Georgia girl, 7, dies after being shot Christmas shopping with family: Atlanta must be a real nice place

Georgia girl, 7, dies after being shot Christmas shopping with family: report | Fox News

A 7-year-old Georgia girl died Saturday night from injuries sustained in a shooting earlier in the week while she was Christmas shopping with her family, a report said.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that Kennedy Maxie was shot in the back of the head while she was driving with her mom and aunt near Atlanta’s Phipps Plaza.


The aunt, who was behind the wheel at the time, reportedly continued to drive after the gunfire until she "noticed that the victim was acting strangely." She realized the girl was hit and rushed her to a hospital, where she was rushed into surgery.

Fun in Shitcago included.


It is a shithole city.
You have been told over and over again, we catch gun criminals, then the democrat party judges, prosecutors and politicians let them back out......

You tell me that, but it just isn't true. that's the problem.

We lock up more people than any country in the world. If locking people up were a deterrent to crime, we'd have the lowest crime rates in the industrialized world, not the highest.

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This chart could be interpreted as an indication that everyone in the world that is dying to come to the US are big fans of high crime rates. I compare that chart to the COVID charts we see coming out of every liberal source. Basically meaningless.
Okay so when will BLM and Antifa start burning down buildings and stealing TVs over the death of this little girl?

I'll be waiting to see the riots/protest over her death
Okay so when will BLM and Antifa start burning down buildings and stealing TVs over the death of this little girl?

I'll be waiting to see the riots/protest over her death
If they ever found out the bullet came from a police revolver, and the victim was a 7 year old, unarmed Black girl, that would definitely set off the riots.
Joe, the constitution is clear. Our founding fathers were clear. We have the right to own weapons and we don’t need the governments permission. You don’t like our founding. So instead of trying to change this country just move to another country. There are dozens that have all the gun control and socialist systems you pine for.
WinterBorn you live in Atlanta? What a "pit"

If you go to certain areas, yeah it sucks. But in other areas it is great.

But you keep thinking it is a pit. Stay away and make it better for all concerned.

Good. That means you won't be visiting. That keeps the collective IQ higher.

As for Jimmy Carter, yes he was an ineffective president. He has also done more good for the world since he left office than most people ever do in their lives.
Joe, the constitution is clear. Our founding fathers were clear. We have the right to own weapons and we don’t need the governments permission. You don’t like our founding. So instead of trying to change this country just move to another country. There are dozens that have all the gun control and socialist systems you pine for.

Exactly!! The SCOTUS has consistently ruled that the 2nd amendment is an individual right, independent of service in a militia or military.

But if you dislike it, Joe, feel free to try to get a constitutional amendment passed and ratified.
And your opinion that murderers follow gun laws is also sane

For a kookoo, kookoo that is

If you can't buy a gun, you can't be a murderer.

The rest of the industrialized world has figured this out... they don't allow gun sales, they don't have anywhere near our homicide rates.
youre forgetting that most murders dont involve guns,,
Do you really want me to annihilate you again by talking about your cult's racist history, Mormon Bob?

As usual, you're relentless in trying to portray me and others as racist, while openly, blatantly, unabashedly expressing your own abject racism and other forms of bigotry.

Do something about the beam in yoru own eye before you fuss about the mote that you think you see in mine.

I noticed you abandoned that other thread where I did just that.

I've not abandoned anything.

Your bizarre, sick fetish/obsession with my religion is really not relevant to that thread, to this one, nor any of the other threads in which you keep harping on it.

I'm always amused when someone who has had all the advantages of white privilege talks about "choice". Given your temper tantrums, if you ever had any real hardship in your life, you probably wouldn't last a week without getting into serious trouble. You have real anger management problems...

You have no idea what hardships I've faced, what I've endured, what I've survived, or how much good my “privilege” has or has not done for me.

The constitution has a right to a well-regulated militia. I am all for well-regulated militias, I was a member of one for years.

The Second Amendment cites the need for a militia as a purpose, but what it asserts is the people's right to keep and bear arms. It is the keeping and bearing of arms that is explicitly affirmed as the right, and the people to whom this right belongs.

If I recall your past claims, you claim to have been a member of the standing army. That is absolutely not the militia referenced in the Second Amendment. A law passed shortly after the Bill of Rights was ratified defines the militia as every able-bodied man between the ages of 17 and 45 years. A later law, in effect to this day, defines two militias—an updated version of the original definition, and separately, the National Guard.

But if you want to dump tons of guns onto the streets and then whine when some of them are used in crime, that gets a little silly. The Gun industry WANTS criminals to have guns. They want them to have guns so you are scared and you want them, too…

Yours is the side that wants to dump subhuman pieces of criminal shit on the street, rather than keep them locked up as they need to be. The resulting fear, violence, and destruction belong to you and your side. And, of course, for obvious reasons, you want actual human beings to be unarmed and helpless, so that we can be easier prey for the subhuman shit whose side you openly take, against that of actual human beings.

I think it is clear enough which side you are on. And from that, it is clear enough what you, yourself, are. The only reason that you would side so strongly with violent, destructive subhuman pieces of shit as you do, would be if you were one.

I call bullshit on any claim on your part not to be exactly that—a violent, destructive, subhuman piece of criminal shit who ought to be kept in prison, and never, ever set loose. An actual human being would side with other actual human beings. Only a subhuman piece of criminal shit would side so strongly with other subhuman pieces of criminal shit.

…you are being played, son!!!

I am not your son. I'm about the same age that I think I recall you having claimed to be.

If he's to be believed, he's about my age, (late fifties) and has never been married. You have to know, just on that basis, that there's something wrong with him, even before you hear his misogynistic sour-grapes excuses for having never married.
Yeah, it was called, "not wanting some bitch to get half my stuff". Funny thing, you can have sex without getting married or belonging to a misogynistic cult where that woman knows her place.

As with racism, you just cannot help waving your misogyny around like some proud banner, even as you falsely accuse others of being mysogynistic.

It's obvious enough why. You're an old, bitter incel, with whom no woman will have anything to do. So you hate women, describing them as bitches out to get half your stuff.
So you want to punish honest and non criminsl gun owners instead of the felons who are committing the gun violence

that is completely backwards

Of course he does.

I think it is clear by now, regardless of what he might claim to the contrary, that incel joe is himself a subhuman piece of criminal shit, who wants law-abiding citizens to be easier prey for him and others of his kind. Laws that disarm actual human bei9nsg will not stop him from having a gun, and using it against those human beings.
known criminals and kids in gangs commit the overwhelming majority of the murders in America

and the are not legally entitked [sic] to own a gun

removing guns from their hands will stop most of the gun violence in America

“Removing guns from the hands of criminals” is a bullshit diversion, from the purpose of disarming actual human beings, which is the true intent and effect of every proposal and every policy that claims that purpose.

The solution is not to remove guns from anyone; the solution is to remove dangerous criminals from free society. Keep them in prison, or put them to death.
Okay so when will BLM and Antifa start burning down buildings and stealing TVs over the death of this little girl?

I'll be waiting to see the riots/protest over her death

Apparently, the piece of shit responsible for this murder hasn't been identified yet. You can certainly bet that if he is identified, if he ends up being injured or killed during an attempt to arrest him, and if he's black, that there will be riots over him.

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