CDZ Fellow Conservatives, let's discuss Donald Trump together.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Personally, he's an enigma to me. He simultaneously makes me want to say "Hell yeah!" and makes me frightened. I've never truly been at a point where I have said "he's my guy". There are questions, lots of them.

First off, I don't care that he was a Democrat at one point. Hell, I used to be a democrat. I used my first vote at 18 for Jimmy Carter. People can change and sometimes even over night. I don't buy that he's a Clinton plant to help her get elected. Perhaps some of you can convince me otherwise if you actually believe that.

I like a few of his ideas, I think his illegal immigration plan is a tad extreme, but it's a good thing because if he has to compromise a bit, it will still end up with some real progress. I like the fact that he's a leader. Pompous? Perhaps but so is Obama and Obama, unlike Trump, has no reason to be. Arrogant? Sure, but I don't care about that.

Many of his other plans bother me. How will we pay for them?

Is he really intending on forcing people and companies to bring back their money from overseas? Does he know how tyrannical that is?

Tariffs on foreign goods? No thank you. That would increase our cost of living tremendously.

All that said, I'd vote for The Donald over Hillary, Sanders, or Biden any day.
I like Trump . who is better than Trump ?? Maybe Cruz but I think that he has problems with some of his policies . Course , I'll vote for Trump or Cruz because they ALL have problems . As far as I know TRUMP is not going to force people to bring their money from overseas . Its just that they can and will only have to pays 10 percent to put the money to work in the USA . Immigration , I love his immigration plan and just yesterday he said that he won't allow any 'syrian' refugee invaders which is excellent . No problems with tariffs if foreigners charge tariffs on equal type American exports . Like I asked , who is better ?? I like TRUMPS words on immigration , secure borders , gun policies , border wall plus he wants to rebuild the Military .
I like Trump . who is better than Trump ?? Maybe Cruz but I think that he has problems with some of his policies . Course , I'll vote for Trump or Cruz because they ALL have problems . As far as I know TRUMP is not going to force people to bring their money from overseas . Its just that they can and will only have to pays 10 percent to put the money to work in the USA . Immigration , I love his immigration plan and just yesterday he said that he won't allow any 'syrian' refugee invaders which is excellent . No problems with tariffs if foreigners charge tariffs on equal type American exports . Like I asked , who is better ?? I like TRUMPS words on immigration , secure borders , gun policies , border wall plus he wants to rebuild the Military .

"Who is better?" is a question for another thread. This thread is for those who support or don't support him to give reasons why. It isn't to go off attacking other candidates.

I don't know his exact wording on that but his economic policy seemed to imply that US money being held overseas would be brought back here. If you have information to the contrary, I welcome it. Not only would that be a violation of Americans rights and freedoms, but it would cause massive inflation here.

I agree with you on his immigration stand, he's the strongest of all of them on that very important issue. And his take on guns is good too.

You do understand that if he places tariffs on imports, it will raise the prices on everything? Our cost of living will increase dramatically.

There are still too many unanswered questions about him, imo. I would however if the primary were held right now, vote for Trump before Christie, Jeb, or Paul.

I can be persuaded on Trump. Keep up the info. Let's all of us continue this debate until the Primaries are over.
I like Trump . who is better than Trump ?? Maybe Cruz but I think that he has problems with some of his policies . Course , I'll vote for Trump or Cruz because they ALL have problems . As far as I know TRUMP is not going to force people to bring their money from overseas . Its just that they can and will only have to pays 10 percent to put the money to work in the USA . Immigration , I love his immigration plan and just yesterday he said that he won't allow any 'syrian' refugee invaders which is excellent . No problems with tariffs if foreigners charge tariffs on equal type American exports . Like I asked , who is better ?? I like TRUMPS words on immigration , secure borders , gun policies , border wall plus he wants to rebuild the Military .

"Who is better?" is a question for another thread. This thread is for those who support or don't support him to give reasons why. It isn't to go off attacking other candidates.

I don't know his exact wording on that but his economic policy seemed to imply that US money being held overseas would be brought back here. If you have information to the contrary, I welcome it. Not only would that be a violation of Americans rights and freedoms, but it would cause massive inflation here.

I agree with you on his immigration stand, he's the strongest of all of them on that very important issue. And his take on guns is good too.

You do understand that if he places tariffs on imports, it will raise the prices on everything? Our cost of living will increase dramatically.

There are still too many unanswered questions about him, imo. I would however if the primary were held right now, vote for Trump before Christie, Jeb, or Paul.

I can be persuaded on Trump. Keep up the info. Let's all of us continue this debate until the Primaries are over.
I like Trump . who is better than Trump ?? Maybe Cruz but I think that he has problems with some of his policies . Course , I'll vote for Trump or Cruz because they ALL have problems . As far as I know TRUMP is not going to force people to bring their money from overseas . Its just that they can and will only have to pays 10 percent to put the money to work in the USA . Immigration , I love his immigration plan and just yesterday he said that he won't allow any 'syrian' refugee invaders which is excellent . No problems with tariffs if foreigners charge tariffs on equal type American exports . Like I asked , who is better ?? I like TRUMPS words on immigration , secure borders , gun policies , border wall plus he wants to rebuild the Military .

"Who is better?" is a question for another thread. This thread is for those who support or don't support him to give reasons why. It isn't to go off attacking other candidates.

I don't know his exact wording on that but his economic policy seemed to imply that US money being held overseas would be brought back here. If you have information to the contrary, I welcome it. Not only would that be a violation of Americans rights and freedoms, but it would cause massive inflation here.

I agree with you on his immigration stand, he's the strongest of all of them on that very important issue. And his take on guns is good too.

You do understand that if he places tariffs on imports, it will raise the prices on everything? Our cost of living will increase dramatically.

There are still too many unanswered questions about him, imo. I would however if the primary were held right now, vote for Trump before Christie, Jeb, or Paul.

I can be persuaded on Trump. Keep up the info. Let's all of us continue this debate until the Primaries are over.

At 15% corporate income tax it pays to have reverse tax inversions to pay global taxes here.

Likewise income producing tariffs do two things:

It taxes the guy behind the tree because where else can scale be found.

It also acts as a tax incentive for automation.
I believe that IF Trump does and says what it takes to win the GOP nomination, he would kick the living shit out of any of the losers and criminals on the left. That would be because he backed up his plans and explained how he would pay for things. Once he got the GOP support, he would beat the tar out of the left wing media, and any of the morons and criminals the left has. Trouble is, as things go right now, I don't see him winning the GOP nom. However, there is time.
I believe that IF Trump does and says what it takes to win the GOP nomination, he would kick the living shit out of any of the losers and criminals on the left. That would be because he backed up his plans and explained how he would pay for things. Once he got the GOP support, he would beat the tar out of the left wing media, and any of the morons and criminals the left has. Trouble is, as things go right now, I don't see him winning the GOP nom. However, there is time.

You've said it all.....and the same time. Well done.
It won't be Trump, but we can thank him for blasting all the establishment types out of the race.
I like Trump . who is better than Trump ?? Maybe Cruz but I think that he has problems with some of his policies . Course , I'll vote for Trump or Cruz because they ALL have problems . As far as I know TRUMP is not going to force people to bring their money from overseas . Its just that they can and will only have to pays 10 percent to put the money to work in the USA . Immigration , I love his immigration plan and just yesterday he said that he won't allow any 'syrian' refugee invaders which is excellent . No problems with tariffs if foreigners charge tariffs on equal type American exports . Like I asked , who is better ?? I like TRUMPS words on immigration , secure borders , gun policies , border wall plus he wants to rebuild the Military .

"Who is better?" is a question for another thread. This thread is for those who support or don't support him to give reasons why. It isn't to go off attacking other candidates.

I don't know his exact wording on that but his economic policy seemed to imply that US money being held overseas would be brought back here. If you have information to the contrary, I welcome it. Not only would that be a violation of Americans rights and freedoms, but it would cause massive inflation here.

I agree with you on his immigration stand, he's the strongest of all of them on that very important issue. And his take on guns is good too.

You do understand that if he places tariffs on imports, it will raise the prices on everything? Our cost of living will increase dramatically.

There are still too many unanswered questions about him, imo. I would however if the primary were held right now, vote for Trump before Christie, Jeb, or Paul.

I can be persuaded on Trump. Keep up the info. Let's all of us continue this debate until the Primaries are over.
Perhaps I am wrong, but my impression on taxing imports is to inflate the prices temporarily and demand would subside dramatically for those products, eventually bringing manufacturing back to the US.
I like Trump . who is better than Trump ?? Maybe Cruz but I think that he has problems with some of his policies . Course , I'll vote for Trump or Cruz because they ALL have problems . As far as I know TRUMP is not going to force people to bring their money from overseas . Its just that they can and will only have to pays 10 percent to put the money to work in the USA . Immigration , I love his immigration plan and just yesterday he said that he won't allow any 'syrian' refugee invaders which is excellent . No problems with tariffs if foreigners charge tariffs on equal type American exports . Like I asked , who is better ?? I like TRUMPS words on immigration , secure borders , gun policies , border wall plus he wants to rebuild the Military .

"Who is better?" is a question for another thread. This thread is for those who support or don't support him to give reasons why. It isn't to go off attacking other candidates.

I don't know his exact wording on that but his economic policy seemed to imply that US money being held overseas would be brought back here. If you have information to the contrary, I welcome it. Not only would that be a violation of Americans rights and freedoms, but it would cause massive inflation here.

I agree with you on his immigration stand, he's the strongest of all of them on that very important issue. And his take on guns is good too.

You do understand that if he places tariffs on imports, it will raise the prices on everything? Our cost of living will increase dramatically.

There are still too many unanswered questions about him, imo. I would however if the primary were held right now, vote for Trump before Christie, Jeb, or Paul.

I can be persuaded on Trump. Keep up the info. Let's all of us continue this debate until the Primaries are over.
Perhaps I am wrong, but my impression on taxing imports is to inflate the prices temporarily and demand would subside dramatically for those products, eventually bringing manufacturing back to the US.

I don't see how decreasing demand brings the manufacturing back. If they have learned to live without it, they will continue to rather than pay the increased price that would be charged to make it here.
I like Trump . who is better than Trump ?? Maybe Cruz but I think that he has problems with some of his policies . Course , I'll vote for Trump or Cruz because they ALL have problems . As far as I know TRUMP is not going to force people to bring their money from overseas . Its just that they can and will only have to pays 10 percent to put the money to work in the USA . Immigration , I love his immigration plan and just yesterday he said that he won't allow any 'syrian' refugee invaders which is excellent . No problems with tariffs if foreigners charge tariffs on equal type American exports . Like I asked , who is better ?? I like TRUMPS words on immigration , secure borders , gun policies , border wall plus he wants to rebuild the Military .

"Who is better?" is a question for another thread. This thread is for those who support or don't support him to give reasons why. It isn't to go off attacking other candidates.

I don't know his exact wording on that but his economic policy seemed to imply that US money being held overseas would be brought back here. If you have information to the contrary, I welcome it. Not only would that be a violation of Americans rights and freedoms, but it would cause massive inflation here.

I agree with you on his immigration stand, he's the strongest of all of them on that very important issue. And his take on guns is good too.

You do understand that if he places tariffs on imports, it will raise the prices on everything? Our cost of living will increase dramatically.

There are still too many unanswered questions about him, imo. I would however if the primary were held right now, vote for Trump before Christie, Jeb, or Paul.

I can be persuaded on Trump. Keep up the info. Let's all of us continue this debate until the Primaries are over.
Perhaps I am wrong, but my impression on taxing imports is to inflate the prices temporarily and demand would subside dramatically for those products, eventually bringing manufacturing back to the US.

I don't see how decreasing demand brings the manufacturing back. If they have learned to live without it, they will continue to rather than pay the increased price that would be charged to make it here.
Let'd say a pair of shoes i like are $50. Because the manufacturer is overseas, the import tax if $50 and I now have to pay double for that shoe. I refuse and buy USA made shoes for $50 that i didn't like as much. Until that shoe company comes back to the USA, they lose business because of their high prices.
I like Trump . who is better than Trump ?? Maybe Cruz but I think that he has problems with some of his policies . Course , I'll vote for Trump or Cruz because they ALL have problems . As far as I know TRUMP is not going to force people to bring their money from overseas . Its just that they can and will only have to pays 10 percent to put the money to work in the USA . Immigration , I love his immigration plan and just yesterday he said that he won't allow any 'syrian' refugee invaders which is excellent . No problems with tariffs if foreigners charge tariffs on equal type American exports . Like I asked , who is better ?? I like TRUMPS words on immigration , secure borders , gun policies , border wall plus he wants to rebuild the Military .

"Who is better?" is a question for another thread. This thread is for those who support or don't support him to give reasons why. It isn't to go off attacking other candidates.

I don't know his exact wording on that but his economic policy seemed to imply that US money being held overseas would be brought back here. If you have information to the contrary, I welcome it. Not only would that be a violation of Americans rights and freedoms, but it would cause massive inflation here.

I agree with you on his immigration stand, he's the strongest of all of them on that very important issue. And his take on guns is good too.

You do understand that if he places tariffs on imports, it will raise the prices on everything? Our cost of living will increase dramatically.

There are still too many unanswered questions about him, imo. I would however if the primary were held right now, vote for Trump before Christie, Jeb, or Paul.

I can be persuaded on Trump. Keep up the info. Let's all of us continue this debate until the Primaries are over.
Perhaps I am wrong, but my impression on taxing imports is to inflate the prices temporarily and demand would subside dramatically for those products, eventually bringing manufacturing back to the US.

I don't see how decreasing demand brings the manufacturing back. If they have learned to live without it, they will continue to rather than pay the increased price that would be charged to make it here.
Let'd say a pair of shoes i like are $50. Because the manufacturer is overseas, the import tax if $50 and I now have to pay double for that shoe. I refuse and buy USA made shoes for $50 that i didn't like as much. Until that shoe company comes back to the USA, they lose business because of their high prices.

The problem is that you are assuming that products that are made in the USA are cheaper. They are not. Likely what will happen is we will be forced to pay higher prices for everything we buy.
I like Trump . who is better than Trump ?? Maybe Cruz but I think that he has problems with some of his policies . Course , I'll vote for Trump or Cruz because they ALL have problems . As far as I know TRUMP is not going to force people to bring their money from overseas . Its just that they can and will only have to pays 10 percent to put the money to work in the USA . Immigration , I love his immigration plan and just yesterday he said that he won't allow any 'syrian' refugee invaders which is excellent . No problems with tariffs if foreigners charge tariffs on equal type American exports . Like I asked , who is better ?? I like TRUMPS words on immigration , secure borders , gun policies , border wall plus he wants to rebuild the Military .

"Who is better?" is a question for another thread. This thread is for those who support or don't support him to give reasons why. It isn't to go off attacking other candidates.

I don't know his exact wording on that but his economic policy seemed to imply that US money being held overseas would be brought back here. If you have information to the contrary, I welcome it. Not only would that be a violation of Americans rights and freedoms, but it would cause massive inflation here.

I agree with you on his immigration stand, he's the strongest of all of them on that very important issue. And his take on guns is good too.

You do understand that if he places tariffs on imports, it will raise the prices on everything? Our cost of living will increase dramatically.

There are still too many unanswered questions about him, imo. I would however if the primary were held right now, vote for Trump before Christie, Jeb, or Paul.

I can be persuaded on Trump. Keep up the info. Let's all of us continue this debate until the Primaries are over.
Perhaps I am wrong, but my impression on taxing imports is to inflate the prices temporarily and demand would subside dramatically for those products, eventually bringing manufacturing back to the US.

I don't see how decreasing demand brings the manufacturing back. If they have learned to live without it, they will continue to rather than pay the increased price that would be charged to make it here.
Let'd say a pair of shoes i like are $50. Because the manufacturer is overseas, the import tax if $50 and I now have to pay double for that shoe. I refuse and buy USA made shoes for $50 that i didn't like as much. Until that shoe company comes back to the USA, they lose business because of their high prices.

The problem is that you are assuming that products that are made in the USA are cheaper. They are not. Likely what will happen is we will be forced to pay higher prices for everything we buy.
That's where the democrats cry that wages have to meet those of the 1%. For unskilled workers, their wage should match their talents. The unskilled workers should be paid $20 -22 hr., not a hundred dollars an hour.
"Who is better?" is a question for another thread. This thread is for those who support or don't support him to give reasons why. It isn't to go off attacking other candidates.

I don't know his exact wording on that but his economic policy seemed to imply that US money being held overseas would be brought back here. If you have information to the contrary, I welcome it. Not only would that be a violation of Americans rights and freedoms, but it would cause massive inflation here.

I agree with you on his immigration stand, he's the strongest of all of them on that very important issue. And his take on guns is good too.

You do understand that if he places tariffs on imports, it will raise the prices on everything? Our cost of living will increase dramatically.

There are still too many unanswered questions about him, imo. I would however if the primary were held right now, vote for Trump before Christie, Jeb, or Paul.

I can be persuaded on Trump. Keep up the info. Let's all of us continue this debate until the Primaries are over.
Perhaps I am wrong, but my impression on taxing imports is to inflate the prices temporarily and demand would subside dramatically for those products, eventually bringing manufacturing back to the US.

I don't see how decreasing demand brings the manufacturing back. If they have learned to live without it, they will continue to rather than pay the increased price that would be charged to make it here.
Let'd say a pair of shoes i like are $50. Because the manufacturer is overseas, the import tax if $50 and I now have to pay double for that shoe. I refuse and buy USA made shoes for $50 that i didn't like as much. Until that shoe company comes back to the USA, they lose business because of their high prices.

The problem is that you are assuming that products that are made in the USA are cheaper. They are not. Likely what will happen is we will be forced to pay higher prices for everything we buy.
That's where the democrats cry that wages have to meet those of the 1%. For unskilled workers, their wage should match their talents. The unskilled workers should be paid $20 -22 hr., not a hundred dollars an hour.

I'm afraid to say that I don't follow you. I can't quite get what you are trying to say.
I agree with Donald Trump about illegal immigrants. I want legal immigration to be reduced too. I oppose all H1B Visas.

Nevertheless, a wall to keep out illegal immigrants from Mexico would cost a lot of money. It is unrealistic to expect the Mexican government to pay for it.

If Trump is elected, he will discover what Obama discovered: it is easier to run against a bad economy than it is to fix it.

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