For Every Confederate Soldier Statue They Remove, Put Up 10


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Confederate soldiers’ statues are being removed all over the South. For in New Orleans, one in Virginia. More in Florida. But these are all on public land, in city squares. There is no attempt to remove any statues (or even flags) from private property. People can fly flags or display statues in their front yards, in full view, if they wish to. Some people here in Tampa, Florida already do.

So if the do-gooders really want to make Confederate statues an issue, let’s make it one for them. For every Confederate soldier statue they remove, let’s put 10 more up. They remove 10, we put up 100. They remove 100, we put up 1000.

Before you know it, you won’t be able to drive 2 blocks without seeing a reminder of the Confederacy and the people who fought for it. The do-gooders will wish they never came up with this idea. And yeah, there’s always airplanes with skywriting and message trailers.

Now, as for the politics, I can sympathize with black folks being uncomfortable with glorification of the nation that supported slavery. And maybe the flags representing that (partially) could be a bit over the top. Maybe that statue of Jefferson Davis also.

But the removal of soldiers’ statues is not acceptable. Jefferson Davis was a politician who led the Confederacy. And the Confederate flag represents that nation and its politics. But soldiers don’t make laws. They don’t prescribe policy. They follow orders and risk their lives (and often lose them) in wars. It’s just not right to remove soldiers’ statues and dishonor them in the process. They take them down….put more up.
Confederate soldiers’ statues are being removed all over the South. For in New Orleans, one in Virginia. More in Florida. But these are all on public land, in city squares. There is no attempt to remove any statues (or even flags) from private property. People can fly flags or display statues in their front yards, in full view, if they wish to. Some people here in Tampa, Florida already do.

So if the do-gooders really want to make Confederate statues an issue, let’s make it one for them. For every Confederate soldier statue they remove, let’s put 10 more up. They remove 10, we put up 100. They remove 100, we put up 1000.

Before you know it, you won’t be able to drive 2 blocks without seeing a reminder of the Confederacy and the people who fought for it. The do-gooders will wish they never came up with this idea. And yeah, there’s always airplanes with skywriting and message trailers.

Now, as for the politics, I can sympathize with black folks being uncomfortable with glorification of the nation that supported slavery. And maybe the flags representing that (partially) could be a bit over the top. Maybe that statue of Jefferson Davis also.

But the removal of soldiers’ statues is not acceptable. Jefferson Davis was a politician who led the Confederacy. And the Confederate flag represents that nation and its politics. But soldiers don’t make laws. They don’t prescribe policy. They follow orders and risk their lives (and often lose them) in wars. It’s just not right to remove soldiers’ statues and dishonor them in the process. They take them down….put more up.

The Democrats are trying to rewrite their own history. They'd like to get as far away from slavery, Jim Crow, the KKK and other products and vestiges that continue to sully their well-known history and current totalitarian objectives, and their renewed support for the slavery of all to The State.
Yes, remind people that you support treason. Put up a Trump sign, too, and there will be no doubt.
I don't support treason, and you have no information that I do. But I have information that you just flunked reading comprehension.

And if it's treason you want to talk about, that would be the Obama/al Baghdadi COLLUSION, and the Hillary espionage and pay for play crimes.
Why honor traitors?

The statues should be converted to urinals
The traitors were, of course the Union leaders who wanted Confederate resources, and so (after some time) decided that they would roll over the Constitution on the backs of slaves. They are doing the same thing today.

But Alabama won't be having any of it:

Lawmakers in Alabama approve protections for confederate monuments

I'm sure everybody posting here is cognizant of the fact that Christians had rallied tirelessly for abolition for one hundred years before the civil war? And that the cotton industry had just EXPLODED in the south, and the northerners went after the producers with tariffs and taxes and restrictions for the specific purpose of ultimately seizing their property?
Use the monuments in dog parks across the country

Let the dogs pay their respects

Trying to make those who fought against the country into heroes is the very essence of 'revisionism'.

No, it's not.

Revisionism is removing all trace of cultures that you don't approve of.

Including the culture that fought against Federal overreach.

"Traditional Culture Is an Obstacle to the CCP’s Dictatorship"

"Traditional Culture Challenges the Legitimacy of the CCP Rule"


In order to seize, maintain and consolidate its tyranny, the CCP needs to replace human nature with its evil Party nature, and the Chinese traditional culture with its Party culture of “deceit, wickedness, and violence.”
This destruction and substitution includes cultural relics, historical sites, and ancient books, which are tangible, and such intangible things as the traditional outlook on morality, life, and the world. All aspects of people’s lives are involved, including their actions, thoughts, and lifestyles.

At the same time, the CCP regards insignificant and superficial cultural manifestations as the “essence,” retaining them, and then puts this essence up as a façade. The Party keeps the semblance of tradition while replacing the real tradition with Party culture. It then deceives the people and international society behind a façade of carrying on and developing Chinese traditional culture."

Commentary 6: On How the Chinese Communist Party Destroyed Traditional Culture

Sound familiar, liewinger?

It does to me.
The Confederacy is not an institution worthy of honor

It is a country established to ensure the institution of slavery would be protected forever. 40% of its population was in bondage and they killed 600,000 Americans to protect their right to own slaves
For what reason would American memorials in the U.S. be attacked?

Because that's how communism and tyranny operate.

"In order to seize, maintain and consolidate its tyranny, the CCP needs to replace human nature with its evil Party nature, and the Chinese traditional culture with its Party culture of “deceit, wickedness, and violence.”

This destruction and substitution includes cultural relics, historical sites, and ancient books, which are tangible, and such intangible things as the traditional outlook on morality, life, and the world. All aspects of people’s lives are involved, including their actions, thoughts, and lifestyles.

At the same time, the CCP regards insignificant and superficial cultural manifestations as the “essence,” retaining them, and then puts this essence up as a façade. The Party keeps the semblance of tradition while replacing the real tradition with Party culture. It then deceives the people and international society behind a façade of carrying on and developing Chinese traditional culture."

Commentary 6: On How the Chinese Communist Party Destroyed Traditional Culture

The Nazis did the same thing. They seized all the art, distributed what they wanted amongst themselves, hid the rest.

Because it's not about anything except eradicating tradition. It has nothing to do with racism. It's replacing a good, strong society with a sick, twisted one that will bow to tyrants.
The sense of revisionism I used was the second below.

From Merriam-Webster:
Definition of revisionism
  1. 1: a movement in revolutionary Marxian socialism favoring an evolutionary rather than a revolutionary spirit

  2. 2: advocacy of revision (as of a doctrine or policy or in historical analysis)

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