Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

Sunsettommy fled. He had everything he was requesting, just was unwilling and/or lacked the ability to put in any effort and then insults someone who actually did. Formula is to look at UAH chart and then importantly question it, perform quick ferocious google to turn up what appears to be the supporting data then confirm that the data does in fact match up with the chart by reproducing it.

### Download
## - R (The Comprehensive R Archive Network)
## - RStudio (RStudio)

### Inits
libs <- c('tidyverse','data.table','zoo'
new.libs <- libs[!(libs %in% installed.packages()[,'Package'])]
if(length(new.libs)) install.packages(new.libs)
lapply(libs, require, character.only = TRUE)

### Read and preprocess UAH data
df_uah <- data.table::fread('')
df_uah %>% dplyr::glimpse()

### Correct duplicate names
names <- c('year','month','global','global_land','global_sea',

names(df_uah) <- names
df_uah %>% dplyr::glimpse()

### Drop last row, convert measures to numeric, update month feature
df_uah <- df_uah %>%
utils::head(-1) %>%
dplyr::mutate_if(base::is.character, base::as.numeric) %>%
dplyr::mutate(month = paste(year,month,'01', sep = '-') %>% base::as.Date()) %>%
dplyr::select(month, dplyr::everything())

df_uah %>% dplyr::glimpse()

## Global Averages
df_uah %>%
ggplot2::ggplot(aes(month, global)) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = 'gray', size = 1) +
ggplot2::geom_point(color = 'blue') +
ggplot2::geom_line(color = 'blue') +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(method='lm', color = 'orange', fill = 'orange') +
ggplot2::geom_line(aes(y = zoo::rollmean(global, 13, na.pad = TRUE)), color = 'red', size = 1.1) +
ggplot2::xlab('') +
ggplot2::ylab('T Departure from 1991-2020 Avg. (deg. C)') +
ggplot2::ggtitle('UAH Satellite-Based Temperature of the Global Lower Atmosphere (Version 6.0)') +

## Sub-trends
f_substrends <- function(lookback_years) {
p <- df_uah %>%
dplyr::filter(year >= df_uah$year %>% max() - lookback_years) %>%
ggplot2::ggplot(aes(month, global)) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = 'gray', size = 1) +
ggplot2::geom_point(color = 'blue') +
ggplot2::geom_line(color = 'blue') +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(method='lm', color = 'orange', fill = 'orange') +
ggplot2::geom_line(aes(y = zoo::rollmean(global, 13, na.pad = TRUE)), color = 'red', size = 1.1) +
ggplot2::xlab('') +
ggplot2::ylab('T Departure from 1991-2020 Avg. (deg. C)') +
ggplot2::ggtitle('UAH Satellite-Based Temperature of the Global Lower Atmosphere (Version 6.0)') +

p %>% print()

### Call

I didn't run away just decided to stop because of your unwillingness to provide the link I requested.
I didn't run away just decided to stop because of your unwillingness to provide the link I requested.

A link you claimed to already have to data you claimed you already had seen yet despite that claimed background could not recognize what was before you. Trusted one graph yet doubted the other when they both derive from the same data. What would have you have even done with the data? You may have seen the numbers, but in all likelihood never did anything with them. Never questioned the chart to see if it reflected the data or something else rather. Just accepted it. Then pout when you're not spoon-fed the info someone else in the same situation had to dig up. You ran off because you're entitled and apparently incapable.
Once I ready that we "were all doomed", I discounted this thread as an AGW nut case...

We have been cooling, almost a full degree C in the last 9 years. There is no self-re-enforcing loop or "hot spot" in our atmosphere. Thus, everything this OP states is hogwash. Nothing more than left wing talking points without substance in empirical evidence or science.

Cooling? You really think you have the data to indicate that this warming trend is at an end and that the Earth is going to cool from now on? You really are a fucking idiot.
View attachment 670145

Cooling? You really think you have the data to indicate that this warming trend is at an end and that the Earth is going to cool from now on? You really are a fucking idiot.
can you post temp data going back 500,000 years? if not, then your data is meaningless. AGW is a hoax and a massive lie. The temp of planet earth has been cycling up and down for millions of years and will be cycling up and down millions of years after the last human is gone. WE are not causing it, cannot stop it, and cannot slow or reverse it. AGW is nothing that a plot to turn humans into compliant sheep and put all the money and power in the hands of the global elites who think they are better than the rest of us--------------fuck em!
I started a thread about a climate hero who actually set himself on fire to bring attention to human caused global warming. But I think we need to get directly to the point. Human caused global warming is a reality. And you are all doomed. For the most part, the media won't tell you about it. Which is run by the wealthy. They dictate your lives in every way. And they have decided not only that you will die, but how you will die. That being with as much ignorance as possible. Not only have they decided that you must die, but no doubt for many they view it as a necessary thing. The only thing any of you will get out of the issue is lip service. Not real action.

Even on a couple different television shows they showed on PBS on the issue, they brought up often enough a feedback loop in global warming. They spoke fairly often how one thing will reinforce another thing. But I don't remember them ever saying what a a feedback loop would actually mean. It means that the warmer things get, the FASTER it will get even warmer. They also seem to like to speak often on TV about what the ocean levels will be in the year 2100. But it is unlikely any of you will see the year 2050.

Your time is short. How short exactly is hard to say. I would give it 20 to 30 years. The reason why is mainly methane. It is around 86 times more potent of a greenhouse gas than CO2. Bill Nye did a show about it called Global meltdown. Regardless of how you may feel about Bill Nye, in part of the show he talked to an actual scientist who had been studying the problem for about 15 years. Though he was a tenured professor at some university, he decided to give up his tenured professorship and start preparing for doomsday. And he said the worst culprit is methane. Like CO2, it is ever increasing. I will show you a graph of it. Astonishingly, despite things like thawing tundra, it is said that human activities are responsible for around 60% of it.

View attachment 651093

Or if you don't like that one, I have another.
View attachment 651094

One of the things that makes this so bad is that not in the history of the Earth have we ever been in this position. It the past of course it has been far warmer. But in more recent history it has been getting cooler. When things are cooler, of course more methane will have a chance to accumulate. Much gets buried underground of course. But not all of it. And when things start getting warmer faster as it is, that methane will have the ability to escape quickly. I will show you a graph of the Earths temperature to show what I am talking about.

View attachment 651095

Now for all those deniers out there, I will unload on you all of the human caused glob all warming graphs that I have. Feel free to deny away.

View attachment 651097
View attachment 651098

View attachment 651099

View attachment 651100

View attachment 651101

View attachment 651102

View attachment 651103

View attachment 651104

View attachment 651105
What if these graphs show that global warming is producing more co2, not the other way around?
Windmills.....wind powered ships. It's 1500 again.
Seems appropriate, as the folks pushing it, want to go back to the type of government that was popular back then as well. :rolleyes:

21st Century Neo-Feudalism​

"I use the term Neo-Feudalism to describe the new order envisioned by Klaus Schwab and the WEF. The term Neo-Feudalism is not some sort of hyperbole. They want nothing less than to create a two-tier society, with a small tech elite at the top and a landless serf peasantry serving them. Their dream looks a lot like the society depicted in Fritz Lang’s 1927 silent science fiction film, Metropolis. In between the elite and the proletariat, there will be a heavy-handed state security apparatus, led by ruthless and power-hungry professional soldiers, police, and intelligence agents. But these enforcers will never be brought into the elite caste. Any of them who grow too ambitious will get the Beria betrayal treatment, and be replaced.

I believe that the feudal order of the Middle Ages provides a good parallel to the currently-lauded Liberal World Order. The WEF’s most compelling core intent is indeed to create a new form of feudalism. Instead of kings and barons at the top, the WEF would analogously install their own tech elite, for “global governance”. Coincidentally, take note that the WEF’s Young Global Leader (YGL) roster includes a lot of Middle-Eastern Muslim princes. They are, of course, famous for hedging their bets.. . . "

Neo-Feudalism: The Great Reset Is Not Great And Not New​

Windmills.....wind powered ships. It's 1500 again.
So, what does that mean Todd? Do you believe that wind turbine generated electricity and wind driven vessels are a step backward in some regard? I would point out that the vessels that compete in the America's cup are driven entirely by wind but contain enormous amounts of very advanced technology. Electricity had not been discovered in any form by the 1500s. And, I really don't think free fuel ever goes out of style.
So, what does that mean Todd? Do you believe that wind turbine generated electricity and wind driven vessels are a step backward in some regard? I would point out that the vessels that compete in the America's cup are driven entirely by wind but contain enormous amounts of very advanced technology. Electricity had not been discovered in any form by the 1500s. And, I really don't think free fuel ever goes out of style.

So, what does that mean Todd?

It means, sailing ships and windmills. How modern.

Are we bring back the horse and buggy next?

And, I really don't think free fuel ever goes out of style.

Or idiots claiming it's free.
Your argument here is meaningless twaddle and you know it.

More like the other way round. You have never presented any compelling measurable evidence to support your claims. Instead you present computer models and opinions.

In other words, meaningless twaddle.
So, what does that mean Todd? Do you believe that wind turbine generated electricity and wind driven vessels are a step backward in some regard? I would point out that the vessels that compete in the America's cup are driven entirely by wind but contain enormous amounts of very advanced technology. Electricity had not been discovered in any form by the 1500s. And, I really don't think free fuel ever goes out of style.
So, what does that mean Todd? Do you believe that wind turbine generated electricity and wind driven vessels are a step backward in some regard? I would point out that the vessels that compete in the America's cup are driven entirely by wind but contain enormous amounts of very advanced technology. Electricity had not been discovered in any form by the 1500s. And, I really don't think free fuel ever goes out of style.
Déjà vu

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