Florida going down!

Nov 2, 2018
With all the east coast liberals retiring & moving to Florida I can see it turning blue. In a short time
I can see the state of Florida becoming another California. That's said, America will become
the same if people do not wake up. California Liberal politics have brought it to were it is. Many people
have moved from there bringing that thinking with them. Az another that may soon fall to the liberal
thinking. At my age I will not be around much longer. I lived in the best time in American history. It
was a simple time, & Americans were patriots, never kneeling during the Pledge of Allegiants of our
flag. Never a first lady saying this is the first time I have ever been proud of this country, as her husband
was sworn in. I could go on & on, but just to fall on defiant & blind people that think there way is better
than our forefathers way. Our people will reap what they sow, just as California is today.

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