Antarctica Ice 1937, my how you have grown!


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Rediscovered aerial photos of Antarctica show how its ice has grown over the last century

Incredibly, we must now add Antarctica Ice to the "Denier!!" category

Completely ignoring the laser like melting effect of high per capita USA CO2, since 1937 the ice -- has grown! It's well know that though China produces double America's CO2, it is low per capita CO2 and therefore not as melty as high per capita USA CO2. I know, I know, it makes no fucking sense to me either. Ask the AGWCult, they have a model or something

IPCC 7 will address this horrible CO2 inequity

In any event, "This unique dataset, found in the archives of the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø, has provided researchers with visual evidence, showing how glaciers in East Antarctica not only haven’t reduced in size but have grown slightly over the last 85 years."
Rediscovered aerial photos of Antarctica show how its ice has grown over the last century

Incredibly, we must now add Antarctica Ice to the "Denier!!" category

Completely ignoring the laser like melting effect of high per capita USA CO2, since 1937 the ice -- has grown! It's well know that though China produces double America's CO2, it is low per capita CO2 and therefore not as melty as high per capita USA CO2. I know, I know, it makes no fucking sense to me either. Ask the AGWCult, they have a model or something

IPCC 7 will address this horrible CO2 inequity

In any event, "This unique dataset, found in the archives of the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø, has provided researchers with visual evidence, showing how glaciers in East Antarctica not only haven’t reduced in size but have grown slightly over the last 85 years."
kind of a scary place. Isnt' that where The Thing and the Blob are?
Rediscovered aerial photos of Antarctica show how its ice has grown over the last century

Incredibly, we must now add Antarctica Ice to the "Denier!!" category

Completely ignoring the laser like melting effect of high per capita USA CO2, since 1937 the ice -- has grown! It's well know that though China produces double America's CO2, it is low per capita CO2 and therefore not as melty as high per capita USA CO2. I know, I know, it makes no fucking sense to me either. Ask the AGWCult, they have a model or something

IPCC 7 will address this horrible CO2 inequity

In any event, "This unique dataset, found in the archives of the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø, has provided researchers with visual evidence, showing how glaciers in East Antarctica not only haven’t reduced in size but have grown slightly over the last 85 years."

And I find this from a decade ago .

"Sea ice surrounding Antarctica reached a new record high extent this year, covering more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists began a long-term satellite record to map sea ice extent in the late 1970s."

OK, it is more complex in the Arctic but in the south there is no ice problem .
Don't get too comfortable. In the 70s, the growth in ice fueled the global cooling rage. Since spastic leftists renamed it all climate change you can have any like of rage you want.
Rediscovered aerial photos of Antarctica show how its ice has grown over the last century

Incredibly, we must now add Antarctica Ice to the "Denier!!" category

Completely ignoring the laser like melting effect of high per capita USA CO2, since 1937 the ice -- has grown! It's well know that though China produces double America's CO2, it is low per capita CO2 and therefore not as melty as high per capita USA CO2. I know, I know, it makes no fucking sense to me either. Ask the AGWCult, they have a model or something

IPCC 7 will address this horrible CO2 inequity

In any event, "This unique dataset, found in the archives of the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø, has provided researchers with visual evidence, showing how glaciers in East Antarctica not only haven’t reduced in size but have grown slightly over the last 85 years."
Happy Feet

"Penguins must be emitting anti-greenhouse gases." Liberal Logic—it never gets exhausted.
CO2 makes things cold, colder. This is a fact. We could call CO2, DRY ICE
You go on and on about what an expert you are in materials and chemistry and then you post shit a fourth grader would laugh at.
We realise you are back after major brain surgery .
But there is no need to be so embarrassed about your pre-op posts that you have to beg forgiveness .
You were a sufferer and a pest but I am sure you wil now l be better guided after your Near Death Experience .

Research where real news comes from and concentrate on not being so gullible

You can get better Crack Crock .
You go on and on about what an expert you are in materials and chemistry and then you post shit a fourth grader would laugh at.
Crick, always wrong, always angry, always trying to insult.
Crick, you need to link to prove that 4th graders laugh at CO2.
4th graders are fascinated observing CO2 which we use to keep things cold.
Rediscovered aerial photos of Antarctica show how its ice has grown over the last century

Incredibly, we must now add Antarctica Ice to the "Denier!!" category

Completely ignoring the laser like melting effect of high per capita USA CO2, since 1937 the ice -- has grown! It's well know that though China produces double America's CO2, it is low per capita CO2 and therefore not as melty as high per capita USA CO2. I know, I know, it makes no fucking sense to me either. Ask the AGWCult, they have a model or something

IPCC 7 will address this horrible CO2 inequity

In any event, "This unique dataset, found in the archives of the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø, has provided researchers with visual evidence, showing how glaciers in East Antarctica not only haven’t reduced in size but have grown slightly over the last 85 years."
"Most glaciers in the Arctic have retreated a lot since the 1930’ies"

" ...scientists are very cautious in their optimism and warn that this does not mean that the alarms around climate change are overrated."

“Our results also indicate weakening sea ice conditions, making the glaciers’ floating ice tongues more vulnerable and unable to grow as large as seen in the early aerial images”

“In the Arctic, we know already that the ocean and atmosphere warming that the globe is experiencing is happening at a much higher rate”

“The Arctic has warmed by about 1 degree over the last decade. It’s predicted that this warming will reach around 4 degrees by the mid-century. This enhanced warming because in the Arctic we have large bodies of water over the north pole - the Arctic Ocean - that is warming up, rather than in East Antarctica where we have a continent.”

“The warm ocean causes the sea ice to melt”, the scientist explains. “The previously white area then becomes dark and absorbs even more heat.”

“We can make positive choices ourselves to reduce our individual climate impacts, for example choosing sustainable transport choices where possible in our daily lives, reducing our energy use around the home, reducing our overall consumption of e.g. clothing, electronic etc, and protecting our local natural environment.”

You go on and on about what an expert you are in materials and chemistry and then you post shit a fourth grader would laugh at.
Interesting comment

That’s how I feel about IPCC reports
"Most glaciers in the Arctic have retreated a lot since the 1930’ies"

" ...scientists are very cautious in their optimism and warn that this does not mean that the alarms around climate change are overrated."

“Our results also indicate weakening sea ice conditions, making the glaciers’ floating ice tongues more vulnerable and unable to grow as large as seen in the early aerial images”

“In the Arctic, we know already that the ocean and atmosphere warming that the globe is experiencing is happening at a much higher rate”

“The Arctic has warmed by about 1 degree over the last decade. It’s predicted that this warming will reach around 4 degrees by the mid-century. This enhanced warming because in the Arctic we have large bodies of water over the north pole - the Arctic Ocean - that is warming up, rather than in East Antarctica where we have a continent.”

“The warm ocean causes the sea ice to melt”, the scientist explains. “The previously white area then becomes dark and absorbs even more heat.”

“We can make positive choices ourselves to reduce our individual climate impacts, for example choosing sustainable transport choices where possible in our daily lives, reducing our energy use around the home, reducing our overall consumption of e.g. clothing, electronic etc, and protecting our local natural environment.”

But the article shows that ice has increased!

The AGWCult tells us the “warming” is melting the ice caps and causing the imaginary “sea level rise”

Does increase mean something else in AGW land?
But the article shows that ice has increased!

The AGWCult tells us the “warming” is melting the ice caps and causing the imaginary “sea level rise”

Does increase mean something else in AGW land?
The ONLY place where the article suggest ice is not decreasing is the East Anarctic Ice Sheet; no where else. I already gave you multiple quotes from your article discussing loss of ice at numerous other locations. And the increase the article states took place in EAIS is described as "slight".

"This unique dataset, found in the archives of the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø, has provided researchers with visual evidence, showing how glaciers in East Antarctica not only haven’t reduced in size but have grown slightly over the last 85 years."

And given that the baseline here is being provided by photographs, there is virtually no measure of ice mass there. The ice sheets of Antarctica have tended to expand and thin as the glaciers behind them accelerated. Unfortunately, the primary action taking place in all of that was a huge LOSS of mass to melting and calving.
The ONLY place where the article suggest ice is not decreasing is the East Anarctic Ice Sheet; no where else. I already gave you multiple quotes from your article discussing loss of ice at numerous other locations. And the increase the article states took place in EAIS is described as "slight".

"This unique dataset, found in the archives of the Norwegian Polar Institute in Tromsø, has provided researchers with visual evidence, showing how glaciers in East Antarctica not only haven’t reduced in size but have grown slightly over the last 85 years."

And given that the baseline here is being provided by photographs, there is virtually no measure of ice mass there. The ice sheets of Antarctica have tended to expand and thin as the glaciers behind them accelerated. Unfortunately, the primary action taking place in all of that was a huge LOSS of mass to melting and calving.
My reading of the article lead me to believe that the East Antarctic photos, only dealt with East Antarctica, which have grown instead of doing a Wicked Witch. That was the point
Then read it again.

Still only has photos of East Antarctica.

And shows, contrary to the (Failed) “Theory” of American high per capita CO2 is melting the ice caps, that ice has GROWN over the past almost 90 years

Should I re-re-reread it to find the photos of the rest of Antarctica that’s not in the article?

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