Global Warming. Kiss Your Ass Goodbye.

The absolute hands down height of borg like cognitive dissonance is believing alt energy can save us now....

You do not know the difference between long term and short term...? Again, your own charts Margin of Error clearly shows that it can be cooling.. I was looking at the short term (9)years and we have clearly had 0.8 deg C cooling in that time... Enough with the adjusted BEST crap..

Holy shit you're retarded. A range is not a trend. And the only way to suggest the last nine years are cooling is have your monitoring sideways.

Global Temperature Report: April 2022
Global climate trend since Dec. 1 1978: +0.13 C per decade

April Temperatures (preliminary)
Global composite temp.: +0.26 C (+0.47°F) above the seasonal average
Northern Hemisphere: +0.35 C (+0.63 °F) above seasonal average
Southern Hemisphere: +0.18 C (+0.32 °F) above seasonal average
Tropics: -0.04 C (-0.07 °F) below seasonal average
Notes on data released May 16, 2022 (v6.0, with 1991-2020 reference base)
Holy shit you're retarded. A range is not a trend. And the only way to suggest the last nine years are cooling is have your monitoring sideways.

Global Temperature Report: April 2022
Global climate trend since Dec. 1 1978: +0.13 C per decade

April Temperatures (preliminary)
Global composite temp.: +0.26 C (+0.47°F) above the seasonal average
Northern Hemisphere: +0.35 C (+0.63 °F) above seasonal average
Southern Hemisphere: +0.18 C (+0.32 °F) above seasonal average
Tropics: -0.04 C (-0.07 °F) below seasonal average
Notes on data released May 16, 2022 (v6.0, with 1991-2020 reference base)

No link huh how come?

No one is disputing the warming trend in the long term since 1978 however it has been cooling in the short term since mid 2015.

Even your chart in POST shows it has been cooling since 2016.
No link huh how come?

No one is disputing the warming trend in the long term since 1978 however it has been cooling in the short term since mid 2015.

Even your chart in POST shows it has been cooling since 2016.

Wanting a link, huh... didn't care to have one for the original satellite data plot that started this exchange. How come?

Let me check my calendar here... June 2022, ok... nine years back from that is 2013. Hold on. *presses finger to earpiece* I'm just getting word that 2016 is not 2013.

'Let's make a deal out of this cherry picked part of the data that admittedly doesn't detract from the larger story'. lol.
Wanting a link, huh... didn't care to have one for the original satellite data plot that started this exchange. How come?

Let me check my calendar here... June 2022, ok... nine years back from that is 2013. Hold on. *presses finger to earpiece* I'm just getting word that 2016 is not 2013.

'Let's make a deal out of this cherry picked part of the data that admittedly doesn't detract from the larger story'. lol.

With no link from you I don't have to take YOU and your unsourced chart seriously.

Carry on child.
With no link from you I don't have to take YOU and your unsourced chart seriously.

Carry on child.

Yet you take Billy's chart seriously, without question, without a source. Somehow one chart is beyond question while the other is not. Interesting double standard. Actually, just a completely lack of a standard. At least in this instance, you're not taking anything seriously.
Yet you take Billy's chart seriously, without question, without a source. Somehow one chart is beyond question while the other is not. Interesting double standard. Actually, just a completely lack of a standard. At least in this instance, you're not taking anything seriously.

No because I posted that chart many times already know where it came from, but you are right there should be a link with it which I ALWAYS do when I post it from Dr. Spenser's website.
No because I posted that chart many times already know where it came from, but you are right there should be a link with it which I ALWAYS do when I post it from Dr. Spenser's website.

Ok, now were getting somewhere. Maybe you want to take a shot at Dr. Spenser's data versus just linking to a picture of it.
The picture is good enough, YOU can look at the available data at the website on your own.

I can but you cannot look at the available data. That is true. That's a level honesty I can appreciate, when someone can admit some things are beyond them. That they cannot do the work. There's no shame in that.
I can but you cannot look at the available data. That is true. That's a level honesty I can appreciate, when someone can admit some things are beyond them. That they cannot do the work. There's no shame in that.

I have seen the data many times, but anyone else can too because I always post the link to it when I post the chart.
I have seen the data many times, but anyone else can too because I always post the link to it when I post the chart.

Honestly what in the hell are you even going on about anymore? One second it's a chart you have a problem with for some reason, one second it's a lack of a link with some hidden implication. Just this general vague criticism with nothing specific to show for it.
Honestly what in the hell are you even going on about anymore? One second it's a chart you have a problem with for some reason, one second it's a lack of a link with some hidden implication. Just this general vague criticism with nothing specific to show for it.

Because there are often published information connected to the chart which a LINK would allow readers like me to read which you still FAIL to provide that I am deprived on the background information of the chart which is why don't take it seriously.

Dr. Spencer provides a good background to his chart he publish every month which is a good reason to post the link for readers like YOU to see for yourself.

I am the one who is being honest here why does that irritate you so?
Because there are often published information connected to the chart which a LINK would allow readers like me to read which you still FAIL to provide that I am deprived on the background information of the chart which is why don't take it seriously.

Dr. Spencer provides a good background to his chart he publish every month which is a good reason to post the link for readers like YOU to see for yourself.

I am the one who is being honest here why does that irritate you so?

So you are going to do something with a link then. Really? Are you being serious when you say this - if that is even what you're saying? You're the one with a problem, if you are not going to do anything with that information, then... what's the point? The statement is that you cannot take it seriously because you don't have a link, but if you're going to not do anything with it it's not very serious. It's not a sincere ask.
So you are going to do something with a link then. Really? Are you being serious when you say this - if that is even what you're saying? You're the one with a problem, if you are not going to do anything with that information, then... what's the point? The statement is that you cannot take it seriously because you don't have a link, but if you're going to not do anything with it it's not very serious. It's not a sincere ask.

Wow you are the only person I know who argues if we should have links or not in the forum.

Without the link that normally has background information for the chart it become quite useless for the OBVIOUS reasons that seems to escape only you.

I am done with your nonsense.
Wow you are the only person I know who argues if we should have links or not in the forum.

Without the link that normally has background information for the chart it become quite useless for the OBVIOUS reasons that seems to escape only you.

I am done with your nonsense.

We can pass links back and forth all day, but if you cannot do anything with the link how will you even know what you're looking at? A link is sort of nothing here. You had a picture and just sort of 'looked at it' and said it was 'good enough'. You sort of imply that by looking at the data you did something with it and understand it in order to agree with the chart, but I'm suspicious that is false. If you cannot work with the data or otherwise be bothered to that's fine, you don't have to pretend otherwise.
Sunsettommy is demanding a link to data for a chart, both of which he says he's already familiar with, yet somehow apparently is not. Cannot read that the underpinning data is cited in both chart titles, or recognize that the charts are the same.

I have the graph for you. It shows an area about 140 miles square. That is what it would take to power the U.S. Day and night. Elon Musk thinks it could be done with a total square area of 100 miles per side. And of course, they don't all have to be in one spot. Next, solar panels take 1 to 4 years of the energy they produce to equal the amount of energy it took to create them. That is from mining the ores they are made of to the finished product. And they last 20 to 40 years. Also, we are perfectly capable of making solar panels here in the U.S. Just like anything made in China.
let us know when you take the first night flight on a solar airplane, until then, you are a joke.
Sunsettommy fled. He had everything he was requesting, just was unwilling and/or lacked the ability to put in any effort and then insults someone who actually did. Formula is to look at UAH chart and then importantly question it, perform quick ferocious google to turn up what appears to be the supporting data then confirm that the data does in fact match up with the chart by reproducing it.

### Download
## - R (The Comprehensive R Archive Network)
## - RStudio (RStudio)

### Inits
libs <- c('tidyverse','data.table','zoo'
new.libs <- libs[!(libs %in% installed.packages()[,'Package'])]
if(length(new.libs)) install.packages(new.libs)
lapply(libs, require, character.only = TRUE)

### Read and preprocess UAH data
df_uah <- data.table::fread('')
df_uah %>% dplyr::glimpse()

### Correct duplicate names
names <- c('year','month','global','global_land','global_sea',

names(df_uah) <- names
df_uah %>% dplyr::glimpse()

### Drop last row, convert measures to numeric, update month feature
df_uah <- df_uah %>%
utils::head(-1) %>%
dplyr::mutate_if(base::is.character, base::as.numeric) %>%
dplyr::mutate(month = paste(year,month,'01', sep = '-') %>% base::as.Date()) %>%
dplyr::select(month, dplyr::everything())

df_uah %>% dplyr::glimpse()

## Global Averages
df_uah %>%
ggplot2::ggplot(aes(month, global)) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = 'gray', size = 1) +
ggplot2::geom_point(color = 'blue') +
ggplot2::geom_line(color = 'blue') +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(method='lm', color = 'orange', fill = 'orange') +
ggplot2::geom_line(aes(y = zoo::rollmean(global, 13, na.pad = TRUE)), color = 'red', size = 1.1) +
ggplot2::xlab('') +
ggplot2::ylab('T Departure from 1991-2020 Avg. (deg. C)') +
ggplot2::ggtitle('UAH Satellite-Based Temperature of the Global Lower Atmosphere (Version 6.0)') +

## Sub-trends
f_substrends <- function(lookback_years) {
p <- df_uah %>%
dplyr::filter(year >= df_uah$year %>% max() - lookback_years) %>%
ggplot2::ggplot(aes(month, global)) +
ggplot2::geom_hline(yintercept = 0, color = 'gray', size = 1) +
ggplot2::geom_point(color = 'blue') +
ggplot2::geom_line(color = 'blue') +
ggplot2::geom_smooth(method='lm', color = 'orange', fill = 'orange') +
ggplot2::geom_line(aes(y = zoo::rollmean(global, 13, na.pad = TRUE)), color = 'red', size = 1.1) +
ggplot2::xlab('') +
ggplot2::ylab('T Departure from 1991-2020 Avg. (deg. C)') +
ggplot2::ggtitle('UAH Satellite-Based Temperature of the Global Lower Atmosphere (Version 6.0)') +

p %>% print()

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