Full Text of Trump Letter to J6 Committee: "Thousands" of National Guard Troops Were Authorized, Stopped by Pelosi on J6. "I Did My Job."

People died
The only person who died as a result of the J6 riot was Ashlii Babbitt. She was murdered by a capitol cop for trespassing and taking pictures. If justice was served by her murder, then Piglosi's daughter should have been summarily executed for the same "crime." She also was trespassing and taking pictures as evidenced by the release of her partisan video.
The Sergeant at Arms is in charge of security for the House and his boss is the Speaker.
For the capital police retard not the national guard. Pelosi is not in the chain of command for the national guard a fact you can not change. Pelosi does not make solitary decisions for the capital police either. So you are just full of shit all the way around.
The only person who died as a result of the J6 riot was Ashlii Babbitt. She was murdered by a capitol cop for trespassing and taking pictures. If justice was served by her murder, then Piglosi's daughter should have been summarily executed for the same "crime." She also was trespassing and taking pictures as evidenced by the release of her partisan video.
Ashli Babbit would still be alive today if she didn't listen to that cocksucker Trump's lies. She was shot for attempting to reach members of Congress who were down the hallway as she & her proud punk boys were breaking down that door, you asswipe.
Neither was Ashlii Babbitt--what was she going to do, shoot them with her phone? Try again moron.
Oh, she was breaking down that door with her buddies to take pictures, right idiot?
For the capital police retard not the national guard. Pelosi is not in the chain of command for the national guard a fact you can not change. Pelosi does not make solitary decisions for the capital police either. So you are just full of shit all the way around.
Educate yourself moron. The letter exists from Trump to Piglosi and Bowser, authorizing the use of NG troops.
For the capital police retard not the national guard. Pelosi is not in the chain of command for the national guard a fact you can not change. Pelosi does not make solitary decisions for the capital police either. So you are just full of shit all the way around.
Wrong. She was offered security and turned it down. Period. Spin it all you want, but the fact remains that this is exactly what she wanted.
Think about it another way. Those troops would have be under his direct command. He wanted to be there. With his supporters. With his troops
Tell me that doesn’t send shivers down your spine.
They share this fantasy world. They're the brave patriots, he's the brilliant leader.

All these manipulated rubes, led by their flamboyant, metrosexual king.

Fucking incredible.

For the capital police retard not the national guard. Pelosi is not in the chain of command for the national guard a fact you can not change. Pelosi does not make solitary decisions for the capital police either. So you are just full of shit all the way around.
What was it Reagan said?

They're not ignorant, they just know so much that isn't true.
They share this fantasy world. They're the brave patriots, he's the brilliant leader.

All these manipulated rubes, led by their flamboyant, metrosexual king.

Fucking incredible.

And there it is..."rubes". You government pawns hate the common people. You support the political elite class of both parties, the Pelosis, Schumer, Bushes, Cheney, etc. Ever read about the French Revolution?
And there it is..."rubes". You government pawns hate the common people. You support the political elite class of both parties, the Pelosis, Schumer, Bushes, Cheney, etc. Ever read about the French Revolution?
And yet, every day you folks tell anyone who dares to disagree with you that they're stupid.

Talk about projection. Quit whining, snowflake, it's boring.

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