that this country was not founded on any religion 230518 {post•39}

NotfooledbyW May’24 Vpiwtt: That is pure wishful thinking and over generalizing on your part compared to a data based study on the topic:

America's Christian Heritage 170301 {post•1} ding Mar’17 Sachyz:“America's Christian Heritage is indisputable” dvng 170301 Sachyz00001

Frauds Tucker and Laura distance from T 201130 {post•135} NotfooledbyW Churching of America : Membership In America Percentage of population that belongs to a church: 1776 17% 1850 34% 1860 37% 1870 35% 1890 45% 1906 51% 1916 53% 1926 56% 1952 59% 1980 62% 1995 65% * *Estimated. Source: "The Churching of America: 1776-1990" by Roger Finke and Rodney Stark and Gallup Organization data“ •••• nfbw 201130 Vftald00135

Saint ding’s white Christian nationalism should be done with by this data.

Our first president was a Freemason

Our second president was a Unitarian who did not believe in original sin and that Jesus Christ was the savior for believers to escape the penalty of death for the Saints:

Our third president when he ran for his second term, and one was accused by his opponents of being an atheist, who is going to confiscate their Bibles.

That is why I have confidence that the data that about 20% of the rebellious population were not religious other than lipservice maybe to state religions. religions.nfbw 201130 Vftald00135 to Sachyz00001

nfbw 240518 Vpiwtt0039 to lvvnnn 240517 Spiwwr00038
Nobody said this country was founded on any particular religion.
Nobody said this country was founded on any particular religion.
Jenna Ellis, one of Trump’s racist white Christian nationalist (indicted in Az and Ga lawyers) who says every day on her radio show that America is a Christian nation in a Covenant with the famous desert religion’s God of Abraham as explained in the Holy Bible, Tens of millions of Trump’s voters have the same Biblical worldview as Jenna Ellis.


Without white Christian nationalist churchgoers like Jenna Ellis voting for Antichrist Trump, the unchurched Republicans do not get their great white hope Trump elected to anything.
The Founding Fathers embraced the concept of natural religion – God’s existence made apparent through the natural world – over that of revealed religion – God’s will revealed through scripture.​

Christianity is a revealed religion

Our founding fathers rejected the God of Abraham in HOLY SCRIPTURE for Nature’s God revealed through nature.

You provided a link that explains that the United States of America was not founded by GODPEL BELIEVING Christians during the last two decades of the 18th Century

From your link;

Religious diversity in America and attendant conflicts continued throughout the 18th century but after the Great Awakening of the 1730s and 1740sa spiritual revivalist movement encouraging a personal relationship with God – Protestant Rationalism prevailed among the upper classes which eventually began to influence those below them.​
The Founding Fathers embraced the concept of natural religion – God’s existence made apparent through the natural world – over that of revealed religion – God’s will revealed through scripture.​
Rationalist philosophers began to exert a greater influence over colonial culture leading to the rejection of firmly held beliefs of the past, including the divine right of kings and other forms of God-ordained authority. Although revealed religion remained a constant in American culture, natural religion and Protestant Rationalism encouraged the movement that eventually led to the American War of Independence (1775-1783) and the establishment of the United States of America.
Ok, how bout this:

Toward mid-century the country experienced its first major religious revival. The Great Awakening swept the English-speaking world, as religious energy vibrated between England, Wales, Scotland and the American colonies in the 1730s and 1740s. In America, the Awakening signaled the advent of an encompassing evangelicalism--the belief that the essence of religious experience was the "new birth," inspired by the preaching of the Word. It invigorated even as it divided churches. The supporters of the Awakening and its evangelical thrust--Presbyterians, Baptists and Methodists--became the largest American Protestant denominations by the first decades of the nineteenth century. Opponents of the Awakening or those split by it--Anglicans, Quakers, and Congregationalists--were left behind.

If that doesn’t do it for ya, then I don’t know what to say. Christianity was the most prevalent religion, the belief in God and Jesus is what most people believed. That’s why I say that we were a Christian nation, not because of the government, but because that’s what most people believed.

Protestant Christianity understood as 'revealed religion' (based on scriptures) was the dominant religious force, which shaped colonial cultureand, along with the Protestant rationalism of the 18th century, was integral to the foundation and diversification of the United States of America.

Sure, there was diversity in beliefs, but the overall religion of the time was Protestant Christianity. That’s all I was getting at.
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