First Political memory


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
In one of the threads in the war on terror section, Psycho claimed that one of his earliest political memories was the change in pledge of allegience to include "Under God" (Ignoring the fact that if all the information he gives us is true his date for remembering this is later than it actually happened and he would have been six years old)

Tell me how old were your earliest political memories and what was it of?

I think I have a few about the same time.

First, I remember President Reagan speaking when the Spaceshuttle exploded when I was five. Don't remember much of what he actually said but I do remember knowing he was a good and decent man there.

Second, I remember Presidetn Bush defeating Dukakis in 08. I specifically remember that the media tried to claim Pennsylvania for the Democrats although when the voting was actually counted they had to chance it for President Bush in the morning. This was when i was eight

Third, I remember the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union when i was about nine or so.

Also remember at some point of my childhood asking myself why the United states didnt allow more states to be annexed so they can receive the same Constitutional protection we all receive. Oddly enough I later saw that as unfeasable, but pondering it lately Ive concluded that it would be indeed the only real way we can have lasting peace and have a truly international government.
Avatar4321 said:
In one of the threads in the war on terror section, Psycho claimed that one of his earliest political memories was the change in pledge of allegience to include "Under God" (Ignoring the fact that if all the information he gives us is true his date for remembering this is later than it actually happened and he would have been six years old)

Tell me how old were your earliest political memories and what was it of?

I think I have a few about the same time.

First, I remember President Reagan speaking when the Spaceshuttle exploded when I was five. Don't remember much of what he actually said but I do remember knowing he was a good and decent man there.

Second, I remember Presidetn Bush defeating Dukakis in 08. I specifically remember that the media tried to claim Pennsylvania for the Democrats although when the voting was actually counted they had to chance it for President Bush in the morning. This was when i was eight

Third, I remember the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union when i was about nine or so.

Also remember at some point of my childhood asking myself why the United states didnt allow more states to be annexed so they can receive the same Constitutional protection we all receive. Oddly enough I later saw that as unfeasable, but pondering it lately Ive concluded that it would be indeed the only real way we can have lasting peace and have a truly international government.

First memory? Being offended by Ralph Klein's remarks about sending the eastern creeps and bums back to Ontario during his run for mayor of Calgary - which he won. He's the premier of Alberta now. Anyway, I was about 7 or 8 at the time, and was left with very hurt feelings, being from Ontario and all.
Avatar4321 said:
In one of the threads in the war on terror section, Psycho claimed that one of his earliest political memories was the change in pledge of allegience to include "Under God" (Ignoring the fact that if all the information he gives us is true his date for remembering this is later than it actually happened and he would have been six years old)

Tell me how old were your earliest political memories and what was it of?

I think I have a few about the same time.

First, I remember President Reagan speaking when the Spaceshuttle exploded when I was five. Don't remember much of what he actually said but I do remember knowing he was a good and decent man there.

Second, I remember Presidetn Bush defeating Dukakis in 08. I specifically remember that the media tried to claim Pennsylvania for the Democrats although when the voting was actually counted they had to chance it for President Bush in the morning. This was when i was eight

Third, I remember the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union when i was about nine or so.

Also remember at some point of my childhood asking myself why the United states didnt allow more states to be annexed so they can receive the same Constitutional protection we all receive. Oddly enough I later saw that as unfeasable, but pondering it lately Ive concluded that it would be indeed the only real way we can have lasting peace and have a truly international government.

I remember first the Berlin Wall (I was 7) then I remember no new taxes, but I'm pretty sure I remember it only after he raised the taxes, and I definitely had no clue as to what it even meant. The third would be my parents yelling at me to shut up while the Gulf War was on TV. I remember green tv with missiles shooting at what I thought was nothing, and then exploding.
Bush/Dukakis 88. I was fascinated by the 92 election as well.

It wasnt until the 2000 election that i saw politics for what it really is though. I really didnt know where i stood at that point in my life. I was 19 years old and just learning the ways of the world. I voted for Bush but didnt know anything about him and actually almost voted for Gore just because i knew who he was from the previous 8 years. If it wasnt for the complete ignorance and vile shown by Democrats during the 2000 election, i might not have been as staunch a conservative as i am today.
1996 (i think) ... my father was runnung for state assemblyman....i staplegunned my hand to a campaign sign....he won anyway
Sputnik October 4, 1957. Not politics, but political because it launched us into the space race. Then the JFK election, some of his speeches, the bay of pigs, the Cuban missile crisis…etc
The Bush/Dukakis election of '88. Everyone kept refering to it as a "race", so in my 5 year-old mind I honestly thought the President was selected by means of a cross-country running event.
theim said:
The Bush/Dukakis election of '88. Everyone kept refering to it as a "race", so in my 5 year-old mind I honestly thought the President was selected by means of a cross-country running event.

First memory,,,Beer hall putsch...:)

actually, it was kennedy assasination

But theim reminded me of when I was a kid listening to KHJ radio, AM, I thought every time they played a song, the band was ACTUALLy there in studio, and they would shuffle them in and out,,,
"I like Ike" campaign buttons. On real people--not museums. And meeting VP Nixon at the local supermarket in Minnesota.----I know--I'm old.
I remember seeing bits and pieces of the Watergate hearings on TV when I was about five, which would be my earliest political memory. I had no idea what they were about at the time and thought it was just some kind of regular news program.

Second would be a letter our third grade class got from President Ford during some kind of national physical fitness week, or something to that effect. I thought it was kind of neat, but at the time I pictured President Ford actually sitting at a desk and typing out a letter specifically to our class. Or course, I later realized it was the same letter that went to every class in America.

I guess my most vivid early political memory would come next, that being the presidential campaign in '76 between Gerald Ford and Jimmy Carter. It was the first time I really understood who the president was and had some idea what it all meant. My sister was for Carter big time, and with nobody else in the house leading me another way, I followed. Boy, did I learn my politics the hard way.
Kennedy-Nixon debates, I wasn't in school yet, but got in a fight with my best friend. Hey he was Irish-Catholic and my parents were for him-in Dupage County that was not a popular decision.
remember in politics was Kennedy's assasination. Terrible awful weekend. I've been to Dealey plaza several times, chilling...
I remember seeing Clinton and Bush Senior in a Televised debate, having no I dea what was really going on and being extremely bored.
Carter VS. Reagan. My classmates and I were to post political posters in grade school. I remember the slogan – “Why not an actor. We had a clown for 4 years.”
ThomasPaine said:
remember in politics was Kennedy's assasination. Terrible awful weekend. I've been to Dealey plaza several times, chilling...

While not my first, it was my most vivid. I was in gym, wearing the most awful outfit, nevermind. Over the loudspeaker came the voice of Sr. Agnes, saying, "Everyone get down on your knees and pray, the President's been shot." We stayed on our knees until the loudspeaker said, "The President had died, school will be dismissed in 10 minutes, Silence!"

Went home to a mom that cried for 2 days. When Oswald was shot by Ruby, I watched. I called from the living room to the kitchen, to my mom, "The guy who shot the President was just shot!" My mom responded, "Kathy, you are watching the repeats of the shooting." I think she was still crying. Eventually she came and saw I got it right.

I was bowling when MLK jr. was shot. My mom came and got me and brought the whole family to some Baptist Church to pray. Ended up singing Civil Rights songs, first time I heard, 'Kumbaya'.

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