Fixing U.S. elections... #1 priority

The problem isn't the election ... it's all the election workers are on Chinese payrolls ... postal workers and judges as well ... just like McCarthy and Nixon claimed would happen 75 years ago ...

Just tear up the Constitution, have the Prince of Wales come over and rule us ... pretend none of this happened ...
1st post
Whether you are Democrat or Republican, you can agree that an election system that people trust is IMPERATIVE for all of us.

I do trust it.

The problem is whiny babies who don't trust the system when their candidate loses.
At least it should be.
As pointed out, it won't be. If Biden/Democrats put efforts into improving the election system it means admitting there is a problem..and also admitting his own win is tainted at least.
So in all likelihood... nothing will change.

Georgia announces it will recount all ballots due to the widespread issues. The top election official pre-warned the media that in the recount there will be doubles, there will be illegal votes found, and there will be past due votes found.
Which means... they were not stopped in the actual election counts. Why?
It is 2020. Why is our system so ridiculously cumbersome. Why do we hire low paid, unskilled temporary workers to do such an important tasks?
There are dozens of videos and literally well in excess of 200 signed affidavits of witnesses swearing they observed improper/illegal counting.

Whether you are Democrat or Republican, you can agree that an election system that people trust is IMPERATIVE for all of us.

There are not widespread issues.

The recount was announced because the vote margin is less than 1%. That's the law.

As for all this fraud, you'll have a point when Trump stops being laughed out of court when his bizarre conspiracy theories are brought up, as is happening now.
Guys, there just isn't the widespread irregularities that you're imagining. It just isn't happening. Georgia is going to do a hand recount to sooth your sore asses but the idea that there is some monumental problem to fix is predicated on a false belief.

Joe doesn't even NEED GA considering that PA is a done deal with a 50k vote advantage. Audit and Recount away loony birds! :)
5th post
At least it should be.
As pointed out, it won't be. If Biden/Democrats put efforts into improving the election system it means admitting there is a problem..and also admitting his own win is tainted at least.
So in all likelihood... nothing will change.

Georgia announces it will recount all ballots due to the widespread issues. The top election official pre-warned the media that in the recount there will be doubles, there will be illegal votes found, and there will be past due votes found.
Which means... they were not stopped in the actual election counts. Why?
It is 2020. Why is our system so ridiculously cumbersome. Why do we hire low paid, unskilled temporary workers to do such an important tasks?
There are dozens of videos and literally well in excess of 200 signed affidavits of witnesses swearing they observed improper/illegal counting.

Whether you are Democrat or Republican, you can agree that an election system that people trust is IMPERATIVE for all of us.

First off, Georgia is going to a recount because of the closeness of the vote. There will be little in the way issues caught. Not enough to make up the deficit. Even though I know every Trump supporter swears by the bullshit voter fraud. Which curiously was absent four years ago.
Georgia's recount is only the first step. After that, there are other steps required by law. In addition, there are lawsuits pending which can change the result even after Georgia certifies it. Try reading the law on the subject.

No it doesn't. A lawsuit doesn't alter vote counts.
If a recount is done and the election is certified, those lawsuits go bye bye.
Try living in the real world.
The cat is out of the bag. Does anyone think the Democrats are going to give up Mail-In voting? The excuse in 2020 was COVID. What will be the Democrats’ case for keeping Mail-In balloting? They will think of something.

Democrats had no problem with the masses coming to peaceful protests and torching and looting our cities yet somehow there was concern around in person voting and Absentee Voting was not good enough.

“Never let a crisis go to waste”.
At least it should be.
As pointed out, it won't be. If Biden/Democrats put efforts into improving the election system it means admitting there is a problem..and also admitting his own win is tainted at least.
So in all likelihood... nothing will change.

Georgia announces it will recount all ballots due to the widespread issues. The top election official pre-warned the media that in the recount there will be doubles, there will be illegal votes found, and there will be past due votes found.
Which means... they were not stopped in the actual election counts. Why?
It is 2020. Why is our system so ridiculously cumbersome. Why do we hire low paid, unskilled temporary workers to do such an important tasks?
There are dozens of videos and literally well in excess of 200 signed affidavits of witnesses swearing they observed improper/illegal counting.

Whether you are Democrat or Republican, you can agree that an election system that people trust is IMPERATIVE for all of us.
Agreed. However, the problem is not the system. It's dishonest people who pervert the system.
The problem you have is that the states control the elections. Each one has it's own laws. That is required by Sup Ct decisions under the 10th amendment.
Article II authorizes Congress to control Federal Elections to the extent they wish to, and where they do not, the process is controlled by the State Legislature. One problem in this election is that Courts improperly arrogated this power from the State Legislature and the US Congress. That will be dealt with in the pending lawsuits.

Article I, Section 4, Clause 1:

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations.​

PART OF THE PROCESS: “What is the argument that Trump ought to be doing what he can to calm us? I hear Biden and his people telling us they want to bring calm to the country, but they’re declining the opportunity to just be calm themselves until the state officials certify the results of the election. Personally, I feel calm about waiting for that. Why isn’t that okay? It seems to me that as long as they choose to pressure Trump to concede before the vote certification, they’re forfeiting the high ground of calmness above all.”

Notwithstanding your comments on COTUS, the facts are trump in '16 and '20 willfully created chaos. Not only did he create chaos, he willfully attempted to thwart democracy in America. The efforts of the Republican Party and Trump to Suppress the voters, especially in Blue States and in Minority Communities, has been a strategy long standing.
Notwithstanding your comments on COTUS, the facts are trump in '16 and '20 willfully created chaos. Not only did he create chaos, he willfully attempted to thwart democracy in America. The efforts of the Republican Party and Trump to Suppress the voters, especially in Blue States and in Minority Communities, has been a strategy long standing.

READ: Requiring citizenship = voter suppression. Requiring a photo ID = voter suppression. Discussing the known security issues with mail in voting = voter suppression.
Basically.... any rules of any kind = voter suppression.
10th post
Notwithstanding your comments on COTUS, the facts are trump in '16 and '20 willfully created chaos. Not only did he create chaos, he willfully attempted to thwart democracy in America. The efforts of the Republican Party and Trump to Suppress the voters, especially in Blue States and in Minority Communities, has been a strategy long standing.

READ: Requiring citizenship = voter suppression. Requiring a photo ID = voter suppression. Discussing the known security issues with mail in voting = voter suppression.
Basically.... any rules of any kind = voter suppression.

Of course you won't read any of these links, they will not support your narrative.

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