All Bets Are Off: Russia and Ukraine Ban Gambling - TIME
Good news for victory toward moral order in Russia and Ukraine,the governments imposed total prohibition on gaming industries.Now no longer any Las Vegases will be seen in cities like Moscow,St.Petersburg,Kiev,Volgograd,Kharkiv,and the rest of those countries small and large towns.The majority of citizens of both countries support this prohibition agenda.They claim that gambling is addictive desease as alcohol,drugs,sex.
Prohibition does work.
Good news for victory toward moral order in Russia and Ukraine,the governments imposed total prohibition on gaming industries.Now no longer any Las Vegases will be seen in cities like Moscow,St.Petersburg,Kiev,Volgograd,Kharkiv,and the rest of those countries small and large towns.The majority of citizens of both countries support this prohibition agenda.They claim that gambling is addictive desease as alcohol,drugs,sex.
Prohibition does work.