For those who insist abortion should be a right

It’s not dependent on another person. A baby is viable outside the womb for weeks to months before it comes to full term. Given your logic can I walk into a hospital and stab a coma patient in the face without consequence? That patient is far more dependent than a baby 2 secs before it’s born.

No I want a government who protects people’s rights regardless of their physical location.
If you think the state should be allowed to meddle with the insides of a person's body, you have no clue what individual rights are.
If you think the state should be allowed to meddle with the insides of a person's body, you have no clue what individual rights are.
what other than not allowing the murder of innocent children do we want the government to meddle in a womens body??
If you think the state should be allowed to meddle with the insides of a person's body, you have no clue what individual rights are.

This is such a childish argument. What's the greatest right? Which right underpins all the other rights? There's one right that if taken away you have none of the others. Which one is that?
This is such a childish argument. What's the greatest right? Which right underpins all the other rights?
There's one right that if taken away you have none of the others. Which one is that?
The right to be left alone
you can lose yourself in the artic for that,,

you will never get that around 330 million other people,,
The statist wet dream . In fact, we can have a society that prevents i's government from trampling people rights. But we have to want it. Clearly, you don't.
Murder isn't a right

And i say this without religion or politics clouding my judgement, I put those aside and just look at the grim meat hook reality of abortion. Abortion is murdering a human.

A baby is a human being, you can't have an abortion without a baby to abort. If there is no baby then there is nothing to abort.

So what if it's a blob, it's still a person. Once the fertilized egg implants and begins to grow, it's a person that is in the early stages of a 18 to 20 year growth period to becoming an adult.

Unforseen circumstances aside if you just leave that blob alone in 9 months it will be born. Stopping that at any moment intentionally is in fact murdering it.
You are aware that the men that wrote that and signed it were for the most part slave owners who did not consider black people to be fully human.

Can you lay out for the class how legal slavery supports that idea that all men are created equal?


Prolly because slaves were not considered human beings, persons.

Now we know how wrong that was. Well, some of did, just not the left.
We've never had that right. Not since day one of the Republic.
It's a basic human right. But you probably see rights like the rest of the statists do, as "gifts" from government. And if they aren't listed in the Bill of Rights as government can just walk all over them wily-nily.
It's a basic human right. But you probably see rights like the rest of the statists do, as "gifts" from government. And if they aren't listed in the Bill of Rights as government can just walk all over them wily-nily.
how in the world do you expect to be left alone in a world with 8 billion people??

are you ever going to explain how we want to control womens bodies when all we want is for them to not be able to murder their own children??

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