EVs are literally pieces of crap after the first fender bender!

That was silly on your part to say “ he said “ anything then admit he didn’t.
It might be, if that is what I said. Here's what I actually said. Please read it for real this time.

"Is Biden doing what they said he is doing? That's the key point you'd like to avoid."

Key word here "doing". You do see that, right?
/---/ Nothing silly about it. You claim to know more than clearscience? Plenty more here: do plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. at DuckDuckGo
Where does clearscience or whatever your source is, say that CO2 is NOT a pollutant? CO2 is a POLLUTANT in AGW dufus. When any of you brain dead deniers keep denying it is in the discussion of AGW, it reinforces your ignorance.
There are only two kinds of people, decent and indecent. - Victor Frankl
Dagosa can only slander, relentlessly, hatefully.

It’s not slander to keep calling you out as a FRAUD. Remind everyone how you think every high school and university is wrong with respect to naming the periodic table. Go ahead. You carry a label of “ ChrmEngineer” and you don’t know shit about “chemistry” . You are a fraud !
It might be, if that is what I said. Here's what I actually said. Please read it for real this time.

"Is Biden doing what they said he is doing? That's the key point you'd like to avoid."

Key word here "doing". You do see that, right?
Obviously NO.
I can't help you then. My quote establishes that I didn't say anything about Quid Pro Joe saying anything. Not my problem if you can't comprehend that.
Your source is just a right wing rag with quotes from GOP Trump led goof balls with a history of making up shit. This is a group that typically causes 10 of the last 11 recessions, denies climate change, is represented by the liar in chief, denies elections and still blames democrats who can’t straighten out their messes fast enough. Losers and not to be believed.
Where does clearscience or whatever your source is, say that CO2 is NOT a pollutant? CO2 is a POLLUTANT in AGW dufus. When any of you brain dead deniers keep denying it is in the discussion of AGW, it reinforces your ignorance.
/——/ Because it’s not, just like oxygen or heilium isn’t a pollutant. The only one’s claiming that are you Global Warming scammers.
“RINOs, and Never”
Redundant use of a comma with the conjunction “ and”. It’s Totally unnecessary and incorrect.
/——/ I’m a published author, a decade of writing classes. It’s called the Oxford comma. Any grammar check will point that out.


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/——/ Because it’s not, just like oxygen or heilium isn’t a pollutant. The only one’s claiming that are you Global Warming scammers.
Ha ha
You are a science illiterate aren’t you?
/——/ Because it’s not, just like oxygen or heilium isn’t a pollutant. The only one’s claiming that are you Global Warming scammers.
Where does ANY science source claim CO2 is not a pollutant in the discussion of AGW. . One just name one.
I tell you what. Link any source other than you’re ignorant opinion. Just one. AAMOF, you played stupid again. O2 is also a pollutant at times. You have no concept what a pollutant is do you?
I’m a published author, a decade of writing classes. It’s called the Oxford comma. Any grammar check will point that out.
Oh, the Oxford comma. Do you believe everything “Oxford” says? Hilarious.
Really, you’re a published author, of made up shit. How can a teacher of writing not believe in a dictionary?
You don’t even believe in dictionaries. You and ChemEngineer are frauds.
/——/ Because it’s not, just like oxygen or heilium isn’t a pollutant. The only one’s claiming that are you Global Warming scammers.
Let’s see what “the University of Oxford “ says about your stupid ideas.
/——/ I’m a published author, a decade of writing classes. It’s called the Oxford comma. Any grammar check will point that out.
View attachment 786118
You claim to be a published author who can’t distinguish between the words “ingest” and “inject”. Why is that? Maybe you can‘t read either? Go ahead, make some more foolish claims about pollutants.
You claim to be a published author who can’t distinguish between the words “ingest” and “inject”. Why is that? Maybe you can‘t read either? Go ahead, make some more foolish claims about pollutants.
/——/ Who said I couldn’t distinguish the two, other than you? You’re just grasping at straws.
/——/ Who said I couldn’t distinguish the two, other than you? You’re just grasping at straws.
You’re a confused puppy. You can’t tell the difference between ingest and inject and neither do you even know what a pollutant is. I’ll help you out science illiterate. In science, a pollutant can be a substance OR A CONDITION.
How long have you been this ignorant of science ?
Your source is just a right wing rag with quotes from GOP Trump led goof balls with a history of making up shit. This is a group that typically causes 10 of the last 11 recessions, denies climate change, is represented by the liar in chief, denies elections and still blames democrats who can’t straighten out their messes fast enough. Losers and not to be believed.
IOW, you can't refute anything they said. Good to know.

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