For those who insist abortion should be a right

Controlling procreation is control. No other thing is required.

Now, go fuck yourself with a rusty rake. Twice.
And then bleed to death. Need any more advice?
if they need an abortion they have already procreated,,

and thats about abortion,,
what other outside of abortion does anyone want to do to control a womens body to justify your claim??

They don't teach this in schools..

Of course we do.
Yep. Facts are inconvenient things for your cult, aren't they?

A chicken is "life". So according to your dumbass interpretation, that means chickens are people.

You are one stupid commie.
Before a chicken egg hatches, how likely is it that what breaks out of the shell will become a full grown giraffe, pine tree, or accountant?

Talk about stupid. :rolleyes:
If you play stupid for too long, you forget to stop.

Now go tell half the population their rights end where the fetus inside their body begins.

Of course you and your handlers don't have the guts to say that.
Now go tell a murderer that his rights are being violated when he is punished for murder.
you are more than welcome to consider it in any way you want,,

the fact remains its our founding document that sets the goals and understandings on why we left and what we intend for the future,,
You finally expressed it accurately. That the goals and understandings are not binding in law is fact.
You are aware that the men that wrote that and signed it were for the most part slave owners who did not consider black people to be fully human.

Can you lay out for the class how legal slavery supports that idea that all men are created equal?


Not all of them agreed with that, but with the British at their doorstep they felt it was more important at the time to have a united front, so they compromised with the idea it would be handled later, which it was.
Oh sure, "they were fine with it".

What part of the Declaration of Independence' wording confuses you most?

From the American Revolution to the mid-19th century abortion was not an issue of significant controversy; most held to the traditional Protestant Christian belief that personhood began at quickening, sometime between 18 and 21 weeks. It was legal prior to quickening in every state under the common law.[8][9][10][11]

Connecticut was the first state to regulate abortion in 1821; it outlawed abortion after quickening, the moment in pregnancy when the pregnant woman starts to feel the fetus's movement in the uterus, and forbade the use of poisons to induce one post-quickening. Many states subsequently passed various laws on abortion until the Supreme Court decisions of Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton decriminalized abortion nationwide in 1973.
Personally I think there's a good argument on both sides, but at the end of the day, there's one BIGLY inconvenient fact for Pro-Choice crowd. It's called the Declaration of Independence, which is the founding document of this country. Surely you've heard of it.

They don't teach this in schools, because if they did the left's collective head would spin like Regan's in the Exorcist.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.


The US has executions... what's your point?

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