Many Americans Predict A Guilty Verdict For Trump

Don't you think it's odd that no one was charged with the "underlying crime" of conspiring to promote or prevent an election? Not Pecker, not Cohen?
Cohen has been convicted and Pecker testified
Cohen has been convicted and Pecker testified
Cohen pled out. The theory was never tested in court.

Pecker was never charged. He was slapped with a FEC fine, and made an immunity deal with the DOJ so they could use him against Trump.

Like I said, the DOJ doesn't care about the small fish...

Both of them could have been charged under that New York election conspiracy law- Federal immunity does not bind the States.
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That's not surprising because I do too. However, that's only because we're dealing with New York here and it's basically guilty before proven innocent with them.

I expect him to be found guilty because the evidence is overwhelming.

You have to be wilfully deaf, blind and stupid to think he isn't guilty.
Cohen pled out. The theory was never tested in court.

Pecker was never charged.

Donald Trump's Department of Justice thought that Cohen certainly committed a crime. Cohen, who is himself a lawyer, didn't argue with them.

Nobody thought that it wasn't a crime until Donald Trump was charged.
Guilty of hurting your feelings. We know.

After a conman is arrested, there are a lot of his marks who will continue to swear he was on the up and up. Poor sad gullible things.

When you elect a criminal, President, what you get is a criminal President. Trump was in the middle of a fraud trial, when he was elected,.
Donald Trump's Department of Justice thought that Cohen certainly committed a crime. Cohen, who is himself a lawyer, didn't argue with them.

Nobody thought that it wasn't a crime until Donald Trump was charged.
No one has said tax evasion and bank fraud are not crimes.

Cohen was facing 30+ years in prison. Who the hell is going to turn down a deal to cut down that to three years?

Cohen would have pled guilty to assassinating Abraham Lincoln...
Could have something to do with the overwhelming evidence against him, you know.
My guess is zero convictions. Hell, this current trial may end up being the only one he sees, and it feels like a stretch to me.

Neither our political system nor our legal system were prepared for this kind of.... thing. When norms, rules and laws are ignored to this degree, the breakdown begins.

The world has seen it before.
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The big winner so far. The rubes have no understanding of what they're asking for, or how they're being used.

I think they did file a BOP.

I believe that what they have maintained is that there are some underlying “other” crimes to elevate the alleged misdemeanor to a felony. They have suggested some “possibly” applicable “other” crimes. But they say they have zero legal obligation to spell-out which “other” they rely upon.
Please post it. Because there is none that I can find.

They would need to post that "other" crime, and they can't. True, Bragg said that the NY law says that they don't need to list the other crime, but NY Law also says that they must post a BOP. Contradictory Laws??? Grounds for appeal? Kangaroo Court no matter how you look at it. Here is one legal expert's take:

Bragg used the alleged federal crime to bootstrap a defunct misdemeanor charge into a felony in the current case. He is arguing that Trump intentionally lied when his former lawyer Michael Cohen listed the payments as retainer costs rather than a payment — to avoid reporting it as a campaign contribution to himself. Thus, if he had simply had Cohen report the payment as “hush money,” there would be no crime.
The big winner so far. The rubes have no understanding of what they're asking for, or how they're being used.

Mac1958’s problem seems to be several layers deep. First off, he holds disdain for anyone who doesn’t agree with every word he utters, therefore his arguments fall flat, because instead of discussing his ideas, he only talks about fellow Americans on the other side derogatory, and dehumanizing terms. As intellectually lazy, and outright closed minded as that is, any American has the right to show just how stupid they are, including Mac1958…

Second, Mac1958 uses the furthest fringe people, and statements from 10 years ago, out of context, to smear an entire group…That’s unacceptable in any debate…

Lastly, except for a very few instances, Mac1958, while proclaiming to be an “independent“, makes comments tailored to give the left in this country cover. And when called on his dishonesty, refuses to engage…

So, in the end, what are his opinions worth? I say less than nothing….He’s just another in along line of trolls, and MSM regurgitation useful idiots, that once the left has used him up, he’ll be discarded on the trash heap of history as a never mattered.

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