Former Black Virginia governor slams Kamala Harris video urging votes for Terry McAuliffe


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Isn't it interesting that Harris and Biden have plenty of time to campaign for McAuliffe, but seem to never have time to address the border crisis that THEY have created.

Former Democratic Virginia Gov. Douglas Wilder, the commonwealth's first Black governor, condemned the campaign of Virginia Democratic gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe for launching a video to play at Black churches in which Vice President Kamala Harris urges churchgoers to vote for McAuliffe after the service. Lawyers have suggested that when churches play the video, they violate Section 501(c)3 of the IRS code, potentially imperiling their tax-exempt status.

So is this about the border or about churches and politics.

Evangelicals churches are know for shoving politics down their people throats in church. When Protestant churches can develop sermons without politics all the churches be in accordance to the law, all of you church goers would all be better off.

From your art:
Vice President Kamala Harris urges churchgoers to vote for McAuliffe after the service.
Isn't it interesting that Harris and Biden have plenty of time to campaign for McAuliffe, but seem to never have time to address the border crisis that THEY have created.

Wilder was a very good moderate governor. I voted for him. It is a reflection of the Black Bigot Left that Wilder's competence and result as VA Gov did not result in higher opportunities. Wilder was honest patriotic and not bigoted. He is not welcome in today's Dem party. The BLM crowd hates him because he does not toss race cards whenever they scream at him to do so...
Oh man…it would be so embarrasing for McAuliffe to lose after the communists brought out their all stars to lie for that piece of shit.


McAuliife is not going to lose, because the MACHINES are still there and the same traitors are in charge of them....
Wilder made news in 2012 when he refused to support Barack Obama, the nation's first black president, for another term.[19] He noted that he supported Obama in 2008, but said the president's tenure in the Oval Office thus far had been a disappointment. Wilder did not endorse Mitt Romney, the Republican challenger, and later said that he hoped for an Obama victory despite having gone to a Romney fundraiser.[19]

This guy is a pretty "confused" individual
Isn't it interesting that Harris and Biden have plenty of time to campaign for McAuliffe, but seem to never have time to address the border crisis that THEY have created.

Keeping the people in positions of power that will help push their agendas and rhetoric is all they care about really.

Biden, Harris and their administration have done fuck all to stop anything but they will drop what they are doing to fly to California to protect newsom during his election recall, and they will fly to Virginia to help protect this scum bag.

The only times they actually get their ass in gear and do something is when they are going out of their way to keep the people they want in seats of power.
So is this about the border or about churches and politics.

Evangelicals churches are know for shoving politics down their people throats in church. When Protestant churches can develop sermons without politics all the churches be in accordance to the law, all of you church goers would all be better off.

From your art:
Vice President Kamala Harris urges churchgoers to vote for McAuliffe after the service.
1. Evidence, not just "known for". Post actual evidence that Evangelical churches are telling congregants who to vote for.
2. This was deliberately designed to be shown in churches and explicitly tells people who to vote for. That is blatant politicking from the pulpit, and you would be outraged if the right did this.
Isn't it interesting that Harris and Biden have plenty of time to campaign for McAuliffe, but seem to never have time to address the border crisis that THEY have created.

The National Emergency at the border was declared in January of 2019 by Donald Trump. Biden/Harris didn't create the problem. The Orange Menace did, and the emergency has never been lifted.

1. Evidence, not just "known for". Post actual evidence that Evangelical churches are telling congregants who to vote for.
2. This was deliberately designed to be shown in churches and explicitly tells people who to vote for. That is blatant politicking from the pulpit, and you would be outraged if the right did this.
Its well know that evangelicals churches depend on politics.

So what a black former gov slams Harris, I say he was a republican, at age 90.
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I specifically said we need evidence that the churches are telling people who to vote for, NOT "It's well known". That's just your opinion, which has no weight or credibility.
Esp not a 90 year old man, he has old timer mentality. I'm young at heart.

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