Extremism From The Pro-Abortion Crowd

Ah, you're one of the voodoo nutjobs who thinks the baby isn't alive until it comes out. The magic "breath of life" at birth.

Didn't realize who I was dealing with... :cuckoo:

And you are a nutter that thinks the parasitic cluster of cells that is completely in need of it's host is actually able to live without its hosts assistance. Not to mention believe said host should be forced to carry said child, completely against her own will because a man says so. That's who we are dealing with.
And you are a nutter that thinks the parasitic cluster of cells that is completely in need of it's host is actually able to live without its hosts assistance. Not to mention believe said host should be forced to carry said child, completely against her own will because a man says so. That's who we are dealing with.

It's quicker if you just admit you deny the scientific definition of life, and that you believe fathers have no say in their children's lives.
The irony is that the Christian Cultists accuse the 1972 Court of "creating a right," even though previous Court's had found privacy rights in child rearing decisions and contraception, so this FIFTY YEAR EXTEMIST CHRISTAN funded campaign was NEVER about the constitution; RATHER it was about ONE THING - ABORTION

AND IRONICALLY, Roe essentially set abortion policy as it was WHEN THE CONTSITTION WAS RATIFIED. Pre quickening decisions were left to the women. The abortion controversy DIDN'T EXIST IN 1787 even though THE FOUNDERS ALL KNEW WOMEN HAD ABORITONS. BUT THAT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH FOR THE EXTREMISTS ... If you didn't want to have an abortion from an extra chromosome fetus that was likely going to die in the womb ... you didn't have to have one. But the extremists don't offer the counter-compromise to women ... even if they were raped and/or their "partners" beat the shit outta them. And the Extremists aren't offering any help on that.

And I don't really fucking care about the "bill." Anytime these pro-raping alter boy fuckers can be forced to vote to deny a woman an abortion, esp with no exceptions ...... heat up that poker till it's red flaming hot.
They are getting rid of the rare because they think there should be zero more stigma attached to an abortion used for any reason, even birth control.

Why should there be a stigma? Do you feel extra-special about yourself when you shame a woman for terminating her pregnancy?

And I pointed to one, but that is the vanguard of your side's position on this, the most radical, the most vocal.

My "side"?

My "side" wants the practice of abortion to be a rarity. But it also needs to be legal. See, the problem with your side is that you think making abortion illegal will result in there being no abortions. That's akin to the anti-gun crowd thinking that more gun laws will end gun violence. Ban abortions, and women will still get abortions.

You do realize that, right?

When places like CA use the term perinatal and don't even define it in the law, leading to the possibility of killing your kid before 7 days after birth is up being legal, you wonder why we think your side is off the rockers sometimes.

Again, you stupidly lump me in with the uber-left. Sorry, but I'm just not that guy. We can have a reasonable conversation here if you can understand that.

I understand that you want to ban abortion. Would you allow for exceptions for rape, incest, or if the life of the mother were in jeopardy? What if the fetus doesn't develop as it should and would not survive childbirth?
I am tired of your bullshit, pro abortion does not mean every pregnancy terminated you lying hack it simply means the people that support it believe it is an option.

I really don't give a fuck what you're tired of.

Pro abortion means exactly what I said it means. Terminating a pregnancy is the exact opposite of carrying a pregnancy to term.
You use the word "option". You know what the definition of "option" is? An "option" is a thing that is or may be chosen.

"Chosen". As in "choice". Those who believe abortion should be an option are advocates of choice, not abortion.

Only mentally retarded uber-right wing zealots who don't get laid insist on using the term "pro abortion"...
Why should there be a stigma? Do you feel extra-special about yourself when you shame a woman for terminating her pregnancy?

My "side"?

My "side" wants the practice of abortion to be a rarity. But it also needs to be legal. See, the problem with your side is that you think making abortion illegal will result in there being no abortions. That's akin to the anti-gun crowd thinking that more gun laws will end gun violence. Ban abortions, and women will still get abortions.

You do realize that, right?

Again, you stupidly lump me in with the uber-left. Sorry, but I'm just not that guy. We can have a reasonable conversation here if you can understand that.

I understand that you want to ban abortion. Would you allow for exceptions for rape, incest, or if the life of the mother were in jeopardy? What if the fetus doesn't develop as it should and would not survive childbirth?

Because you are actually killing another life for your convivence unless the pregnancy is a threat to your health?

Again, your side is dropping "rare", because they want zero stigma, or even people to be proud they got an abortion. It's creepily similar to how the southerners justified slavery before the civil war.

My issue was with Roe, not abortion. I'm good with the 15 week thing for elective, and for life or death reasons after. (rape or incest is covered in the 15 weeks thing)

What I can do that you cannot is UNDERSTAND why Pro-life people are pro-life.

If Mississippi wants a total ban, fine by me, enough women would have to support it to make the "guys forcing this" argument moot. I think the current law in NY goes to far, but I don't care enough to try to overturn it.
Because you are actually killing another life for your convivence unless the pregnancy is a threat to your health?

Well, it's not a convivence [sic] for me.

Would you allow for exceptions? Rape? Incest? Etc?

Again, your side is dropping "rare", because they want zero stigma, or even people to be proud they got an abortion. It's creepily similar to how the southerners justified slavery before the civil war.

Again, my "side" is not what you think it is. Are you really so stupid that you think anyone who disagrees with you can only believe what the uber-left believes?

My issue was with Roe, not abortion. I'm good with the 15 week thing for elective, and for life or death reasons after. (rape or incest is covered in the 15 weeks thing)

So, you're fine with abortion being on the table? Huh, I didn't realize you were "pro-abortion"...

What I can do that you cannot is UNDERSTAND why Pro-life people are pro-life.

Your ignorance shines with the light of a thousand suns.

I absolutely understand why pro-life people are pro-life. How utterly stupid of you to believe otherwise...

If Mississippi wants a total ban, fine by me, enough women would have to support it to make the "guys forcing this" argument moot. I think the current law in NY goes to far, but I don't care enough to try to overturn it.

I'm not familiar with what's going on in either state. I'm not getting pregnant anytime soon, and neither is my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend. We're just a bit too old for that child-rearing nonsense again. But my point to you would be, despite your protests here about abortion, if you're not passionate enough about the issue to try to effect change, all you're really doing is running your mouth...
Well, it's not a convivence [sic] for me.

Would you allow for exceptions? Rape? Incest? Etc?

Again, my "side" is not what you think it is. Are you really so stupid that you think anyone who disagrees with you can only believe what the uber-left believes?

So, you're fine with abortion being on the table? Huh, I didn't realize you were "pro-abortion"...

Your ignorance shines with the light of a thousand suns.

I absolutely understand why pro-life people are pro-life. How utterly stupid of you to believe otherwise...

I'm not familiar with what's going on in either state. I'm not getting pregnant anytime soon, and neither is my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend. We're just a bit too old for that child-rearing nonsense again. But my point to you would be, despite your protests here about abortion, if you're not passionate enough about the issue to try to effect change, all you're really doing is running your mouth...

I wanted Roe overturned, I got it. Roe to me was terrible precedent, up there with Dredd Scott and Plessey.

Did you miss the part where the 15 week thing should cover rape/incest?

And if the incest wasn't due to rape, what if the hillbilly wants to keep the baby? Forced abortion? Never got the need for it to be it's own category.
Why should there be a stigma? Do you feel extra-special about yourself when you shame a woman for terminating her pregnancy?

My "side"?

My "side" wants the practice of abortion to be a rarity. But it also needs to be legal. See, the problem with your side is that you think making abortion illegal will result in there being no abortions. That's akin to the anti-gun crowd thinking that more gun laws will end gun violence. Ban abortions, and women will still get abortions.

You do realize that, right?

Again, you stupidly lump me in with the uber-left. Sorry, but I'm just not that guy. We can have a reasonable conversation here if you can understand that.

I understand that you want to ban abortion. Would you allow for exceptions for rape, incest, or if the life of the mother were in jeopardy? What if the fetus doesn't develop as it should and would not survive childbirth?
I wanted Roe overturned, I got it. Roe to me was terrible precedent, up there with Dredd Scott and Plessey.

Did you miss the part where the 15 week thing should cover rape/incest?

And if the incest wasn't due to rape, what if the hillbilly wants to keep the baby? Forced abortion? Never got the need for it to be it's own category.

So, if you're fine with the 15 week thing, by your own definition you're "pro abortion".

Thanks for coming clean...
So, if you're fine with the 15 week thing, by your own definition you're "pro abortion".

Thanks for coming clean...

No, I think anyone getting it for birth control reasons is an asshole, however I'm willing to compromise. Those who say up to birth for any reason are pro-abortion.
No, I think anyone getting it for birth control reasons is an asshole, however I'm willing to compromise. Those who say up to birth for any reason are pro-abortion.

Aw, see, now you're trying to twist your way out of it, and you can't.

You sure will look silly trying, though.

If you say you're okay with exceptions, then you're pro abortion. That's the argument of the pro-life crowd. They've never come out and said that only those who would allow for an abortion up until birth are "pro abortion". Instead, they stupidly characterize anyone who would allow for an abortion under any circumstance (like you) to be "pro abortion".

It's refreshing to know, though, that if someone chose an abortion after 20 weeks that you wouldn't label them "pro abortion"...

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