trump mocks Biden's stuttering...again.

Then again his supporters are the sort who gain pleasure out of bullying people.

That's the sort of place the US is.
This is another fascinating study, the importance, priority and emphasis they attach to pure, juvenile cruelty.

Is it because they feel they've been so terribly victimized over the years that this is their way of responding, or is it because this is who they've always been and Trump's behavior made it okay? Maybe both?

trump once again proves he lacks dignity and empathy. He has mocked disabilities before and will do it again...cause that is who he is.
Quid Pro Joe does not stutter. Someone who stutters has problems pronouncing certain sounds but has no problem completing a thought. Quid Pro wanders off into lala land in the middle of sentence, whispers into the microphone when he's supposed to be addressing a crowd, and mumbles incoherently. He does not stutter.
Not necessarily. Most adults learn breath control and that can minimize the problem of stuttering.

Trump mocking Biden's stutter shows once again what a low I.Q. jerkoff that he really is.

Btw, is Spanky still mad over Barron growing taller then him? :auiqs.jpg:

Trump is a scumbag – as are his childish supporters.

So now Trump is "speaking truth to power" by mocking people's disabilities.

The GQP, 2024. Your neighborhood middle school.

How did this happen? Or was it ALWAYS like this?

Why can't any of you cultists show me some videos of Biden stuttering before 2020?

There's no such thing as late-onset stuttering.

He has dementia.
This is another fascinating study, the importance, priority and emphasis they attach to pure, juvenile cruelty.

Is it because they feel they've been so terribly victimized over the years that this is their way of responding, or is it because this is who they've always been and Trump's behavior made it okay? Maybe both?
Face it, trump has the intellect and composure of a child. Of course his cult is going to take his lead.
Trump is a pig. The jurors get this information too.
You’d better be more worried that this whole fiasco was brought forward so you dems could ridicule him? Then find out that in his 60s he fucked a porn star into blacking out, and trembling so bad she couldn’t get her panty hose back on, whew! You go boy!,,,

trump once again proves he lacks dignity and empathy. He has mocked disabilities before and will do it again...cause that is who he is.

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