CDZ Fellow Conservatives, let's discuss Ben Carson together.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Hopefully free of left wing interference.

I like Ben. I also have a great deal of respect for him. He's more conservative than the several of the other front-runners. Again as with Fiorina, he isn't perfect. There is no candidate that I agree with 100% but I would be more than willing to pull the lever for him than several of the others.

I like that he did not back down from his comments about muslims and shariah. He gained big time points with me for that. Say what you mean, mean what you say and don't be a pussy like so many other GOP candidates are.

I'm not upset by his inexperience in politics. I'm hoping that he is as smart as I think he is and he will surround himself with smart people, and do good work.

He appears to be an honorable and decent man who loves this country. my only real knock and the only reason he isn't "my guy" is I'm not sure of his knowledge and respect for the Constitution.

And let's talk about the elephant in the room too. He's a black man. That can't hurt us.

I really haven't done much more research on him. I'm looking forward to some of you trying to sell me on him.

He's at this point hovering around my #3 choice.
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Ben's my #3 also, and I certainly could vote for him with no reservations!

And I forgot to mention that IMO, we are already at war with Islam. We need a wartime POTUS. Carson may not appear to be a war-time POTUS, but at least he can name the enemy.
Fellow Conservative: Let us ignore unhelpful attacks by the left here. especially racist ones like the above. Let them get no response and leave.

It will never happen with them, so just be prepared to swat them down. Ben's only fault is that he's a true gentleman, talks in a low, refined voice which many take as weakness, the opposite of the Trumpnado, whose brashness, and bravado make many friends, and enemies at the same time!
Fellow Conservative: Let us ignore unhelpful attacks by the left here. especially racist ones like the above. Let them get no response and leave.

It will never happen with them, so just be prepared to swat them down. Ben's only fault is that he's a true gentleman, talks in a low, refined voice which many take as weakness, the opposite of the Trumpnado, whose brashness, and bravado make many friends, and enemies at the same time!

You and I both see that as a good sign, I'm sure there are others as well. Unfortunately, there may not be enough of them.
I like him but he makes too many unforced errors. Not so much as mistakes but learning how to parse your words, like a politician. If he gets the nod I'll vote for him in a heartbeat.
Fellow Conservative: Let us ignore unhelpful attacks by the left here. especially racist ones like the above. Let them get no response and leave.

It will never happen with them, so just be prepared to swat them down. Ben's only fault is that he's a true gentleman, talks in a low, refined voice which many take as weakness, the opposite of the Trumpnado, whose brashness, and bravado make many friends, and enemies at the same time!

You and I both see that as a good sign, I'm sure there are others as well. Unfortunately, there may not be enough of them.
You can only lead voters to the booth, unfortunately you can't be their BRAIN when they vote!
I like him but he makes too many unforced errors. Not so much as mistakes but learning how to parse your words, like a politician. If he gets the nod I'll vote for him in a heartbeat.

Isn't that precisely why we like the top of the roster, they ARE NOT politicians, but REAL people like us, that have independent ideas, and supporting policies?
Ben is awesome! I hope you succeed in nominating him. Best of luck.
Not helpful. What is it about him that is awesome?

Are you kidding? He slapped down Obama at his own prayer breakfast.....which catapulted him to fame and paved the way for his run. That was awesome.

Then....he said that gay people aren't born gay.......because lots of prisoners do gay stuff. That means it's a choice. That was awesome.

He failed to correct Trump when he said that vaccines cause autism in debate number two. As a medical professional....that's super awesome.

Finally.....he said he a Muslim shouldn't be allowed to become POTUS. But later walked it back to say that a Muslim who wanted sharia shouldn't be POTUS. Two different things............but you think he didn't back down. That is REALLY awesome.

He's the best!
I like him but he makes too many unforced errors. Not so much as mistakes but learning how to parse your words, like a politician. If he gets the nod I'll vote for him in a heartbeat.
Isn't that precisely why we like the top of the roster, they ARE NOT politicians, but REAL people like us, that have independent ideas, and supporting policies?
Yes, but he doesn't need to convince us.
Ben is awesome! I hope you succeed in nominating him. Best of luck.
Not helpful. What is it about him that is awesome?

Are you kidding? He slapped down Obama at his own prayer breakfast.....which catapulted him to fame and paved the way for his run. That was awesome.

Then....he said that gay people aren't born gay.......because lots of prisoners do gay stuff. That means it's a choice. That was awesome.

He failed to correct Trump when he said that vaccines cause autism in debate number two. As a medical professional....that's super awesome.

Finally.....he said he a Muslim shouldn't be allowed to become POTUS. But later walked it back to say that a Muslim who wanted sharia shouldn't be POTUS. Two different things............but you think he didn't back down. That is REALLY awesome.

He's the best!

Difficult to get all the spin and lies in that post!
Ben is awesome! I hope you succeed in nominating him. Best of luck.
Not helpful. What is it about him that is awesome?

Are you kidding? He slapped down Obama at his own prayer breakfast.....which catapulted him to fame and paved the way for his run. That was awesome.

Then....he said that gay people aren't born gay.......because lots of prisoners do gay stuff. That means it's a choice. That was awesome.

He failed to correct Trump when he said that vaccines cause autism in debate number two. As a medical professional....that's super awesome.

Finally.....he said he a Muslim shouldn't be allowed to become POTUS. But later walked it back to say that a Muslim who wanted sharia shouldn't be POTUS. Two different things............but you think he didn't back down. That is REALLY awesome.

He's the best!

Difficult to get all the spin and lies in that post!

No lies, dummy. I know my Ben. He's the best.

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