I can't vote for Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012

I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.
Right now, my plan is to vote for RFK jr. if he runs as an independent.
RFK is pro-choice.

So, if abortion is an important topic for you, you should know that.

If society cannot protect the most innocent and vulnerable people within society, which are children, they are not worth their salt.

This extends to the groomers as well with their gender thingy.

Someone needs to stand up for them, even though it seems to be at times futile. After all, abortion is a billion-dollar industry, and most women have abortions for financial reasons. The love of money truly is the root of all evil.

And grooming children is a big money machine as well. These people will need medical care for the rest of their lives, injecting hormones, having to constantly alter their newly formed genitals, having constant counseling, etc., and all paid for by the state, a real economic boom to the medical establishment.

We all know that money controls politics.
It's not a vote for a man anymore. It's a vote for your saving your country or leaving The Regime in charge.
I will vote for DeSantis.

You will to if it is not a vote for a man anymore.

If the fate of the nation depends on an elderly man who has only 4 more years, at best, as President, then we are all doomed anyway.

What, you want to see him impeached 20 more times? What exactly will he do this time he did not do last time?

Funny, he won't even debate this time.
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Trump says the GOP and DeSantis can't win because of their abortion stance.

Trump thinks that voters will turn against him? I thought Trump said it was all rigged.

Funny that.

Really, any half wit would vote against Biden EXCEPT for the TDS voters. TDS is what the DNC has run on, it is literally all they have. Look around, the world is falling apart.
Trump personally doesn't believe that abortion is ever necessary. He hates the idea. He would not impose his opinion as law on anyone else.
Trump is indicating he would "work with democrats" on a federal law allowing abortion.

The fool just had SCOTUS give it to the states, so now he wants to belittle the states that make their own laws on it that he disagrees with and wants a federal law.

Trump apparently wants Roe vs. Wade back.
Good for you. Btw, some people might not know this but he is on the record being for late-term / partial birth abortion. I know what the response to that will be: "That was in the past, when he was a Democrat." Well, people running for office say a lot of things, have we not learned anything from previous presidents? I don't think he truly went from liberal NY Democrat to conservative Republican, but whatever, people can believe what they want.

RFK is pro-choice.
I don't think so.

He finds the idea of abortion, morally and ethically repulsive. There was even one point during his campaign, where he accidentally forgot what the DNC policy on this was, and spoke his heart, not orthodoxy, and it got him into trouble. For he knew, he could not campaign on his beliefs if he wanted the nomination.

His fundamental position is, the government has no place telling others what to believe, but he believes strongly in the sanctity of life. He is a much better Catholic than Joe Biden, I assure you of that.

Matthew 7:1-6​

Trump is indicating he would "work with democrats" on a federal law allowing abortion.

The fool just had SCOTUS give it to the states, so now he wants to belittle the states that make their own laws on it that he disagrees with and wants a federal law.

Trump apparently wants Roe vs. Wade back.
Roe was bad law. It should never have been a federal law. The states should have their own laws from the beginning.
I don't think so.

He finds the idea of abortion, morally and ethically repulsive. There was even one point during his campaign, where he accidentally forgot what the DNC policy on this was, and spoke his heart, not orthodoxy, and it got him into trouble. For he knew, he could not campaign on his beliefs if he wanted the nomination.

His fundamental position is, the government has no place telling others what to believe, but he believes strongly in the sanctity of life. He is a much better Catholic than Joe Biden, I assure you of that.

Matthew 7:1-6​

He might not even be all rapey like his bro. I mean uncle.
Votto, If we would train our children on the use of birth CONTROL, there would be no need for medical procedures after the fact. Greed is running this show. Baby parts are big, big business. Nerve endings are one of the first things developed in a fetus. The later the abortion is performed, the more pain the infant endures. It is macabre.

My body, my choice? My ass. Why isn't it my body my choice as to whether I want a vaccine or not? That's just the bullshit propaganda they use to sell you on the "necessity" of abortions. Then they carve up infants like they were chickens...
A pill a day...It isn't the 1800's.
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Good for you. Btw, some people might not know this but he is on the record being for late-term / partial birth abortion. I know what the response to that will be: "That was in the past, when he was a Democrat." Well, people running for office say a lot of things, have we not learned anything from previous presidents? I don't think he truly went from liberal NY Democrat to conservative Republican, but whatever, people can believe what they want.

Trump is an oppurtunist.

He once asked Oprah to be his VP, and we all know what kind of person she is.

Trump also made fun of conservatives wanting to secure the border like Pat Buchanon.

This is an important video to watch.

Trump called Pat Buchanon Hitler and xenophobic, etc., for wanting to secure the border back in the 1990's when he wanted to run in the Reform Party.
What makes OP think DeSantis will be the nominee?

Exactly OP.

Are you talkin' in the Primary, or in the General?

Cuz if it's the latter - you can post all the insightful entertaining content ya likes - and you often do.

Yet you're still part of the problem.

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